Chapter 17:

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You were walking up the stairs you had a floor to go to get to the room were you would take the first part of the exams. You saw a small group of teens trying to get passed two Chunin. 'Genjutsu' You smirked at the thought. "Weaklings" you muttered passing by them. "Hey were are you going?" A Chunin said. "None of your concern" you said coldly. "What hell are with her scars... Are those even real" a teen shouted. You continued walking. "We're are you going?" A Chunin said aprroaching you. "I don't like to repeat myself... But since you clearly are too stupid... It is none of your concern" You said staring up the stairs. You walked up to the third floor and saw Kakashi. "Tsukiko where is your team?" He asked worry in his voice. "I am my team" You said stopping in front of him. "Oh... I was hoping that you were only teasing the others... *sigh* But I believe that you can pass Tsukiko" He said worry clear in his soft voice. You placed a hand on his shoulder and looked up at him. "I will be fine... Only thing that could go wrong is if I have a flashback or go insane... Which won't happen because of therapy and a new seal... I will be fine Kakashi don't worry" You gave him a closed eye'd smile. "You're going to be the first one in the room... Well at least since I got here" Kakashi said pulling you into a hug. His arms wrapped around your waist. You had your left hand on his chest. "All the more to shock" You teased. You pulled down his mask and kissed him lightly. He kissed back with equal strength. You wrapped your arms around his neck deepening the kiss. You were on you tippy toes kissing him. (Well just because your tall for your age being 13 doesn't mean you are his height) You felt three chakra's approaching. You trailed your tongue across his bottom lip and he allowed access. Your tongues danced in perfect rhythm together. But sadly you broke the kiss and starred at his blushing face. You pulled his mask up quickly and gave him a closed eye'd smile. "Love you Tsukiko" he finally said. "Love you too Kakashi" you teased. If his mask was down it, his face would show that it was tomato red. "I got to go... See you in less than two days" you teased. "Stay safe Tsukiko" He said giving you his closed eye'd smile. You let go of each other. You smirked and looked out of the corner of your eye to see a group of boys from the hidden rain village with bleeding noses. They were just around the corner. You looked at Kakashi and smirked making him blush again. "Love you don't die" he warned teasingly. "Love you too, stay safe" you teased. You quickly regained your composure and opened the door to the room. There were 12 teams so far, in the room. You had opened the door very silently not making a noise. You entered and had all eyes on you except for a few. You felt it swing closed behind you. The people closest to the door looked at you with wonder and mystery. "Hey girl go back to school... This is the Chunin exams" A female said. You gave her a blank look. She had fiery red hair and coal black eyes, they went perfectly with her flawless beige skin tone. You knew her from somewhere, that's when it clicked in. "Rin Hara... Your in the bingo book, nice to finally see someone worthy to fight" You stated facing away from her. "What how would you know that." She yelled. "Rin Hara a Shinobi from the the village hidden in the mist. 54 D-Rank, 23 C-Ranks, 41 B-Ranks, 15 A-Ranks and 94 S-Ranks... Skills high in Genjutsu, low in ninjutsu and average in taijutsu and a high classed assassin... I know a lot about people in the bingo book. Hope we get to fight" you said heading towards a dark corner. "Wait who are you?" She asked. "Tsukiko Tsukimura" You answered. "You look nothing like her" she remarked slyly. You sighed as your hair turned white as you closed your eyes turning to face her. You opened them to reveal them a bright blue turning to a demon red. She gasped. She took several steps away from you. "Shit I knew those scars were real" she muttered as her teammates started asking random questions and asking if she was alright. Your hair and eyes went back to normal. "I am not all bad I can be very nice... At points.. I am not as heartless as they say" you stated bluntly heading to your corner. The three male rain ninja walked into the room. They were talking about the sexy girl locking lips with a leaf jonin. You appeared behind them as they spoke. "Who you talking about?" You asked already knowing the answer. "A really sex girl that came in here not that long ago... We saw her locking lips with a man named Kakashi Hatake, also known as the copy cat in the bingo book" One of them said. "Oh well good luck finding her" You teased. You walked in between them. "Your the girl" he shouted. "Hn" was your reply. "Who are you exactly" they asked. "None of your concern" you teased. "Answer me you child" The oldest one barked. You gave him a blank look. "It's no concern to a weakling like you" You said coldly giving off no emotion as usual. They growled and went to grab your crop top. You moved out of the way with a slow side step. The others came