Chapter 2: Presents and Good bye

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After you opened all the presents you looked them over. Hidan had got you a necklace just like his and a white teddy bear with black eyes. Pein had got you three scrolls to put your stuff in, what he called a ninja belt, a book that told you how to take great care of yourself and a black backpack. Konan got you a teenaged size Akatsuki cloak for when your older, some slightly bigger long sleeves in various colours and placed a black origami rose in your hair. Kiseme got you a knife and a adjustable holster to put your knife in. Sasori gave you a small wooden puppet and some carefully designed wooden toys. Deidara gave you some clay hearts and flowers, and some paint so you can paint them later. Tobi got you candy and I mean a whole medium sized box filled with suckers, mints, caramels, and chocolates. And a huge black teddy bear it was the same size as you. Itachi gave you a cross necklace, it was a gold chain with small gold cross, he also gave you a pair of black sandals, and a black sleeveless dress. Zetsu gave you a black chained bracelet that had a button near the end, so that if you were in danger to click it and either Itachi, Kiseme, Hidan, Kakazu, Sasori or anyone that is available at the time would be there to get you out of it. Kakazu gave you 1600 yen, an Akatsuki cloak that would fit you for a few years, face paint, make up, a couple black jackets, a pink, green, and black sweater, a pillow, and a sleeping bag. You grabbed your three scrolls one for sleeping gear. The second one for clothing, toys, and other stuff. The third one for money. You put your pillow, sleeping bag, stuffed animals into the first scroll. You rolled in up and slipped it into the pouch in the ninja belt in front of you.

Pein was writing the next sealing thing on the next scroll for you. He had shown you the hand signs and told you to think about what you want out of the scroll and it would be there. He finished and you put your clothes, bigger Akatsuki cloak, toys and clay shapes, sandals, face paint, paint, and make up into your second scroll. You rolled it up after sealing it and put it into your pouch. You were waiting for Pein to finish writing the third one so you asked Kakazu to help you sort out your money. He helped you put your 20 yen bills into hundreds. You had sixteen piles. You put one one them in your pouch with your two scrolls so far. Once Pein finished you sealed the piles of money into the third scroll. You put it into the pouch. Pein looked at you and grabbed the scrolls and put them side ways standing up. He slipped your book in to the pouch also. The money was in the bottom of your pouch. It was only you Pein, Konan, Hidan, and Kakazu in the room. You slipped your old clothes into your new backpack, smaller Akatsuki cloak and your water bottle. You rolled up your sleeve slightly but put it down. "Will you guys stare at me if I put on the arm holster?". They cautiously said "No". You fully rolled up your sleeve and strapped on your arm holster. With help from Konan. What she saw on your arm pissed her off. 'DEMON, FAILURE, WHORE, MONSTER, NEW MOON CHILD, DEVIL, EVIL etc'. You looked away from her face. It showed anger, pity, and you don't know what else there was. She strapped it on and slipped the black knife in. She rolled down your sleeve, and stood up. "That's why I asked.". "Now I know why you have long sleeves on". You nodded.

 It was silent for a long time. You grabbed your ninja belt and strapped it around your waist. It was adjustable for later. You were wearing both the necklaces too. "Thank you for letting me stay here and for training me to defend myself.". "No need to, your family and families watch each other's backs.". Konan said and the others nodded. You gave them hugs. And grabbed your backpack. "Thank you ojisan for showing me how to deal with money and how to spend it wisely. And thank you oniisans for standing by my side and showing me how to smile again. And oneesan thank you for almost being a second mother to me.". "See ya later little bitch" Hidan said. "We will meet you by the front door Tsukiko" You nodded and went off into the next room. Everyone looked at you. "Imoutosan you're leaving already.... please don't because Tobi's a good boy". Tobi said "Sorry but I must". You gave him another hug. "We sure are going to miss you, now remember to stay smart and watch out for strangers.". Kiseme said sternly you nodded. "Watch out for people who wear animal masks or ones with symbols we showed you, when you are wearing an Akatsuki cloak". Itachi said. You nodded. "Stay healthy and don't use up to much energy.". Konan said. You smiled in reply. "Save your money" Kakazu said. "Thank you oniisans, ojisan, and oneesan for everything... I hope... I mean we will see each other sooner or later". Tobi was anime crying and everyone looked down. Hidan said "and remember its oh my Jashin, not oh my god". That made everyone glare at Hidan. You coughed and started to hug everyone. Once you were finished. Hidan grabbed an elastic band. "What are you doing". "Putting your hair up". "What about the... you know Kanji". "I don't care it makes you look more fucking tough...  Little bitch". "Oh okay than". He put your hair up in a bun then put a senbon needle threw it. "What you fucking think". "Cool thanks oniisan.". He turned you around and grabbed your bag. He pulled out your Akatsuki cloak and tied it around your waist. He slightly had it folded in the middle. "Fuck you are looking tough, little bitch". "Hide your emotions from people you don't trust" Itachi said as you turned around. "Remember your always beautiful imoutosan" Tobi said. You smiled. "I love you all". Their jaws hit the floor. "I love you too Tsukiko" Tobi said and gave you a hug.

He picked you up slightly and ran to the hallway. He set you down and took off his man and kissed you on the cheek and forehead. "Thank you for teaching me how to smile again.". You smiled and tried to hide your blush. (I'm not telling what he looks like, because I'm evil) You heard someone's foot steps. "Put your mask back on quickly". You whisper yelled. He wasn't doing it quickly enough so you stepped in front of him. Three people burst threw the door. You felt Tobi jump up behind you. Deidara, Hidan, and Kiseme were at the door. "We are going to talk later". Kiseme said. Deidara nodded. And Hidan was smirking. "Thanks Tobi... And I should get going" Kiseme and Hidan both grabbed your hands. They walked you out of the door. "Good bye for now my friends... Or should I say new family.". You smiled. "Good bye (un) (little bitch)" they all said and you jumped into the trees off to find a new place you can call home.

Sorry for the short chapter but I am writing three books so.. Hold on for a bit and school starts in a couple days. Love: Rie_Chihau.

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