Chapter 13: Party Time

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Recap: You raised your head to look at the woman in front of you. She used her other hand to wipe away your tears. You blushed. But it quickly faded as you gained your composure yet again. She held your chin and looked at you in the eyes.

[time to mess with emotions *smiling evilly*] Love your author, Rie_Chihau....

Your faces were really close together. That's when you lost it, you couldn't hide your blush anymore. You felt your stomach flutter again. You felt like your faces were getting closer. You turned your head away and held your hands to your chest. Anko's hand was replaced on your chin. She forced your head to face hers. Your blush darkened. You felt like you were going to faint. Anko smiled then messed up your hair. The fluttering in your stomach died. You got your composure back. That's when you felt something touch your lips, it was Anko's thumb. You pulled your face away from her grasp. You clutched your shirt tightly. The blush reappeared as a light tint on your cheeks. You heard Anko laugh. You felt her wrap her arms around your waist. You did a hand sign to disperse a genjutsu, it being your first time doing it, since you don't fall under genjutsus. Nothing happened. 'What the hell, it's not a genjutsu, but I feel so weird, even weirder than when I am with Kakashi' you thought. Anko rested her chin on your head. "Anko what are you doing?" You asked. She laughed again. "Holding you, why do you want me to do something else" she asked. "No it's just... I don't know" You mumbled. You felt Mika's, Kakashi's and Ibiki's chakra coming near you. You closed your eyes. Suddenly you felt Anko move her arms. You stood still, as she placed a hand over your heart and her other arm still wrapped around your waist, except it was lower. You dropped an arm to your side while the other one moved over Anko's hand. You felt Anko's head move and buried it's self in your neck. You tried to move away from her, but it failed. It's not that you didn't like it, in fact you really liked it, it's just that it is slightly awkward. You were probably much stronger than her, but you felt so weak. You felt her nip at your ear, then slid her tongue over it. You whimpered. She did it a few more times, before moving to your neck. There were faded hickeys from the last time you and Kakashi went at it. You showed them off with out a care in the world, along with your scars. She went and trailed her tongue up and down your neck. You whimpered again. You felt her hand drop lower. "If we are going to do this... Can we go somewhere else" You begged, which doesn't happen too often. You felt her smirk against your neck. "Sure, where do you suggest" She said huskily, you felt her let go of you. Your face was flushed, and your neck was hot. 'What is wrong with me... What the hell, I should have yelled rape but no I say can we go somewhere else, how fucking lovely.' You mentally face palmed. You put a hand to your neck, covering up the new hickeys, as Anko let go of you. "Hey, ane and stripper lady" Mika said running up to you.

She turned and walked away with a huge smirk on her face. Leaving you there with a flushed face, a weird feeling, and hickeys. You rubbed your neck trying to get the saliva off it, thankfully it worked. You faced Kakashi and Ibiki, you had the slightest tint of pink on your cheeks. "Tsukiko are you okay, what happened between you and Anko" Ibiki asked putting a hand on your shoulder. You stepped away from him. Ibiki and Kakashi were confused. Only Kakashi has seen you this flustered before. Then he went to grab your hand off your neck. You moved further away from them. Mika was giggling at your behaviour. "Ane, your acting funny and why are you covering your neck?" Mika asked. You blushed a full on red. Ibiki and Kakashi gazed at you with wide eyes. "Shit don't tell me Anko, molested you" Ibiki said face palming. You looked away. Kakashi grabbed your hand and slowly ever so carefully moved your hand off your neck. There was three hickeys on your neck. "I am going to kill her" Kakashi grumbled. You slowly went to look at him. He had a tight grip on your wrist. You whimpered yet again, but this on out of pain. And that is showing a lot because of your pain tolerance. Kakashi quickly loosed his grip and gently caressed your wrist, soothing it. "Thanks for showing up when you did" You muttered. "Did you just say thanks" Mika said, like she had never heard you say it before. you rolled your eyes. You smacked her in the head. "OOOOWWWW" she whined rubbing the back of her head. Kakashi walked over to you and smacked you on the head. You smacked him back but harder. He ended up on his face in the dirt. You and Ibiki burst out laughing. You then heard Kakashi swearing. He slowly got up rubbing the back of his head. You laughed harder.

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