Chapter 23

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You pulled out your little boy as Otachi blocked and you jumped backwards away from Danzō. You turned 'little boy' into a AK47 and fired it at Danzō . He disappeared in a cloud of smoke. 'Substition jutsu' you thought keeping your guard up. You turned it into a Syth and swung it backwards as it hit a Anbu black op in the stomach. You slammed them down as their body slipped off and you spun the blade. You saw Danzō to your right trying to run off. You threw your Syth in the air and shot four senbon at him. They landed on four pressure points in his legs causing him to collapse under himself. You caught the Syth and sent a glance to Sho. He nodded and went over to Danzō to finish him off. You started to take out the Anbu black ops that were there. A sudden loud cry off pain distracted you and Otachi shielded you from a blow and you were pushed back. You saw Sho with a kunai stabbed into his stomach and a kunai slitting his throat. "Sho, you were one of my favourites I am glad that I had met you" You shouted moving cautiously towards him. Danzō disappeared from the scene and you ran over to him. "And... I am... glad... I... Tsukiko... Sama." Sho said faintly and hoarsly as he clutched his throat you pressed your hands over top of his and started up medical ninjutsu. "If you don't make it, I want you to know that you were an amazing person that I cared about deeply." You said quickly adding more Chakra to his throat. "Hm" he muttered before sneezing. You held in a huge burst of laughter at that. "Adorable, but still try not to die right now" you teased. He smiled, from behind his mask. You healed his throat and headed towards his stomach. You carefully pulled the kunai out of his wound and started to heal him. "Ssssssuuukeyoh" Sho said well it was what it sounded like. "Don't talk for a bit your throat was cut remember?" You teased. He nodded but let out a grunt. You shook your head and continued to heal Sho's wound. The clatter of metal behind you sounded and the thud of bodies hitting the ground. Suddenly a huge feeling of heat was felt behind you. "Ooove" Sho panicked. You looked behind you to see a fire ball coming towards you and Sho. It was to late to move. Otachi blocked and extended, but you felt Haku's chakra and ice formed around the fireball. 'Thank you Haku' You smirked. The Chakra left as soon as it came. Kiyoshi had burn marks and scrapes all over. "Sho you need to be taken to a hospital, you too Kiyoshi." You ordered. "My lady what about you?" Kiyoshi asked blocking another kunai. "Don't worry about me, get Sho to the hospital, I will some you know who if I must." You said calmly finishing up on Sho. Kiyoshi nodded and appeared beside you. You ran forwards and started to attack. You killed off all the Anbu black ops that were there and disappeared from the base.

You knocked on a door. And a head of silver answered. "Tsukiko... WHAT HAPPENED?" Kakashi said pulling you inside his house. "Just low chakra." You lied. "Bull, now what happened, who attacked you?" Kakashi said noticing your wound across your right cheek and the scrapes on your hands. "Anbu black ops, they didn't appreciate me being here." You sighed. Kakashi deadpanned at you and started to bandage your hand after you followed him to the bathroom in his house. (You had taken your shoes off first) He first used rubbing alcohol to clean your cuts. You wince and whimper at the stinging feeling. Kakashi chuckled at your childish behaviour. (What rubbing alcohol fucking hurts) He put some on a Cotten ball and reached it up to your face. You bit your lip trying not to scream. But you screamed swear words while you had your mouth clamped down. Kakashi chuckled again and placed gaze on your face. "Ow" you muttered. "Thanks for helping me out" you sighed. "It was nothing Tsukiko." Kakashi said patting your head. You leaned over and kissed his more exposed cheek. He blushed and you smirked. "So how has everything been since I have left?" You asked. "Pretty good, the other rookie nine, except for Naruto and Sasuke are Chunin now." Kakashi said. You nodded and said "in the hidden leaf am a Jonin but in my village a Anbu or Assassin." You said cockily. Kakashi gave a closed eye'd smile. "So you marrying anyone?" Kakashi teased. "No, no I have my eyes on someone though." You said with a smirk as you looked at him cockily. He suddenly looked upset. 'Ha he doesn't know' you thought. Kakashi sighed and you stood up and started to push him softly on his chest. 'Kakashi you aren't getting away from me now' You thought your smirk getting wider. "Tsukiko what are you doing?" Kakashi asked, back up from you with every slight push on his clothed chest. You made your way to Kakashi's bedroom.

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now