at you and you used your sheath and hit them where the sun don't shine. They fell forward and were gasping. One even had moaned. "*sigh* not even worth my time... You are only a ninja is your name is in my bingo book. And that is a quote from Zabuza Momochi one of the mist's ninja swords men. Sadly dead now but what can you do... A ninja must smile as they stare death in the face and be willing to protect your village even though you are going to meet death with open arms" You stated bluntly walking away from the cringing bodies. They got up shakily and charged at you again. You just dodged them. "Worthless and a waste of my time" you stated coldly making them angry. They pulled out weapons and charged at you once again. You tripped them sending them toppling onto each other and into a pile. "Stop talking girly" the second oldest said. There was a sudden presence beside you. "My lady isn't the first part a quiz... Are you in need of assistance in any means?" Akio asked bowing. "Not really... Just have worthless bugs trying to fight me... And I find it quite interesting that they chose me" You said lady like. "I see my lady... If you wish for me to go I will" he said promptly. "It is up to you Akio... There is no need to protect me at the moment... I am going to be a clan leader soon so I have no problem fighting morons that have no proper skills and are just passing by" You said bluntly. "Yes my lady it is true... You are very powerful that is why you killed the last clan leader after all. My lady I will be going now... Don't die you have a long life a head of you... I will make sure the two girls are safe also" He said bowing and disappearing. "Clan leader" A familiar voice said. "Ibiki how nice to see you... Long time no see" you said bluntly. "Very busy and was that what happened on your last mission?" He asked walking with you to the front of the room. You two talked in private for a bit as you explained everything that had happened. "Ah I see... So you are to be leaving in less than a month and a half" He said sadly. "Yes but I am thinking of trying to make the Tsukimura clan join with the hidden leaf village." You stated. "That would make the village very powerful and strong. Assassins joining ninjas... They are similar in many ways and you could keep in touch with everyone here also" Ibiki praised. "Yes but trying to get the elders to agree with me will be very difficult to do... Hopefully it will work and I can convince them" You sighed. "Yes it will be... You have the Hokage, me and a bunch of others by your side though... Do you want to tell lord third or should I" Ibiki sternly said. "You can tell him I will be busy with exams anyway" You said. Ibiki went to open his mouth to say something as the door slammed open. Everyone glared as you watched the Knucklehead walk into the room followed by Sakura and Sasuke. You sighed. "I will warn these morons to behave" you whispered to Ibiki as Naruto started to shout. You headed for the back of the room and passed the rain ninja. They glared at you and you shrugged it off. You saw a male with grey hair and round glasses walk up to Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. "Kabuto Yakushi. The little spy" you snirred. You watched him pull out a deck of cards. Sasuke started speaking. "Gaara, Rock lee, and Tsukiko Tsukimura to be exact" You stopped slowly and watched closely. "Where is Tsukiko Tsukimura... I will be the first to kill her" A nearby male ninja from the hidden waterfall village said pumping a fist in the air. "Is that so?" You asked curiously. "It's none of your concern kid... Go back to your team" He said. He had purple short spiky hair and cold blue eyes and tanned skin. "My team was killed on the way here... I was the only one that survived" You lied. "Oh sorry kid..." He said. "Eiji... Shut up do you have any idea who that kid is?" A male with golden eyes like liquid honey and green hair said. "No I don't." Eiji said. "She is Tsukiko Tsukimura the one you want to kill" The golden eye'd male said. You smirked. "How could you tell?" You asked crossing your arms. "Your scars and your hurt eyes" He said slyly. "Smart... I might just want to fight you" you said bluntly showing no emotion. "What you look nothing like the picture in the bingo book" Eiji complained. The girl in the group was smirking she pulled out her bingo book and held it up. There were two photos as she turned the pages back and forth. "She has two sides... Her normal one and her bloodlust side... Not many have lived to tell the story about her bloodlust side." The girl had green emerald eyes and purple hair. "There is a group and one other person in this room to have survived my bloodlust side, just barely though" you said coldly. "Who would that be" she asked. "The loud bunch and Kabuto Yakushi." You said starting to listen in on Kabuto and the rookie nine. "Only a master in Taijutsu hm..." Shikamaru said lazily. You walked away from the waterfall nin. "Tsukiko Tsukimura I want you to fight me" Eiji shouted. "No Eiji" you teased. "How did you know my name?" He asked. 