Chapter 4: A Chase and Intrusion

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You walked into the office holding onto the Hokage's robe as you passed the silver haired man. Another man entered the room as the Hokage sat down behind his desk. He had short blackish brown hair. They were both wearing similar clothing. The only big differences were that the silver haired mans face was covered by a mask that covered his mouth and nose. And a head plate over his left eye. The other man had a sash around his wait and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. "Kakashi and Asuma". They nodded their heads. "You are to show this child around the village and make sure she doesn't try and run". "What why?". You asked the Hokage letting go of his robe and stomping your foot. "I want to make sure you are alright before you leave after what happened earlier". "That happens all the time to me... No need to worry about it". You turned away from the hokage and walked a couple steps. "Ever since I left the village they have been following". You finished you walked to an open spot and pulled out a scroll. You opened it. You did a series of hand signs and twisted the scroll. Your black jacket appeared and you put you backpack over the scroll and it disappeared. You did some more hand signs and locked your scroll. You rolled it back up and put your scroll back into your pouch. You grabbed your sweater and stood up. You looked at the faces of the Hokage and the two guys named Asuma and Kakashi. They looked dumbfounded. "What never seen a non-ninja do a jutsu before?". They kept staring. "You keep starring I will have to do something drastic". You warned. You rolled your eyes and started walking out the office door. You closed the door and put on your black jacket. You broke off into a sprint and exited the building. "Exit... Exit". You mumbled. You jumped onto a roof to see where you were going. You took out the braid in your hair. You grabbed your senbon needle you picked up before leaving the interrogation centre. And tied your hair into a messy bun and stuck your senbon needle into in. You felt the energies known as chakra run after you. You saw a large building and you ran to it. There was a open window. You ran to the edge of roof, jumping while curling your self into a tight ball. You went through the window with ease. Everything was going slow motion for you. You moved your legs so they could help land your fall. Making sure that you brace your left leg, by putting it in the upright position. You unrolled your body and felt the wound in your stomach open, and you felt the blood starting to flow from both your wounds. Time started to speed up again. You landed skidding backwards on your right leg, leaning your left arm over your upright left leg. Your right arm covering your stomach. You slowly tried standing up but collapsed back into your left knee. You felt your left leg oozing blood too. "Tsukiko?". You looked over to your left to see a stund adult and a room full of kids about a year older than you, one of them being Ino. "For Jashin-sama's sake". You swore. The teacher deadpanned staring at you. "Stop fucking starring you brainless zombies... Well except for you Ino". They all looked at her. Someone bursted through the door, you stood up and turning around but ended falling back instead. You expected to hit the floor but you landed in something soft. "Yeah go Sasuke-kun.../ he's so strong... / get away from my Sasuke" a bunch of different girls yelled. Your head was pounding. You looked up to see the last surviving Uchiha other than Tobi and Itachi. You tried to get up but this Sasuke fellow was being a prick and not letting you. "I don't need help from a boy" you snarled managing to get out of his hold. Your shirt and jacket was soaked in blood so was your left pant leg. "She is like a even better female version of Sasuke." A boy whispered. "Don't compare me with a person who has never seen my pain... understood." You said every word with such venom you could kill an elephant. This Sasuke you heard so much of was just starring at you. 'He is almost everything Ino had told you. Except for the strong, dreamy, loving, caring, part about him... And what the fuck is with his stupid duck butt hair.'
