Chapter 11:

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Recap: "You must be Tsukiko... It's been awhile" a woman's voice said. You looked around to see a woman with long white hair and eyes in a white gown, walking towards you. "Mother?" You asked.

"Well it has been almost eight years now hasn't it?". Your mother said. "Mother" you yelled running over to her. You wrapped your arms around her neck. You let your self cry. "I thought I would never see you again... Its been so long". You cried hugging her. "I was hoping that I would see you again, then a few months ago, the children started talking about a girl named Tsukiko-san, I was desperately hoping it was you, and I am glad it was". She said hugging you. "Eight years... Its been eight years... Why are you here instead of with father?". You asked spitting father. "He kicked me out of the village, a year after I helped another boy escape, his name was Yasha, he's your cousin after all.". She said. You let go of her. "I met him just yesterday, he actually made me smile.". "Really you saw him, that's great." She said lightly holding your shoulders. You looked around and saw the children. "She is your mother too?" A boy asked. A girl smacked him. "She is the original birth daughter, you can tell by her face and shape of her body" She said, she was about 8 years old. "Mika be nice to your brother" Mother snapped. You rose a brow, putting on your emotionless face. You faced your mother, and frowned. "I can't stay long I am on a mission, I am a ninja after all now" You said bluntly. Your mother frowned, then smiled again. "So you have a home and village that accepts you?" She asked. "Yes, I live in the fire nation, in the hidden leaf, I am going to take the Chūnin exams soon." You said. "I want you to take this till I get back, which is after my seal is fixed, okay?" Your mother frowned again. "Why.... what happened to the seal, did someone break it?" "Just promise me you will be here when I get back and you will take it." She nodded. You grabbed your scroll, and walked over to the table nearby. You opened it and started doing some handsigns. After finishing them you placed your hand and turned the seal left then right then pushed on it. A couple rolls of money appeared. You grabbed them and put them in your mothers hands. Your mother was speechless. "I have been giving the children money also, I gave them some and the four girls some clothes also." You looked at the children as they held out the money and clothes up. "How did you get all this money, they used to bring money here at least once a month." Your mother choked out. "I used to bounty hunt and I am a ninja now so I get paid to do missions" You stated rolling up your scroll and putting it in your waist pouch . "Oh ok" she said. She walked out of the room. "Hey I like your scars, how did you get them?" Mika asked while a few of the boys stared wide eyed at your scars. "Some are from battle, most are from the time when I was weak and very young" You explained bluntly. "Who gave them to you?". Mika asked. "Do you really want to know little one?". You said crouching down. "Sure, it probably won't bother me" she said crossing her arms. You smirked and waved her over. She stood in front of you. All the other children went to play or do what ever children do. "So how did you get them?" Mika asked impatiently. "I got them from my father and old villagers. It was from the age of three till the age of five. And my other scars are from battles with very powerful Shinobi or you could say ninja." You chuckled standing up. You expected her to be terrified but it was the opposite she was bubbly with joy. You anime fell, backwards. "Can you make me a ninja too." She yelled. You back flipped landing on your feet in a crouching position. "*sigh* why do you want to be a ninja?" You asked bluntly. "So I could protect the people I care about, and get a scar or two" Mika said. "Boys don't like girls with scars, they like the ones with perfect skin." You said frowning. "Who says I want a boyfriend, and never will" "How old are you, Mika?" You asked "Nine years old, why" She said. "Me and you will be great friends, then" You said smiling messing up her short shoulder length, black hair. She had sparkling black eyes unlike your dark dull ones. She was wearing a black T-shirt, and sweats. And shoes. They were worn and ripped. "I will let you come with me, if you can hold one of my knife for more than two seconds." You teased. She nodded. You took out a knife and spun it around your pointer finger. You grabbed the blade and gave her the handle. She grabbed a hold of the handle and you slowly let it go. She struggled to hold it. "One.... Two.... Three... Fo-" you were cut off by her dropping it. You smirked. You picked it up. "You passed that at least, now you need permission from mother to come" You said smirking knowing she will probably say no. 'Cause what mother let's a nine year old girl go with a long lost daughter, to become a ninja.... *sigh* I will be very surprised if she says yes.' You thought putting the knife away.

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