Chapter 12: A Sad Goodbye

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It has been about four days since you have met your mother and Mika's training is going great, she will be a Genin by the age of ten or eleven even. Right now you were with Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke protecting Tazuna, after finding all his workers knocked out. You were against Zabuza and Haku. Right now it was you and Sasuke vs Haku. Sasuke was trapped inside a circle of mirrors, while you were on the outside, planning an attack. Sakura was protecting Tazuna while Kakashi was fighting Zabuza. "Shit I hope Naruto and Mika can hold their own right now." You muttered. You attacked the mirror with 'fire release: dancing flames' It slightly melted the ice, but it didn't work. Next thing you know you are in mid-air. You suddenly landed on dirt. "Son of a bitch, that hurt" You swore getting up only to dodge a set of needles. "Shit that was close... Needles, damn it I'm stuck in here too, perfect now I am going to fucking die" You cursed. "I'm sorry, Tsukiko but I must to complete my dream even though I am breaking half of it" Haku said as his voice cracked. You looked at Sasuke, He looked like a pin cushion. "Sasuke you have a plan?" You asked hurriedly. "No but I got a theory" He said. You ran to him. "I need you to run towards the edge of the mirrors and try to break through them, I am going to try and match his speed" he whispered into your ear. You nodded and took off. You ran the edge only to be pinned to the mirror with needles in your clothes, some hitting pressure points, now you were stuck to the mirror. "Nice plan Sasuke now I am stuck" You snapped. You closed your eyes.

Next thing you know Naruto is stuck in the circle of mirrors with needles sticking out of him. He quickly ran over to you while Sasuke distracted Haku. He yanked the ones that were in your body out and then the ones pining your clothes. Naruto ran to help Sasuke. You staggered back and forth, trying to stay awake. "Damn it, he hit a knock out pressure point" You snapped. You collapsed on the ground. You fought to keep your eyes open, "damn it, damn it all" was the last words that escaped your mouth as Haku look at you as Naruto dived towards you.

When you opened your eyes you saw that you were out of the circle near Tazuna and Sakura. "Shit" you muttered, getting on your hands and knees. You stood up with Tazuna's help. "Damn it how long have I been out" You asked. Sakura ran and hugged you. "I thought you were dead" she cried. She let go of you. You stood up on your own now. You took a few steps towards Kakashi. You saw Kakashi activate his Chidori. Just then you saw Haku run towards Kakashi and Zabuza. You started running too. "HAKU DON'T. PLEASE HAKU" You yelled. You were half way when Haku got in front of Zabuza. "KAKASHI STOP... HAKUUUUUU" You screamed. Kakashi heard you too late as his hand went right through Haku's body. You ran even faster. "HAKU" You yelled tears escaping your eyes. You made it to Haku. Kakashi pulled him off his arm. He landed in your arms. "Haku you're going to be okay, but please... Live. You're going to be okay" You cried. You felt Haku's hand cup your face. You did the same.    "Tsukiko, I-I lived t-to pro-protect you an-and Zabuza, just kn-know that... I... Love... You" We're his last dying words. His hand fell from your face. "Haku... HAKU... PLEASE, PLEASE STAY... DONT LEAVE ME" You yelled as tears streamed down your face. "Haku... I am so sorry, please don't leave me, I need you" You cried. "I love you too" Tears fell from your eyes, landing on his face. "Tsukiko I am so sorry, I didn't mean too" Kakashi said. "It's okay I know it was an accident" You said holding Haku. You pressed your forehead to his. "But please don't leave, Haku." More tears fell from your eyes. "I love you" you cried. "Tsukiko let him go" Zabuza said. "What do mean by just let him go" You snapped, lifting your head from Haku's. You laid him down. "He is dead, Tsukiko, you have to let him go." "I know but, I can't" You said standing up. "He was my first friend, to actually except me for who I was, how can I just let him go, I loved him for crying out loud" You cried. You ignored everything and everyone, as you just starred at Haku's lifeless body. Your chakra started to surround you. It was pitch black. You finally heard Zabuza say "Shut up kid, Haku's already dead... As I was used by Gatō, I used Haku. That was all. I've said it already... in the world of shinobi, there are only those who use and those whom are used. We shinobi are simply tools... what I wanted was his blood, not him... I have no regrets." Zabuza said to Naruto. "How could you use him, he died for you, he cared about you, you, you filthy bastard." You yelled. "His dream was to protect you, and keep you safe, how can you just fucking use him, like that then say you have no regrets. You know what you are, you are worse then scum, you fucking bastard." You yelled as your eyes turned blue. You raised your head, Kakashi grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back. "I am going to kill you Zabuza, if it's the last thing I do." You snarled. Naruto started to go at him while Kakashi covered your mouth as you sobbed. He hugged you tight and removed his hand, from your mouth. You turned in his arms and sobbed into his vest.

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