Chapter 21

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You finished talking to Kakashi and Naruto. The three of you headed your own ways, Naruto headed back up to where the Genin were, Kakashi to go check in with the border patrol and you to stand with Hiruzen, to make sure the imposter of the Kazekage didn't try anything. (Warning fanfiction up ahead) You appeared next to Hiruzen and had yet another kunai to your throat. "Remove your kunai imbecile, or I will kill you" you said bluntly. "Sorry my lady... You starlets me... S-sorry for the mistake" The Anbu said removing it and backing up away from you. 'Everyone is terrified by me... Perfect.' You thought. 'I don't see how it is perfect?' Otachi said in a confused tone. 'It is perfect since being feared and hated makes you more powerful... Friends and family make you weak.' Akuma said bluntly. 'Yes that is correct... The reason I must distroy my bonds with my so called friends, and help my family see the same... So they become stronger make them cold and feared.' You said as a smirk formed on your usually blank face. You gazed at the imposter you knew was Orochimaru. Hiruzen saw this and looked at you confused. "Lady Tsukiko... I must report information to do with our new alliance" Sho said as he appeared kneeling behind you. You turned and said "relay to me" He stood and whispered so only you can hear "Zetsu was here and asked if we were to leave shortly... I told him within either today or the next two... Was that expectable enough to you?" He said the last part out loud taking a step back from you. "Yes it was... Thank you for the information... And if you have the guts... Tell the lord I will be there in a day... Remember Pain is the answer." You set him a code that only he could understand. He nodded and disappeared. "Tsukiko what village have you allied yourself with?" Hiruzen asked. "The hidden rain village... Me and... Lord Hanzō have similar terms... Plus he asked for the alliance" you half lied. The Akatsuki control the hidden rain village, and he was the previous leader of them, so it made sense to say. "Hanzō asked you?" Orochimaru aka the imposter of the Kazekage said. "Yes one of my men said he was practically begging for the alliance... The man you saw earlier has never lied to me yet, so I met with him and he formed our alliance." You lied. "You were out of the village without the Hokage's approval!" A jonin shouted angrily. You glanced at him blankly and said "I am a village leader in my own right... I believe I am allowed since, me and as you say the Hokage are trusting of each other." You said cautiously. "I wouldn't have said it better my self Tsukiko, plus it isn't up to me what another village leader does, but that is long as they follow the village rules and don't break them." Hiruzen said calmly. You heard Gaara starting to scream about his blood. You looked out to see a big brown sand dome and Sasuke's arm through it. "Uchiha Sasuke is going to die if he doesn't move." You said bluntly. "Why is that?" Orochimaru asked. "Because Sasuke's arm is through a shied of sand that is protecting a Jinchuuriki that is turning into its demon or tailed beast per say." You said calmly. "How can you be so calm about this... The citizens and the lords and other royals are endangered!!!" The Jonin from before yelled in a panic. "Well it's not the only thing going on... Now is it Kazekage-sama" you said coldly making the rooms temperature drop a couple of degrees. "I have no idea what you mean Lady Tsukimura" the Kazekage said a very small tint of worry in his tone, as he froze. "10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4..." You started talking a step towards him every two numbers. "Mommy... What are you doing?" Aki's soft and innocent voice sounded. You picked her up and said "zero". The Kazekage disappeared and commotion started to erupt. Sho, Kiyoshi and Minoru appeared. "It has started my lady what are your orders" Kiyoshi said boldly. "Get as many of the civilians to a shelter and follow some jonin... Or if you can take on the sand and sound ninja relay that to the others I will help get the civilians to safety and take out any..." A loud bang and smoke ruined the moment as you ordered them to do what you have said. "Now go we don't have much time before Orochimaru finds and gets his target and or distroys the hidden leaf now go" you ordered "Hai" they said disappearing in a cloud. "Hiruzen your one of the targets we have to get you moving" you said signaling for the Anbu and joining to get moving. They nodded, but Hiruzen looked confused. "Hiruzen, Orochimaru wants you dead and Sasuke Uchiha for what reason it may be I don't know... But your village is about to be destroyed and you need to help by staying safe." You said calmly, as Aki started to panic. "I need someone to turn into the Hokage and look pretty as the real one gets to safety." You ordered as a Anbu stepped up and transformed into the Hokage. You nodded and ordered "follow me, everyone protect the village and one of you take to Hokage to safety." They nodded. You started running with Aki on your back and so did the Anbu that looked like Hiruzen.

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