Chapter 19:

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 "Gaara... Don't waste my time right now" you said bluntly. "I just.... Can you help me sleep again" He asked flustered. "You're the one that helped me sleep." You teased. He had a slight tint to his cheeks as you answered. "Sure" bluntly. He nodded and his sand picked you up. You laid down on the sand and your head hung back as you looked at him with a raised brow. "Gaara I can walk you know" you said bluntly flicking his forehead. He glared at you. "Oh no you glared at me what ever shall I do." You teased. He smirked. You smirked back. "So you going to let me walk or carry me like this" You teased. He looked up at you and moved a loose strand of hair out of your face. You raised a brow at his action. You sat up on the sand and felt him teleport you and him to a room similar to the one you hung out in. Except for Temari was sleeping and Kankuro was lying down on his bed with his eyes open. He looked to see you and jumped out of bed. "Tsukiko are you okay what happened?" He asked. You suddenly dropped into Gaara's arms. "Oof" you said in shock as he sat you down on the empty bed. "now help me" Gaara ordered. you nodded. "help with what?" Kankurō asked. you gave him a 'don't ask questions' look. he nodded. "Gaara lay down" you ordered as you stood up off the bed. he nodded taking off his gourd and sandals and laid down. "close your eyes and relax" you said softly and sat beside him. You pulled the covers over him, as he closed his eyes.  Kankurō sat down on his bed and watched you and Gaara.    You watched Gaara's steady breathing as his chest softly rose and fell.   you started to stroke his head softly.  He opened his deep turquoise eyes and looked up at you with curiosity.    You looked down at him and gave him a soft smile.   An image of Haku entered your mind and you frowned.    You looked back down at Gaara to see him with a frown.   "What is the matter Tsukiko?"  he asked in a whisper.    "It was nothing just.... just try to sleep"  you said softly like a mother speaking to a small child who has just had a nightmare.   He closed his eyes as you started to stroke his bright red hair.   He soon fell asleep beside you.   You kept stroking his head as he started to fall asleep.   "How did you convince him to sleep?"  Kankurō asked.   "He helped me sleep a couple days ago... I guess he had fallen asleep too and he was asking if i used a jutsu to get him to sleep."  you answered bluntly.   "I have never heard you speak so kindly before... You sounded like mother almost"  Kankurō said with a sad smile on his face.    "I have had to deal with two children... It is a pain though... I care about them very much and I would probably die if I couldn't protect them and they got badly hurt.   they are my only family I have actually cared about."   you sighed with a small smile on your face as you felt something on your hand.   you looked down to see Gaara's hand on yours.   You frowned and moved your hand away.   "Gaara has never acted this way before... it is so weird"  Kankurō said with a smirk.   you raised a brow at him.    "Go to bed Kankurō"  you said coldly.   He frowned and held in a yawn.    "I don't want to"  he teased.    "I will knock you out so you miss the whole exams"   you said with a evil smirk.   he paled and crawled into bed with a yawn.   "Man I am tired, I better get some sleep."   He said with a fake yawn.   you chuckled and looked back to see Gaara sleep with a peaceful expression on his face.   

Four hours and a half later...

