Chapter 15: Adoption and A Test

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Recap: "Oh and watch out for the ninja outside.. Just get out of the shop quickly." You said turning around again. You heard the door open and close again. You walked towards the table. "So how do they work?" You asked. He stood across from you. "Let's begin" he said.

The black object was now in the old mans hands. "This is what I call a gun. We have many types of guns, but this one is special just for you. It is a weapon like senbon but they glide faster and can kill no matter where it is shot." He said. You picked it up. You had to hold it with two hands. He took it back and showed you how to shoot it and fire it. It took a few minutes but you got it. "By the way it can change into different weapons also. It was very hard to make." He pointed out. You looked at the silver object, known as boyfriend. "Oh now time for boyfriend.... He is a very unique blade. Mostly used by the puppet master Sasori of the red sand on his puppet Hiruko. It was very difficult not being a puppet master like him to make it the way you asked but non the less I accomplished it." He said. "It stores its self and can be summoned at my will?" You asked. "Yes but the strap is awkward to wear, to make sure it doesn't dig into your beautiful skin. Your scars are beautiful don't need to ruin them." The old man teased. "Just continue with this" you ordered. "As you wish Tsukiko-San" he said. "It's a lot smaller and more shot ranged but it protects you from danger if worn all the time. But that would include a surgery to implant it. But you do have the exams in less than a week." He warned. "I will do the surgery" you said. He nodded and set boyfriend down. You sighed then grabbed your scroll. You opened in laying it down on the table. You summoned the suitcase full of your last bounty hunt money. You opened it and the old mans eyes shone. "This is the 850,000 yen you asked for so it better be worth it" you snarled as you took out twelve bundles of cash then two more. His eyes watched this. "I will my lady... You are my best customer after all. I have know you for four years now." He said slyly. You closed the suit case. You put your scroll away after sealing the suitcase back in the scroll. You took off your waist holster and set it on the table. "When do we begin?" You asked. "Follow me, I was expecting for you to ask that" he said. He lead you to a side room. It was white with a blue chair in the middle. "Lay down after taking your shirt off, and lay on your stomach" he ordered. You nodded and took off your shirt and other holsters. You laided down on the chair. It was flattened out like a table. "Do you want me to freeze it?" He asked already knowing your answer though. "No it will take too long" you said. You relaxed your body and closed your eyes. "I warned you" he said. "Hn" was your reply. You felt his scalpel cut into your lower back. You bit your bottom lip. "Ouch hurry up but do your best I have to met someone in less than half an hour" you ordered bluntly. He nodded and continued.


He healed your back so that you could walk easily without much pain. He passed you some pain killers. "Don't do any fighting within the next 20 minutes .. Or you will start to bleed randomly, but I would prefer you to not do any fighting for 24 hours but knowing you it won't happen" he warned. you nodded as you slipped on your shirt, after taking the pain killers. "So how does it work again but in more detail." You said sternly. "If you are in danger it attaches itself to your spine and attacks. It is just there no open wounds afterwards or ripped clothing and after your first attack it is stuck with you forever... But at first it will hurt a bitch, but you should slowly get used to it. You are a very strong ninja after all." He praised. "I already gave you tips, don't act like that.... so how long is the range on it." You asked. "It is what ever length it wants to be..." He said. "What do you mean it wants to be?" You said standing up and strapping on your arm and thigh holsters. "It has a mind of its own, it reacts went ever the user is attacked. I found it interesting" He said as you nodded. "Hn, well I better get going, I have to met that girl." You said. He nodded and lead you to the room where your waist holster with katana is and your "gun" is. You sealed the gun in your scroll and strapped your waist holster back on. "Thank you for your business Tsukiko of the Tsukimura clan." He said grabbing the bundles of money. He stopped at the last one. "Because you are such a great customer you can take half your tip back" he said. You nodded and took the bundle of cash back, you slipped it in your waist pouch. You nodded again. The old man lead you to the door. The two of you walked out of it and had all eyes on you for a mere second as you walked passed. "Thanks for boyfriend.. He will be useful later. And boyfriend's friend there, I will be back later for bullets" You said. He nodded. "Good doing business with you yet again Tsukiko" He yelled to you. "Thank you for building me them" you said bluntly exiting the building. You made your way towards a female clothes shop. You entered to see Temari looking at clothes. You went to the next rack and looked through the clothes. You found a pair of black tights with a orange crop top. You grabbed it since they happened to be your size. You looked around for shoes and found heals and boots. You went to the boots. There were quite a few pairs there. "Hello can I help you with anything" Asked a lady beside you. "No thank you" you tried to say cheerfully, but it came out funny. She nodded and slowly left. You picked a pair of black knee high combat boots because why not. You walked by a rack that had kimonos on it for festivals and celebrations. You saw a simple red one with yellow butterflies on it then a smaller yellow one with red butterflies on it. You held the red one up to you. It would be slightly big but you didn't care. You grabbed both of them with your outfit you chose. You walked up to the cashier and placed your items down. "Will this be everything?" She said. You nodded. "That is a lot for a little girl to be spending" She said. You took a step back and heard her gasp. "Sorry I didn't see your gear miss" She said. "It's alright, you're not the first person to say that" You said pulling out your money. "It will be 476 yen please." The lady said. You past her the money you owe and put the rest back. She passed you your three bags. You thanked her and watched Temari approach the cashier. "Hello will that be everything then" the cashier said. "Yes it will be" She said. "That's a lot of clothes Temari... I can help you if you wish" You said looking at the bags worth of clothes. "Sure that would be lovely and I thought you weren't going to be done for another five minutes" Temari said. "I finished five minutes ago so I decided to do a bit of shopping" you said bluntly. A young girl entered the shop. She had ragged up clothes and looked hungry. She was looking at the clothes. You gave her a look of pity. "Hey girl" you said. She looked at you with fear in her blue eyes. She was pale skinned and black haired. "Yes ma'am" she said. "What you looking at" you said walking up to her. "Clothes" she said shyly. "Pick out what you want, I'll pay for it. It can be what ever you want" you said a small smile on your face. "Really ma'am thank you." She said. Temari looked at you in shock, then your words played in her head 'you only should be scared of me when I am pissed or just want to kill someone'. "What are you doing ma'am... She is a homeless child. No need to take pity on her." the cashier said. "I used to be in her position, but in a different way. I traveled so I was considered homeless too. I had no one to care for me at all, I was alone. So I feel sorry for her" You said a look of sadness over your face. The girl came up to you with an arm full of clothing. "I would like these ma'am" she said. You smiled. "Do they fit you" you asked and she nodded. You grabbed them and set them on the counter. "That will be 1,349 yen please. " the cashier said in a snobby tone after scanning everything. You passed her the money. You were now holding twelve bags. Three for you and the rest was for the girl. You were bring her home with you. "Where are we going ma'am?" She asked. "Do you have a place to stay" you asked. She shook her head no. "Do you have parents?" You asked she shook her head no again. "Then you are going to live with me and my sister then." You said. "Thank you ma'am. But you don't have to" she said. You chuckled at her response. "I know but I want to" you said. "What is your name" you asked. "Aki" she said. "Mines Tsukiko nice to meet you Aki" you said. She smiled.

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