Chapter 25: Too close

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Recap: You felt depleted of Chakra finally and jumped down from your spot, as Gaara's body hits the floor. You look over at his body and shrug coldly. Deidara and Sasori land near you and walk over to you. "Goodbye leader sama" You cooed. "See you soon Tsukiko" Pein chuckled as his and mostly everyone else's holograms disappear. Only Chichi's remained. "Musume..." He said "Yes Chichi" you answered. "There is a team after the one-tails' host's body... Toy with them, but don't let them find out who you are" He suggested. "Hai father" you said respectively. He nodded and disappeared. "Wow he was once a brat, yeah... Now look at the brat, un." Deidara said. You looked at him with a slight glare. "Calm down, un. It was a complement, yeah." Deidara mocked. You looked over at the entrance. "They will be here soon" You said. 'Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura I bid you well' you thought with an evil smirk.

You waited for three hours till the rock sudden was distroyed. 'Sakura, well done' you thought with a smirk as your hat covered your face and cloak covered your body. Sasori passed you a pair of gloves and as the smoke cleared you slipped off your ring and slipped the gloves on with the ring over top of them. "Remember what Itachi said you two." You said in a deep low voice. 'Otachi keep helping me' you asked Otachi. 'Yes ma'am.' He answered back. You did a jutsu and your eyes turned white, giving off a hypnotic look. "Sasori remember the plan" you whispered to him. His puppet nodded. You stepped in front of Deidara who was sitting on Gaara's body like it was a chair and Sasori's puppet, protection. You ignored everything as your eyes met with Kakashi's body, your body frozen in place. It looked like you were just standing in the end. (Fanfiction part... After Naruto freaks out about Gaara being dead.) "Itachi was right" you said with the help of Otachi. "I agree" Sasori said. You ignored Deidara as he spoke about his art mumbo jumbo. (I feel lazy... Might add on later) "Give up and turn back now with your lives" you said in a low husky voice. "We have come this far we will not back down now... Believe it" Naruto shouted. You shrugged him off and turned your head onto Kakashi. "The copy cat... Interesting meeting you here" you huskily chuckled coldly. A look of surprise washed over his face. Sakura looked pissed. "Sakura Haruno, the new and best of the Sannin Tsunade's students." You chuckled. She had anger and worry flow over her face. You looked at Naruto. "And finally the Nine-tails' host" You chuckled very darkly at that. He looked at you worried and anger, not just any type of anger, but rage of the nine-tails' He tried to charge at you, but Kakashi held him back. "Is that all you care about?" Naruto yelled. You looked at him your fake snow white eyes looking at him with amusement. "Yes" you answered coldly. He took a step back startled slightly. Deidara was slightly terrified too and Sasori amused. Suddenly a sharp pain went through your head. "Shit" your normal voice muttered. Sasori placed a hand on your back and whispered "think happy thoughts, we don't need you breaking out into a flashback, now let's do the puppet trick." You nodded agreeing. You jumped backwards and stood behind Sasori and Deidara with your arms crossed and a chakra string attached to you. You ignored everything and thought about you and Kakashi when you were younger, walking with Kakashi, talking and just having a good time being with him.