Your vision was getting blurry. You forced your self to turn around and face the person or people who burst into the room. It was the hokage and he looked worried. You turned back around to face Sasuke. You held your pain in and stared at him blankly. You ran at him looking at him then the window. He was in a defensive stance. You jumped and landed on his back pushing off it and landed in between the room and out side. "Hope you pick someone you like out of your fan girls... Sasuke Uchiha.... Brother to Itachi Uchiha" You smirked He looked at you and smirked. "I found her and that bastard will die" every girl in the room squealed "Good luck at that." "Tsukiko where are you going" the Hokage asked "Back to my oniisan's, ojisan and oneesan ." "No don't go back to the Akat- I mean don't go back there... They can kill you." "Better than my real family... *turns around* you know what they did to me" You jumped back onto the roof. You started to feel the pain now. You were so close to the gate. You were surrounded by chunin and Jonin ninja as Ino had explained the ninja ranks earlier to you. You stopped. "Tsukiko you need medical attention right away." You shook your head no, repetitively. You coughed covering your mouth with your hand. You looked at your hand as blood found its way out of your mouth. You looked surprised, but you quickly put your emotionless faze back on. "I don't want your help... I want people who I can trust and people who actually care about me, instead of people who are being used as a tool, and who are following orders from a higher up." You teared up because of the pain. Some very slightly backed up unconsciously. You broke out into a run and knocked one of the ninjas down with a kick to the side. You knew you would probably die before you got to see your Akatsuki family again, because of how much blood you were losing. You ran on the roof tops, the number of chakra's slowly fading. There was only one behind you now. 'Cocky son of a bitch' you thought 'he probably told everyone to go and that he could handle this.... Or they're waiting for me up ahead.' You were running as fast as you could but your vision was fading and the pain was painful. You were starting to slow down. You ran out of the gates and jumped into the trees. You were jumping now which hurt even worse. You felt your chakra depleting "Fuck... Hidan, Kiseme, Itachi, Pein, Kakazu, Sasori, Deidara, Tobi, Zetsu, and Konan.... I love you see you in the afterlife" you mumbled. You slowly came to a slower pace, and fell from the tree tops. You felt your self falling. You closed your eyes. "I going to die now... Ha I guess living through the torture wasn't worth it, I guess" You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull your head in. You landed on the ground with a loud thud. Someone groaned in pain over top of you. You laid limp in their arms. It was comfortable, a nice feeling to die in. You heard someone talking. "Keep your eyes open.. Just for a little bit at least" You smiled and tried desperately to open your eyes. "Wh-why d-did you save me.. Hm?" You asked giving a slow blink. "Because everyone in the leaf is cared and respected for" "Hhmm " was your answer. You didn't notice the person move you onto their back. They took off into a run. "May-Maybe me sur-surviving the past... Means I sho-should hold o-on fo-for just a lit-little lon-longer" You said moving your hand to put pressure on the wound. "We are almost there... Hold on" "Wha-What is y-your name s-sir?" You asked swallowing blood. "Hatake Kakashi... What is yours?" "Tsukimura Tsukiko" You said as clear as possible. You headed his heart stop but it quickly started up again. You and Kakashi whipped passed the gate and went to what you assumed was the hospital. "Nurse anybody I need help over here... This girl is on the verge of death" three nurses ran over to you. "I-it al-almost ... *pant* sounded li-like you ca-cared for a few sec-seconds" He gave you a sad and worried look as they pulled you off his back and set you down on a stretcher and rushed off into a room of some sorts. Your life was flashing before your eyes. You coughed up more blood. Tears were falling from your eyes. All the beatings, torture, and pain you went through. It all was there. They set you down on a bed and took off your jacket and most of your clothing, even your weapon. A look of anger and sadness went through the female nurses eyes as they saw your whole body covered in words of hatred. They removed the bandages that covered your waist and left thigh. They were working fast they stuck three needles into you. And their hands were glowing green. They covered your chest with a blanket. A male doctor walked in. He ran over to your side and grabbed a sewing needle. He started to stitch you up. You didn't feel the needle your body was too numb to feel it going in and out of your skin, and the thread pulling your skin closed. You didn't care if they saw your scars or not. If they saw you almost completely naked, it didn't matter. Your eyes lids were feeling lighter and you looked around the room. You felt a bunch of chakra's waiting outside the room. 'Must be nurses and doctors' You thought sadly. "Okay my dear... How do you feel" You looked at him tiredly. "Tired and cold" He laughed kindly instead of the mean, cruel, and sinister laugh you are used to hearing. You gave a small sweet smile to the doctor. He was looking at your scars all over your body. "How long have these been here?" He asked sounding depressed. "Why would you want to know.... I am a stranger to you" you said turning your head away from the man. "It's because you look young and they look like they have been here a long time." "They started when I was three till I was five... I ran away before they could do any more." He had a look of pity wash away any look of happiness. "Get some sleep you're going to need it" You nodded and closed your eyes. Engraving his feature into your head. Silver hair, round glasses, ivory skin, deep brown eyes. 'I'll have to thank him later for helping me' you thought as you drifted off to sleep.

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