Chapter 8: A Mission

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Team seven has been doing easy missions, so far I have used no chakra and its pissing me off. Naruto even picked all the herbs and grass of a ladies garden. The moron. I am getting a harder mission, even if it means to join the Root... I will do this. Right now you are in the middle of Taijutsu training with Sasuke. You blocked another punch to the face and moved his hand to the left in front of you. You twisted your body and kicked him in the side. Making him go flying to the left of you. He is skidding on the ground away from you. "Sasuke, you done yet?" You asked as he shakily gets up. You rolled your eyes. You were behind him in less than two seconds. You held a kunai to his throat. "Done, now Sasuke?" He mumbled a "yes" You removed it from his throat. "Why are you going easy on me... Tsukiko" He growled as you turned to leave. "Because if I don't I'll kill you.. And turn you into a pulp... Plus look around. See all those craters, if my leg or fist touched you, you would have died, or broke most of your bones, but you were lucky and dodged them, and you barely did." You explained as he looked around. You walked off before you heard what he said. You saw a bird circling overhead. "*sigh* time to go see Kakashi... Hopefully he won't be late" You said as you headed for the Hokage's tower/building. Once there you knocked on the door. You saw an older man drinking sakē, with a chunin and Jonin walking with him. "Hey Tazuna, how have you been?" You said as he approached the door. "Very good and you?" He said hiccuping. "My health is fine" "Come in" You opened the door for Tazuna. He walked in then you. "You wanted to see me Hokage-sama?" You said crossing your arms over your chest. "Yes I did, you and team 7 are to protect this man, on the way to the land of waves" He said in his raspy voice. "Hai" you said. "So Tazuna, why you in the Hidden leaf anyway?" You asked. Everyone sweat dropped at your question and was confused on how you knew his name before them. "Picking up supplies and-" "Sakē" You finished off for him. "You know me too well, and when did you get taller, your getting close to my height" He laughed. "Well it has been a year old friend" You gave a closed eye'd smile. Tazuna spotted team seven behind you. "So are these brats, supposed to protect me, especially the idiot" He said. You sweat dropped. Then Kakashi started talking. You anime fell, having Kakashi catch you. "You alright, Tsukiko?" He asked worry laced in his voice. "I swear he is bipolar sometimes." You said getting up, with Kakashi's help. "We will meet at the gates in 1 hour" Kakashi said. Everyone nodded as they left the room.

You waited till everyone left, leaving you and The Hokage alone. You closed the door. "Hokage sama, I need some help" He looked up at you with surprise. "What do you need, Tsukiko?" He asked calmly. "I need help to fix a seal" You mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "What type of seal?" He asked getting curious. You took a deep breath and let it out. "A demon seal" you mumbled. 'Demon seal... Why would she.... She has a demon inside her... No wonder she asked, someone probably broke it' The Hokage thought to him self. He waved you to talk a seat. "Why a demon seal?" He asked. "I would have to start from the beginning." You confessed. He nodded for you to continue. "I had a demon sealed into me when I was born, that is when my troubles started.... After I left my village, I met the Akatsuki and they became my family... They helped me become strong so I could protect my self, blah, blah, blah.... When I was nine a man named Orochimaru grabbed me, and broke my seal and caused my demon to go on a rampage... In the bingo book, on page 16 is me." You confessed to the Hokage as you slumped in your seat with your head facing down. You heard him open a drawer. You looked up to see his bingo book. You saw him carefully open it and his eyes widen in shock. You looked away from him. He flipped the page over, and continued reading. "You're the new moon demon and Dark priestess?" You nodded. "I am sorry for not telling you earlier, but I was scared." You teared up. "It's not my fault though" you mumbled as a tear slipped out of your eye and onto the floor. "I understand, Tsukiko, about stuff like this... The one who caused it was one of my students, Orochimaru" You hated that man so much. "I can try and help you, but it will have to wait, but it includes Danzō, I will warn you." He warned. You nodded and hugged him. "Lord Hokage, a new moon is in a few days, and I am worried about my team" "Just warn them to stay away from you and keep a good distance." He ordered. You nodded and hugged him again. "I don't know what I would do without you" You whispered. He laughed. You pulled away from him and went to stand in front of his desk. You turned and faced him. You bowed. "Thank you for your time Hokage-sama." "No problem, Tsukiko, now you better hurry up and get going, you have ten minutes" He chuckled. "I have everything I need with me, as usual" You smiled. He laughed again. "See you in a few weeks to a month sir" you said bowing again. "Okay, Tsukiko, good luck" He said seriously "Thank you" you left the office in a cloud of smoke. You were on top of the gate. There was a guard to the left of you, they were Anbu. You turned to see they haven't noticed you there yet. "Boo" you whispered. They jumped and whipped out a kunai. You broke out into laughter. They just glared at you, and put their kunai away. "You should pay more attention to chakra gathering points" You mocked. "I was focusing on the brats down there" he said "And weren't you fighting the Uchiha, earlier?" "Yes I was, he will never beat his brother at this rate." You mocked "You're one of Danzō's men or woman aren't you" "Yes and he seems pretty fond of you." He mumbled. "I figured... But I won't join Anbu black ops till I become a Chunin, and I am under control" You stated bluntly. You could tell he was confused. "Bingo book page 16-17" You said as he went to grab it. He looked at the book then you. He took a step back. "It's not a new moon, you're fine.... *notices Kakashi coming* I better meet my team or they will have my head" You laughed. The Anbu relaxed. You laughed again.

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