Temari woke up nice and perky.   Gaara and Kankurō were still asleep.    "Good morning Temari, looks like you slept wonderfully."   you said making her jump.      "what are you doing here"  she yelled.   "ssshhh, Gaara is sleeping"  you said motherlike.   Her eyes widened in horror.   "Nothing has or will happen, I have been keeping an eye on him."  you said softly.     "You sound so much like mother"  she said with a small frown.    "Ha Kankurō said that"  you said with a small smile.   You returned to your normal blank expression with a small gleam of pride in your eyes.   "he did?"   she asked "hn" you replied.   You felt Gaara stir on the bed.  You looked over your shoulder to see him roll over again so he was facing you.   Kankurō woke up and ran out the door.   "What was that all about?"    you asked bluntly.    "bathroom he does that every morning" Temari explained.   you nodded.    You felt Gaara's hand on yours again.   You moved it away from him again and set it on you lap.   Temari looked at you with curiosity.    "Hey you should get a boyfriend"   she said slyly turning to face you on her bed.    You saw a image of Haku laying in your arms, blood trickling from his mouth onto his blue kimono.   You heard his last words echo through your mind.    "Sorry but my heart was taken already"   you said bluntly as you held back tears.   "By who"  she said cheerfully.   "is it that Kiyoshi guy?"  she added.    "No he has passed"  you said as you tried your best to hold your tears in.   "What do you he has passed... You better not be kidding."   Temari said in a frenzy.   "I rather not talk about it"   You said softly, as tears threatened to slip out of your eyes.   "Why it's just a boy"  she insisted getting out of her bed that she was sleeping in and was beside you with a huge smile on her face.   You shook your head no and hung your head so your hair covered your face, as tears began to spill from your eyes.    "Tsukiko... Come on tell me"   Temari begged ignoring your no's and warnings.    Thankfully Kankurō came through the door, with a cheery smile.    You looked up to reveal your soaked face with hair clinging to your face.   "Temari what did you do?"  Kankurō said running over to you.    "Nothing I just suggested she should get a boyfriend and then she told me she had one sort of, anyways... And she won't tell me and I really want to know who it is."   Temari explained.   Yon saw Kankurō's face turn and his eyes widened like he had realized something.   "Tsukiko... You don't have to tell her... And if what I am thinking is correct you shouldn't have to"   He said softly and hugged you.   You wrapped your arms around him as more tears fell from your eyes.     You let go of him cautiously.     "Thank you Kankurō for understanding"   You muttered.   He nodded.   Temari looked like she was going to hit Kankurō kuro but she looked at you, as you used the back of your hand to wipe away your tears.    You felt Gaara shift again making Temari and Kankurō hurriedly get ready.   They were done in a matter of seconds. You gapped in shock that they were that fast.    Temari was putting her hair into her four ponytails, as you looked over your shoulder to see Gaara starting to wake up.    You stood up and looked over your shoulder to see his eyes connect with yours.    You gave a sad smile and disappeared as fast as you could.   You were in the room you were staying in.   You collapsed to your knees and burst into tears.     You leaned against one of the bed frames and curled into a ball.   "Haku"   You muttered after a good five minutes of crying.    You heard a soft knock at the door before it slowly creaked open you saw Kankurō and he closed it softly.    "Tsukiko did that person... Die"   He asked hesitatly.    "Yes"  you answered.   He sat down next to you, leaning forward and hugged you yet again.    "I am sorry about Temari she gets like that and-"  you cut Kankurō off by you saying "it's okay, no need to apologize for her... Things happen for a reason"  you said moving away from him and standing up.  He stood up too.    "Tsukiko... If you ever need to talk I am here"  he said.   You nodded and he took his leave.    You wiped the rest of your tears off your face and frowned.    You pulled out your multipurpose scroll and grabbed your weapons, a pair of short jean shorts, a black muscle shirt, different black over the knee socks and undergarments.   You set them in front of you on a bed and took off your boots.    You slipped off your clothes leaving you in your undergarments.   Which are black and red lace with a red bow in the front.   You took them off and put on a plain black bra and matching underwear.   You slipped on your black muscle shirt and your jean shorts.   You slipped on your clean socks (your last clean pair of black ones too. Good thing you are leaving after the exams, or are you.)    You strapped on your knee high combat boots after slipping on all your clothes.   You grabbed your waist holster and slipped it on.   You attached your katana to it and made sure it was secure.      It was, thankfully.    You strapped on your thigh holster and left arm holster.   You grabbed your headband and tied it around your katana's sheath and your waist holster making the sheath extra sturdy.   You saw the choker Haku gave you and put it on.   You heard a knock on your door again.   "Come in"  you said.    The door creaked open as a head of red hair poked in.   You made sure that the bracelet Zetsu gave you was still around your wrist.   (It is always around your wrist... You will find out later why)    It was still there, thankfully.   

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now