Chapter one: No More and The Training

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I will warn some people that the beginning is very sad and cruel, but don't worry it gets better in the end. ~Love the Author

You wake up to the sounds of angry knocking at your door. You quickly jumped out of bed and ran to open the door. You were limping on your right leg because of a huge gash in it. It was tightly covered over with white bandages. You took a deep breath and opened the door. You saw your father there and he was angry as usual. "Hello father " You said bowing. "Stand up straight and get changed now" he said sternly. "Hai, sir" You quickly left the door and ran over to your closet. You grabbed your normal outfit. A black knee high frilly dress that covered both your shoulders and arms. You slipped on a pair of black leggings and black combat boots. Your long black hair went down to your knees. You brushed it ever so quickly. Your golden cross hung off your neck as usual. You ran over to your father. It took you less then a minute to get ready. "Good lets go" He grabbed your arm and yanked your small body forwards. You walked as fast as your leg would tolerate. You winced in pain but made sure he didn't hear you or he would punish you again. He dragged you by your arm till the dining room then threw you into the room. Him soon following after. You quickly got up and dusted yourself off. Your mother ran to you and hugged you. Your head was hanging low. "Happy birthday Tsukiko. It's your fifth one so I got you a special present." You nodded your head. She grabbed you lightly by the hand and walked you over to the table with your rest of your so called family. Your two older brothers and sister. They glared at you as usual. There hair a shimmering white, silver, or gray. While your was a dark black. There eyes white as a wall. Yours are the colour of a black pit. The only thing you had in common was your ivory skin. You sat at the table and wait for everyone else to start eating. "Eat now we have to discuss something in your room later" your father said. You knew what that meant... It was more punishment for what ever. Everyone was half way done by now and you started to eat along with them. You were finished first, and soon the others finished. You grabbed all there plates and lightly placed them in the sink. Father looked at you with a huge smirk on his face. You looked at him then slowly started to walk towards your room. He pushed you forwards sometimes. You picked up the pace slightly. Once at your door you opened in slightly. Then father pushed it the rest of the way. You walked over to your bed and made it quickly. Father closed and locked the door. You sat on the bed and waited for your father. He sat beside you and placed his hand in between your thighs.

[Okay this is were it gets bad my friends, don't worry you can skip a head to the next set of brackets]

He lifted your dress up and over your head and removed your leggings, socks and boots. You were left there in your underwear since you didn't wear any bras yet. He started to undress him self. "As my gift to you I will make it pleasurable enough" He said as he stood in only boxers. Then as usual he gave you your punishment. He made your small body shake and made you gasp until it was over.

[okay it's safe to read now]

You took a shower then put your clothes back on. Father had left the room awhile ago. Then there was a light knock at the door. You opened it to see your mother with a big back pack. It was half of one of you. You smiled knowing the plan you and your mother came up with was finally in action. But you faded back to being your emotionless self. She walked in carrying the backpack and locked the door behind her. She walked over to your closet and grabbed random clothes, plus your brush putting them in the already half way full bag. "Plan No More, will work my dear don't worry" she said looking worried. "I was about to say the same thing mother." You said giving her a hug. She passed you the bag and you put it on your back. "Your training is now complete, now lets get you out of here." She smiled. She lifted you up through the window she had just opened. The house was close to the village my mother called Konoha. So you are running there. Once outside your window you looked at your mother and gave her a genuine smile. She unlocked the door to my room and jumped out of the window and closed it behind her. We took off running... Once we made it to beginning of the forest that surrounds the village, I used to call home. "Mother thank you for everything you have done for me... I wish that we could go together but it is too dangerous for two people to leave" "You were always so wise my dear.. I hope we meet again someday" "Me too mother" you gave her one final hug and kiss. She kissed your forehead and stood up and left. You ran into the forest and keep on running never to stop until you dropped from exhaustion or thought you were safe. So let the journey begin.

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