Oc information. (Not a chapter)

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Name: Tsukimura Tsukiko

Village: Tsukimura (moon village also slightly made up.)

How you look

Hair: long black knee length hair in (beginning) Hip length black hair (later on)

Skin Colour: slightly lighter than ivory

Eyes: Black normally, but changes colour during moods.

Clothing: usually wears black clothes and sometimes grey. You wore a long sleeve black dress with black leggings underneath. (Beginning of story) You still wear long black sleeves and black tights. (Most of the story, with changes here and there)

Shoes: A pair of combat boots

Has the Kanji for demon on the sides of her neck, right shoulder and behind her right ear. 悪魔 = demon.

Weight: 70lb (beginning) 11-14 95 lb

Height: 3 feet 6inchs (beginning) 11-14, 4 feet 9 inches

Age: 5-6 (beginning) 11-14 closer to end


You are not a very trusting person because of your past. You are quiet, smart, strong, shy, and loving when you get to know someone.

Likes: to be alone, and Akatsuki family.

Hates: Birth family excluding your mother, people sneaking up on you, and people who hurt others.

Goals: N/A

Future plan: N/A

Skills: cooking, cleaning, hand to hand combat, and travelling.

Weapon(s) chose: in beginning she uses a small knife, later on a katana.

History of village:

The Tsukimura clan are known for their moon rituals, and for priestesses and priests. They don't like the new moon since its a dark day, they believe anyone born on that day is a demon, and should be killed. They have white, silver, or grey hair their skin colour is usually a very pale ivory. They praise the full moon because of its 'pureness'. Anyone born on a full moon can become a priest or priestess. Since you were born on the new moon you also became a priestess, since it is considered a full moon but it's just black, and unholy. You were top of your class and finished the training at age four and a half. You could have become an apprentice but no one wanted a demon. On your fifth birthday you ran away. Because the next day is when you were supposed to be killed. As an annual tradition, the five year olds that were born on any new moon threw out the year were to be burned alive.

Ninja rank: in beginning doesn't even know what they are. Later on starts off as a genin and progresses from there.

Akatsuki status: friends and almost family.

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now