You had blacked out about everything. You hadn't noticed you and everyone else moving around, but could see everything happening. You watched as Deidara's arm getting disconnected from him and him landing behind a bush. You watched from a tree and you fell forward suddenly. You landed on your feet in a crouching position. Your hat fell off and you quickly stood and turned around meeting, Kakashi's, and Naruto's sad and angered gaze. Kakashi looked heart broken. You had a blank cold face. You slipped off your cloak and snapped making it disappear. You looked at them and a tear rolled down your cheek. You get into a fight position. "Look at her eyes they are white with a black line around them and her voice was different earlier." Naruto pointed out. You kept a blank face. Kakashi suddenly had a look of hope in his eyes. " she's under a Genjutsu perhaps" Naruto suggested. "She doesn't fall under Genjutsu and that is impossible, maybe being controlled." Kakashi also suggested. You chuckled darkly and in a low tone. "Plus she doesn't fight in positions unless it's for training." Kakashi added. "Surprise... Surprise" you spoke harshly. You suddenly start to cough. Blood spilling from the corners of your mouth. You tried to think how you could be wounded. You looked down and press a hand to your rib cage, it was extremely painfully and you coughed again. 'What the hell, when did that happen?' You thought. 'Naruto kicked you, Tsukiko' Akuma explained. You lowered your hand and looked up at the faces filled with horror. "Tsukiko!!!!" Naruto yelled. Kakashi grabbed him by the waist and held him still. "That's not her, it's her body but not her mind" Kakashi said tears falling from his eyes landing on Naruto's head and hands. A wicked grin made its way across your face. Then you felt your chakra depleted again and your eyes went back to normal suddenly. You fell to your knees and almost passed out., you looked up and said in a normal tone "Kakashi... Naruto... I am sorry" You fell forward and groaned as your broken ribs and body hit the ground. You were still alive and awake, but you lost all strength, suddenly and collapsed under your own weight. "Tsukiko!!!" Naruto Shouted and ran over to you, but Kakashi was by your side first. You saw your ring glow and you felt chakra corse through you again. Kakashi picked you up bridal style, your head resting against his chest. "What happened?" You asked starting up plan B. 'Time to fake it , to make it' you thought. "I don't know Tsukiko" Kakashi said looking down at you. You moved your right dangling arm over top of your broken rib and used your chakra to heal yourself. "Stop what are you doing?" Kakashi panicked almost dropping you. "My lung is p-punctured.... by my rib" You said with a deep breath in between. "We have to get you Sakura, then" Naruto said picking up Gaara. 'It's working, but I did end up being wounded, I can always get away after I heal myself and gain chakra.... All I need is five minutes.' You planned. You looked up at Kakashi blankly. He looked down and said "Tsukiko do you remember anything at all?" He asked. You shook your head no. "We have to get her and Gaara to Sakura now." Naruto shouted. You nodded. "No I will be fine, what happened to Gaara?" You asked fake worry in your voice as you speak. "He's dead" Naruto said sadly. You frown at that, as you smirk on the inside. "Did I kill him?" You asked sadly. "We don't know, but you definitely weren't yourself" Kakashi muttered. You nodded and winced as you slightly moved in Kakashi's arms. "Let's go Naruto" Kakashi said starting to run. Naruto caught up as you rested your head against Kakashi's chest.'three minutes' you thought feeling your chakra level rising ever so slightly. You finally made it back to the sealing cave thing. It was distroyed completely. 'Thankfully chichi brings the ten-tails' host everywhere you thought. "Do you remember ever being here?" Kakashi asked. "No, Kakashi I don't" you lied. "I don't remember anything since about an hour into my mission" you lied. He nodded. "Shit that means I have to get back to my village, it might be endangered" You said in fake worry. "Stop squirming, Tsukiko." Kakashi said almost dropping you, again. "Let me down then" you suggested. He cautiously set you down. You took a few agonizing steps forward. You saw Sakura and a older lady. Sakura ran up to you, after seeing you holding your stomach. You snapped and Sho appeared. "My lady, you shouldn't be... Oh my... Please you must get to the hospital right away" he panicked. You chuckled lightly. You looked at him and 'passed out', Sho and Kakashi went after you. Sho got there first. He scooped you up in his arms. "We have to get going now. She will die if I don't leave now." Sho said hurriedly. Kakashi looked at your 'unconscious' body. He nodded. "Can I go with you?" He asked. "No, I must go now, or she won't make the surgery" Sho lied. Kakashi nodded. You and Sho disappeared. Once you were outside of the gates Sho set you down. You grabbed your side in pain and looked up at the gate. "Fuck that was too close" you muttered. "It was indeed." Sho answered back. You and Sho jumped to the top of the gate and you performed hand signs and opened the gate, while almost falling off the top. Sho caught you and jumped down with you. You nodded at the guards and you saw Chichi. He ran up to you. "What happened Tsukiko?" He asked in panic. "Sasori's dead, Deidara is arm less, my chakra is almost depleted and I am wounded, the layer is distroyed, Other that everything is fine." You said smartassedly. "Ha ha very funny, let's get you to the hospital." Chichi said worriedly. You nodded and the three of you began to walk one of your arms draped over Sho's shoulder and the other over Chichi's. You walked with them to the hospital. You finally made it there. You had been checked in and is now laying down on a hospital bed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Come in" you said bluntly as you slowly sat up, bring your right knee up for support, as the rice door slid open. Mika, Aki, Chieko, Kou, Mother, and father walked in. "Are you alright, Ane?/What happened Tsukiko-sama?/Mother are you okay?/Tsukiko-sensei are you okay, what happened/Darling who did this/..." Everyone shouted. (Try to guess who is who XD). You gave a closed eye'd smile and said "just a little sore, I am fine" Mother smiled brightly and chichi walked up to the side of your bed. "Tsukiko we will talk later" He whispered into your ear. You nodded. He left the room. You looked at Chieko and Kou and said "how has school been for you, Aki, Chieko, and Kou?" You asked. Chieko and Aki smiled. "We're passing top of class" they said happily, at the same time. You gave a ghost of a smile to that. "Looks like your friends too" You added in a motherly tone. They nodded. "Kou did you make any friends yet?" You asked. He nodded vigorously and said "yes, we are all best friends." He smiled. "Oh Mommy and Daddy came back yesterday too... *frowns* Daddy was really hurt though. He's in the hospital." Kou's small figure looked even smaller. You swung your legs over the side of the bed, to see your in your tights are still on, but extremely clean. You had on a matching black sports bra. You stood slightly in pain and went over to him. You crouched down and hug him. "After I get out, me and you will go see him." You whispered into his ear. You rubbed his back softly. "It's alright." You said looking at his face. You picked him up and set him on the bed. You sat beside him and looked at Mika. "Mika... How has training been" you asked. "Boring and my team, are the ones that need training not me." "So that means you need team training, and not individual training. Aside from that, how are you doing?" You asked kindly. She nodded and said "fine" you nodded and looked at mother. "How about you mother?" You asked. "Very well, thank you for asking." She said happily, with a wide smile. You nodded. "You were about to say something but a nurse walked in worriedly. "My Lady, sorry for intruding but, I must inform you about something." The nurse said.

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