Chapter 10: A New Jutsu

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Recap:"If your going to kill me make it quick" You commented as you looked back up and the stars. "Why would I kill you're to pretty, to hurt in anyway. " He said. "You're not a ninja are you?" You asked looking at him. "No. But I lived in a ninja village, not many know about it. My name is Yasha. What's yours?" "Tsukiko, what clan were you born into?" You asked. "Nice name I was born into the ...

To chapter 10.... And please make sure you read the bold letters at the bottom 

"Nice name I was born into the Tsukimura clan." Yasha said, making your heart stop. "What color is your hair and eyes?" You asked, looking at him, eyes wide in terror. "Both black... Please don't run, everyone runs from me when I say that" he said looking down. You stood up. "You are supposed, to have white hair and eyes. And be pure, you can't be like me, you can't be scum that everyone hates and despises, the Tsukimura clan is a pure clan that's why I was supposed to be killed." You shouted tears streaming down your face. "Your that Tsukiko then... The clan leader's daughter. " He mumbled. You turned around. "I was alone... Nobody cared for me... Everyone hated me... I had the scars to prove it" You shouted. You felt arms wrap around you. "Me and you are the same then." Yasha said. You stopped crying and froze at the pain in your back. "Ow" You mumbled. "Sorry did I hurt you, please forgive me" Yasha said. "No just have some of my wounds open still on my back." You half lied. "Oh sorry" He said. "No need." You mumbled. It was silent, for awhile. "How did you escape from the village?" You asked. "I just ran, you?" He asked. "I had help from my mother, then kept running for days on end." You said. You turned in his arms and rested your head on his shoulder. "How old are you?" He asked. "12 turning 13 in a few days." You stated bluntly. "I am 15 turning 16 next month" He said. "I have to get back to my base before my teammates get worried." You mumbled sleepily into his chest. "Please don't go at least not yet" He begged. You nodded. You stood like that for awhile. "You can go to sleep if you want" he said sitting down with you curled up into his lap. "I can't I only have nightmares." You said nussling your head into his chest. "Don't worry Itoko all you need is company, I will be here when you wake up" He said. You nodded and fell asleep.

You woke up to the sound of chirping, and the warmth of a body hugging you. You remember what happened last night. You had finally found someone like you, family. "You're up Itoko, how did you sleep?" Yasha asked. "I slept wonderfully, for once." You said bluntly. He smiled. You looked up at him. Your back no longer hurt, and now your right arm and leg hurt. "I can't catch a break" you mumbled. "Oh your arm and leg must hurt. I healed your back and left arm, but you started to bleed randomly, and I got worried, are you okay itoko?" He asked. You nodded then said, "It was a Jutsu to get rid of my scars for a short period of time, but they came back as wounds, like before I got rid of them" You said. "Well a doctor got rid of them for me." "Oh if you want I could stay with you for awhile, before we head our separate ways, at least." Yasha suggested. He gathered chakra into his hands and ran his hand over your leg and arm. The words stood out clear. You frowned. "I now have to live with seeing those things again, great" You bluntly stated. You heared Yasha chuckle. You smiled. He sat with you sitting up right. "All done for now" He said laughing. You started to take off your bandages, revealing your scars. You sighed. "I might as well get the whole bleeding process over with. *sigh* how trouble some" You giggled. "If you want to" Yasha said worry in his deep voice. You stood up and thought on how you could do that. You thought about them carving the words and hate ful words into you, and apparently it worked. You winced at you left leg began to bleed. "Haha yes I did it *pauses and realizes what was just said and what the cheering is about* Ow ow ow ow ow ow" You yelled. Landing on your butt in the grass. Yasha laughed. "So, time for me to fix you again." Yasha joked. You puffed out your cheeks, like a child. He stood up and walked over to you. He was now wearing his jacket, and his hair was still perfect no matter what happened. He leaned down and gathered chakra into his hands. He ran them over your left leg. "If your not a ninja wear did you learn medical ninjutsu." You asked curious. "A blonde lady taught me... You want to learn?" He asked. You nodded. He stopped healing you and paused thinking on how he could teach you quickly. You did a few hand signs and your Mangekyō Sharingan appeared. "This might help, for you teaching me." You said with a smirk. He chuckled and face palmed at how he didn't think of it. He nodded and continued to heal you. You watched his movements and how his chakra moved, to heal you. As he finished you felt some chakra's approaching. You continued to watch as he healed, while keeping an eye on your team and best friend. They were about five miles from you and were walking slowly. Your stomach growled suddenly. Yasha laughed and so did you. He finished and you knew medical ninjutsu. You stood up again and started to stretch. Yasha stood up and stood in front of you. "Your friends are coming so this looks like good bye for now, what village are you in?" Yasha asked. "Konoha, itoko hopefully I will see you there, and under your own will. I hope they don't push you into the village, by knocking you out." You mumbled the last part. He sweat dropped. "What I am in the bingo book page 16-17" You stated gloating. "What you too, but I am on page 68" He frowned. "I am out done by a girl, and who is younger than me, damn it" He yelled, causing you to giggled.

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