'Moron' you thought. "I read minds" you teased. He starred at you in horror. "Moron" You muttered and walked away and headed towards the rookie nine. "Tsukiko Tsukimura... She is a handful, are you sure you want to know" Kabuto asked. "Hey you little snake... Kabuto Yakushi... How is your father doing" you teased. He wiped around as soon as you spoke. "TSUKIKO" Ino and Sakura yelled. They went to hug you but you quickly dodged them. "Too easy" you muttered. "Continue Kabuto... I want to see their faces" you said bluntly. He nodded. 'Only the basics.' He thought gulping. "She is know to have many scars... Most say she was born with them or got them at a young age no one knows. She has been on 16 D-Ranks, 4 C-Ranks, 23 B-Ranks, 45 A-Ranks and 97 S-Rank missions coming back from most missions without even a scratch or bruise. She is to be avoided unless you want to die basically." Kabuto explained. Most of the rookie nine's faces paled. "The Hokage counted up all my missions I have completed that weren't against the hidden leaf and helped me build my profile a bit" You stated. They nodded. You suddenly started up the wall and walked upside down. "She has a high tolerance to genjutsus and is not affected by them, her ninjutsu can kill you with a blink of an eye and" Kabuto was cut of by Kiba saying "so her weakness is Taijutsu then" Kabuto shook his head. "She is also a master in Taijutsu and can distroy a boulder with a single hit." The rookie nines jaws dropped. You crouched on the ceiling and waited for the exams to begin. The room was getting crowded and it was uncomfortable. You could hear the gasps of the rookies. You chuckled. 'Kabuto... Why is he here... Unless Orochimaru is here he shouldn't be.' You pondered. You looked up (down since your on the ceiling but up since your upside down... I just broke your mind didn't I) hearing Ibiki speaking "I am Ibiki Morino, your protractor and from this moment your worst enemy" you smirked and dropped from the ceiling and landed in front of his in a crouch. "Yeah, yeah you big softy." You said slyly. He chuckled. "Yes to you I am not... But the others should beware" he said strongly. "You are strong, one of the reasons you are a comrade" You teased. He nodded then looked at everyone. "Get a number and sit in your assigned seat" He shouted. He held out a box and you picked first. '64 nice number' you thought heading to your seat. You were sitting in front of one of the many rain ninja and Temari. You smiled at her and she nodded. "How have you been" she asked. "Very well... You." You said bluntly. "Good... So who's on your team?" She asked. "Your looking at my team" you said bluntly with a fake smile. "Figures" she retorted cockily. You faced the front and so did she. "This is part one the written exam. Everyone starts out with ten points and there are ten questions. For every question that they miss, they will lose 1 point. And if they are caught cheating, they will lose two points. In addition to that, if any team member is caught cheating five time, all three member will fail and will leave a long with the caught teammate." Ibiki shouts as everyone is seated in there seats. You saw Naruto starting to freak out and smirked. 'Good luck' you thought. "You will be given ten questions to do in one hour... The tenth question will be given out in the last fifteen minutes of the exam... If you fail this exam you can never take the exams again and must quit being a ninja" Ibiki said. "How come there are people from past exams here then" Temari and a few others shout. You rolled your eyes at there behaviour. "Morons" you muttered closing your eyes and leaning back. There was lots of shouting going on. You opened your eyes and made eye contact with Ibiki. You gave him a 'shut them up or I will' look. He smirked and said. "That is because I am this years protractor, now shut up and wait for your test" You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "If you are caught cheating five times you are disqualified" Temari mumbled. You smirked. "This will be fun then" you said bluntly. Her being used to you talking like that said "maybe but why five times?" She asked. You shrugged your shoulders as the test was placed in front of you. You grabbed a pencil and spun it in your fingers. "You may begin" Ibiki ordered. You looked at the questions. 'Ha thank you... Lord Hokage and Inoichi for lessons' you thought with a smirk. You started filling in the answers. After 9 minutes you were finished. You flipped over the paper and leaned back closing your eyes. "Hey number 64 get to work." A male jonin said. "Finished" you replied coldly. "What let me see" They said as you heard them move a chair and walk towards you. You opened your right eye as they picked up your paper. He looked at it and his eyes widened. You were looking at him blankly. "You had to have cheated" He said placing the paper down beside you. "How could I, I finished to quickly before anyone else could had all of the answers." You said looking at him with open eyes. "That just isn't possible" He said jaw hitting the ground. You closed your eyes again and just thought. Minutes had passed and you fell asleep suddenly.

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