Chapter 9: Just When I Thought They Were Gone.

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Recap: "Tazuna thank you for knocking some sense into me, don't know what I would do with out you right now... Man I have been saying that a lot recently." You said. "No problem, just didn't want to see you like that." "Me neither, I bet I look terrible.... But I will be getting it dealt with after this mission, so the next time you see me, I will be less scary" You said. "That's good, at least you will be getting somewhere, *looks at you smiling* hey where did you get that necklace where is the other one" You felt your neck for the jashinism necklace. "Damn I must have put it in a scroll oh well." You said. "Let's get you home Tazuna," You said smiling.. It will be a short walk but nothing you can't handle.

You sat and were waiting for Kakashi to wake up, he had been asleep for almost a day now. You weren't worried really, just really bored. You saw him stir and poked him, on the cheek. He grunted. You smiled softly. "You should get some more rest you took a beating" You suggested, with an ordering tone. You watched Tazuna's daughter walk in. "Is he up yet?" She asked. "Just stirring at the moment." You said. You gave her a closed eye'd smile. "You two seem close, I hope you aren't dating he seems a little old for you." She said motherly. "You could say we are best friends," 'With benefits' You thought smirking. "Oh okay I guess that is allowed." She said smiling. You looked at Kakashi, He was looking at you blushing. You then felt something on your hand, that was closest to him. It was his gloved hand. You blushed very slightly, and moved your hand closer to his side. It looked like the woman didn't notice, you got your blush under control. You looked back at Kakashi to see him with his eye closed. "I'll watch him till he wakes up" You said. "Aren't you tired? Its late young lady." She said. "My name is Tsukiko, and I don't sleep very often." You confessed. "Why is that, Tsukiko? Oh, my name is Tsunami." She said rubbing the back of her neck. "I only have nightmares, that's why I don't sleep very often." "Must be pretty scary nightmares, to not sleep at all." She said frowning. "Yeah, they are... But I survive through my day." You said feeling Kakashi squeeze your hand. You looked at him and smiled. "Go to sleep, Kakashi or I will put you to sleep." You ordered teasingly. You felt him tense up. You intertwined your fingers with his. He relaxed. "You are really best friends if he listens to you." Tsunami teased. "And I sometimes listen to his wise words, and smart assed comments." You laughed. She laughed and started heading towards the door, "I noticed you didn't eat with us earlier, are you hungry at all?" She asked. "Slightly, but I will be down later." You said. She nodded and left closing the door. She had dropped off crutches, for Kakashi, to use for when he 'wakes' up. You let go of Kakashi's hand and stood up, and locked the door. "You can wake up now she is gone." You joked. He opened his eye, and tried to sit up with a groan of pain. You chuckled and walked over to him and helped him sit up. "Are you okay, Tsukiko? Did his friend hurt you?" He asked worried. You kneeled down beside him. "I couldn't find him... I went back to find you guys, but there was a tracker nin, so I couldn't get too close, or I would be targeted, by him." You lied. "I was pretty far away so I couldn't see him very well." "It's okay are the others okay?" He asked. "I ended up terrifying them, but they are fine, a few bruises never killed anyone." You joked. "Do you always sleep in your gear?" He sweat-dropped. "No but I do leave my mask on." He said smirking. You smiled. He reached to take off his headband. But stopped when he realized you were doing it for him. You set it beside you. You leaned back, then messed up his hair. He frowned. You giggled. You took off his vest with his help. "There better?" You asked him. He nodded blushing. Then he asked a very awkward question. "Tsukiko, are we to be considered boyfriend and girlfriend or like friends with benefits?" He was blushing. "Well, I am a little young to be considered a girlfriend, but I am not sure." You answered your face red. You looked at him to see a strange look in his eye. "We could be friends with benefits till, we figure out what is happening" He commented. You nodded. "Seems about right." You answered. You looked Kakashi in the eye again. He was blushing only lightly now, so we're you. You placed a hand on his chest, and your right on, his shoulder. You looked away, but Kakashi grabbed your chin, making you look at him. He used his other hand to pull down his mask. You kissed him gently and he kissed back. You added more pressure into the kiss. You kissed for awhile, till you needed air. You broke the kiss and looked at Kakashi's face, his perfect nose, and mouth. Kakashi started to kiss you again, but this time, he licked your bottom lip, which just begged for entrance. You allowed him in, and the battle for dominance begins. You felt Kakashi's hand that was on your chin, slipped down your chest, towards your lower area. His hand rested on your hip, and Kakashi's other hand was placed behind your neck. His right hand that was on your hip, ran up your side. You softly moaned into the kiss. Kakashi won the fight of tongues and searched your wet cavern. He rested his hand on your hip again. You broke the kiss panting for air. Kakashi's hands that were resting on your hip, and neck moved you onto his lap. You were now straddling him. You moved your hands back to where they were. Right on his shoulder and left on his chest. He kissed you again, massaging each other's lips together. Kakashi's hands were on your hips, now pulling you closer to him. You whimpered in delight as his groin, ground into your womanhood. You pushed into his lips hard. He added pressure along with you, You wrapped your arms around his neck, closing the space between the two of you. His right hand rested on your thigh, slightly stroking it. You let out a soft but audible, sigh breaking the kiss. Kakashi's hand started to rub your clit through your black tights that you are wearing, making you gasp. Kakashi started to kiss you again, helping you hide your moans, and gasps. The ball in your stomach started to build, meaning an orgasam was coming. It slowly build as he continued to rub your clit, in slow tortuous circles. "Kakashi... *moan*..." You said. Feeling yourself close to going over the edge. He suddenly stopped making you shudder, with desire. You broke the kiss, and stared into his one open eye. You felt a chakra outside the door. You blushed. "Sorry I stopped" Kakashi teased making you blush. "It's okay" you said shyly, looking away. Kakashi grabbed your chin and softly kissed your lips. He leaned near your ear and said "you should go answer the door, while I get some sleep" He suggested. You nodded, you head. You stood up, shakily, and stepped back from Kakashi, you saw him lick his lips then pull his mask back up. You swear you saw him smirking, as you turned to go answer the door. He slipped under the covers, and started to go back to sleep. You turned to see him already starting to go to sleep, it made you smile. You hid your blush, and put an emotionless face on fixing your long sleeved purple shirt. You opened the door. You saw Sasuke and walked out closing the door behind you. You turned and faced him. "What do you want Sasuke-kun?" You asked mocking Sakura. He grimaced then glared at you. "I was only joking, but if you want to talk to Kakashi he is still sleeping." You half lied, since he went back to bed. "Hn" He said and walked away. You rolled your eyes and walked to the dining room. You saw Tazuna, drinking Sakē, Sakura trying to talk to Sasuke and get a date with him and him refusing. You saw Tsunami, washing dishes. "Tsunami, when your done, can you keep an eye on Kakashi and make sure he gets rest." You asked motherly. She turned and faced you. "Sure, Tsukiko, after I am done" She said smiling. "Thank you" You said and headed for the door, tears were threatening to burst, out of your eyes. "Where are you going... Tsukiko, you can't just leave on random" Sakura scolded. You looked over your shoulder.

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now