Chapter 28

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Four and a half months later.

The war was coming up soon and you knew it. You haven't been able to get Naruto alone, since he is now known as the the villages hero and everyone wants to either get his autograph or a photo with him. Just thinking about it makes your head hurt.  You have finally seen your Ani again (earlier in story)   He has visited you constantly during the last few months.   He was here just yesterday in fact.   You let your self go back to the present. You are laying down in bed with with a pair of sweats and a huge T-shirt on. You have been living at Kakashi's new place and have made an alliance with the Hidden leaf village. Mika, Kou and Aki visit every once in awhile. You made mother the relief leader of your village and the village has expanded closer to the hidden leaf. There are an extra set of gates on the other side of the village but they open and close automatically. The village is almost maybe even bigger then the Rain Village and your village is still expanding. The hidden leaf and the moon village might even join together at some point or another.

You were brought out of your reading by something wet. "KAKASHI!!!!" You yelled, moving your legs over the side of the bed, setting the book down and standing up. You heard him run up the stairs. He opened the door and you looked up at him. "I think my water just broke" you say wide eyes. He runs over to you and helps you towards the door. "Well I guess we should get you to the hospital now then" Kakashi says smartassedly. "That would be a thou-... Ow ow ow ow ow ow." You are cut off by sharp pains in your lower area. Kakashi teleports you and him just out side the hospital and helps you walk in. You start to have another contraction. "Owowowowowow" you say really fast. "Hold on Tsukiko" Kakashi says sweetly. You nod and take a few deep breaths. "Can we get a nurse over here?" Kakashi yells. A few nurses run over to you and you recognize them right away. You sweat drop. The nurses help you into a wheel chair and help you through the halls. You start have really close contractions after an hour. You are lying in a bed holding Kakashi's hand. "Kakashi?" You ask softly. "If I die because of this pain, I will find a way back and kill you myself." Kakashi sweat drops and says "you won't die, right?" He says towards a nurse. He looks at him and blushes. "Only if she looses to much blood" Another nurse states bluntly. "Well this child better not be the death of me then" you snap. You are still holding Kakashi's hand gently. You suddenly have a ripping pain and almost scream. A doctor runs over to you and checks between your legs. "Shit you guys weren't keeping an eye on her, she is in 10 cm diameter" the doctor said. The doctor is tanned, red headed and green eyed. Another sharp and painful contraction. You take in a few deep breaths. "Oh my Jashin-sama." You mutter and squeeze Kakashi's hand lightly as possible. "Okay when I tell you to push I want you to push." The doctor says. You nod. "Okay push" the doctor says. You push your hardest and let out a scream as the pain becomes unbearable. This continues on for about three hours before you shout. "KAKASHI... WHY THE FUCK DID WE HAVE TO HAVE SEX!!!" Most of the nurses burst out laughing along with him and the doctor. "We need you to breath Tsukiko" Kakashi says sweetly. You glare darkly at him. "IF I DIDNT LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I WOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW" You shout. He softly strokes your hand with the opposite one he's holding your hand with. You squeeze it as hard as you could without breaking it and push again. "Owowowow" Kakashi mutters. "Now image that about a million times worse" a nurse says. Kakashi sweat drops at that. "A few more pushes ma'am" the doctor says. You take a deep breath and push as hard as you can. You do it a few more times and stop. After a few seconds you hearing crying. "It's a boy." The nurse said. "Ma'am your not done yet" The doctor says. "What!!! KAKASHI I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU" you yell angrily at Kakashi. "I love you Tsukiko" Kakashi cooes. "WELL I HATE YOU!!" You yell letting go of his hand. He tried moving his hand it worked.

After finally finishing giving birth and transferring to a different room you are lying down in the bed and Kakashi is holding your baby boy. "Thank Jashin they aren't the same gender." You sigh. Kakashi nods. "What are we going to name them?" You ask. "You should name him" Kakashi says. "What about the name Satoru?" You ask. "That sounds lovey dear" Kakashi says rocking him back and forth. "I like Satoru for our son." Kakashi says. "Satoru Hatake, has a nice ring don't you think?" You say. Kakashi smirks and nods. "I say he has your hair" You joke. "You mean our hair and our eyes." Kakashi chuckles. You chuckle too. "I forgot I had silver hair too, I guess we're all old in this family" you tease. Then frown. Kakashi comes and sits in a nearby chair. "Tsukiko what's wrong?" Kakashi asks. "I am scared that I won't be a good mother." You say. "And I am scared of the same reason, but move in father terms then mother." Kakashi nattered. You smile at that. "Plus you are great with children Tsukiko." Kakashi praises. "I know your good with them too" you retort. "Well I think you will do a better job at it then me" Kakashi says. "No you will." You say back. "No you,will." Kakashi argued. Surprisingly your arguing didn't wake up the children. There was a very soft knock at the door. "Come in" you say. A nurse walked in. "Have you picked names yet?" She asks. You and Kakashi nod. The nurse nods and reaches in a pouch for a writing pad. She stands waiting with a pencil. "Satoru Hatake" You say slowly. The nurse starts writing then walks over to you. She shows you the writing pad. It reads 'Boy: Satoru Hatake.' You nod and the nurse walks out of the room. "So...." You say. "I love you Tsukiko" Kakashi sucks up. "I love you too" You smirk. You close your tired eyes. "You should sleep Tsukiko" Kakashi says leaning down and kissing your forehead. You nod and roll onto your stomach. You smirk and smile happily. "Why are you laying on your stomach?" Kakashi asks. "I haven't been able to do it for nine whole months. I am finally able to do it so I am" you say cockily. Kakashi chuckles. He walks over to the nearby crib and sets Satoru in it. Kakashi then sits in the chair beside you and rests his head beside yours. You open one eye and look at him. He smirks from under his mask. You smirk back then fall asleep.

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now