Chapter 6: Anger And A Summoning

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It's been three days since you passed the Genin exam with flying colours. You hate the therapy because it hurts and you were pissed all your emotions have been flying everywhere the passed few days. You made friends with some of the guys in Ino's class and she barely leaves your side.

You couldn't take the therapy anymore, you had to hit something. You walked towards the training fields, and walked a bit further then that. You saw boulders and trees. You started hitting, trees and boulders. Chunks were being taking out of them. You slammed your fists into a boulder, splitting it in half. You looked at it as your emotions slipped out, sadness, joy, pity, and finally anger. You kept hitting it, breaking the boulder into smaller pieces. You had tears falling from your eyes as you practiced Taijutsu, flipping and acting like you were fighting someone. Dodging pretend kunai and shuriken. All your memories flashed in your head, every hit to your frail body, every word carved into your skin, every single whip that hit your back, every rape. You hit things harder as you became angrier. You kicked a tree making it crack and pieces of wood flew everywhere. Every boulder was turned into small rocks and pebbles. Trees were being beaten and the crack of wood could be heard through the training grounds. You fell onto your knees and burst into tears. You could still feel the whip crashing down on your back. You could hear them calling you a Demon, monster, a waste of life, worthless. You hugged your self tightly. "Maybe everything they called me is true.. Maybe I am a monster, a waste of life, worthless... ". You cried heavier. "Why was I born different... Why am I a monster, or worthless... Why me?". You felt a hand on your shoulder. "Call me what you want... I don't care anymore". You continued to cry. You felt them pull you close. You clung to the shirt of the person not caring who it is. They stroked your head. You continued to cry into the shirt. You were like that for a good five minutes. You noticed there were lots of people around you. Some of the auras were angry. Till they were close to you, then they relaxed into a worried aura. You had your eyes closed. You slowly cuddled into the warmth of the body. You opened your eyes slowly. You didn't care anymore. The person was holding you close, like you were precious, like how mother did. You stayed like that for awhile. You raised your head off the persons chest. You looked up with your eyes still watering. You saw that Kiba was holding you. "Th-thank you Kiba.". "No problem Tsukiko". You rested your head on his chest again, closing your eyes. You felt someone wipe away your tears. "You know it's not good to keep your emotions in a jar". "I know but I don't have very many anymore.". "What are your emotions?". "Anger, sadness, pity, worthlessness, should I go on?". "No need to.". You cuddled into him again. He didn't push you away and you felt like you could trust him. "You're the first person I have trusted, in a long time Kiba". "Cool". Akamaru barked in response. You pushed off his chest. "I am about to do something I don't do to many okay". He nodded. You glomped him in a hug. He hugged back. He fell backwards and you were on top of him. You sat up on him. He was blushing and so were you. You felt holes being melted into your head. Your blush darkened knowing that you were straddling Kiba. You quickly got off him. You saw Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino. Your cheeks were a slight red hue. "So guys how are ya?" you asked innocently. "Going to be late you troublesome woman" "Oh yeah... I almost forgot about the team thingies" you rubbed the back of your head nevousily. You saw Kiba get up. Shino offered you his hand and you took it. He helped you up. You saw Sasuke was blushing slightly as his eyes looked over your body. "Uchiha I advise you to stop checking me out before I turn your face into one of the boulders I just smashed." Everyone backed away from you. He looked away. You felt two chakra's coming behind you. You were knocked over in a hug. Sasuke grabbed you making Ino fall to the ground. He had you around the waist. You stomped on his foot and he let go of you. You helped Ino up. Naruto asked "hey Tsukiko you want to get some ramen later?" "Sure" Choji hugged you as usual. Shino let you play around with his bugs. And you gave Akamaru his daily belly rub.

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