Chapter 5: The Academy and Some Big Secrets.

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You were being forced to go to the academy, and into the same room you barged into. Right now Kakashi was walking you there. You were wearing new clothes. The shorts and skirt from Kiba. Black knee high socks, and black flats. From another couple of boys. A black elbow length shirt with a v-neck. It showed your very early blossomed chest. They were almost the same size as a normal adults apparently from what you heard. You had your long bangs off to the side of your face they were held in place by bobby pins. Your hair ends was half way down your thighs. Your ninja belt hung on your waist perfectly. You pulled out a book from your pouch. It was make out paradise. You smiled as you opened back to the page you were reading earlier. 'Thank you Hidan for this wonderful gift' you smirked. You looked up at Kakashi. "Where did you get the next book?" You asked sounding interested. You could tell he wasn't paying attention because he said, "at the villages adult book store... Why would a young girl like you be asking" You coughed hoping he would get the memo as you looked back into the book. 'Her hand delicately found its way to---' you heard a loud crash behind you. You raised your eyes from your book. You grumbled and put it back in your pouch. You walked back to a passed out Kakashi. 'We are in the middle of a school hallway and what does he do pass out... Ninja are very weird.' You thought. You saw his book and grabbed it. You slipped it into your ninja pouch on your hip and slipped a scroll into a scroll slit in your waist belt. The kunai pouch on your right thigh, was securely strapped to your waist belt. It was under your skirt so not many people would see it. You pinched Kakashi's cheek making him wake up. He sat up fast. You crinkled his mask. You smoothed his mask out then started to walk up ahead. "You coming?" you asked coldly. He started following you cautiously. You arrived at the room. 226 (I didn't know the actual number so I used my own home room number hope you don't mind) You knocked on the door. It immediately opened. An eraser was thrown across the room towards a sleeping student. You just looked curious at a teacher. Your face held no emotions as usual and you looked around. "When is the teacher going to be back since your busy throwing erasers at people" you said coldly giving him a blank look "I am the teacher... My name is Iruka" You looked back at Kakashi to see him smirking. You glared at him crossing your arms. He took off down the hallways. You closed the door behind you and walked towards the middle of the classroom. "I would like to thank you all for the gifts but I will decline all requests to be my boyfriend... Especially you Sasuke Uchiha. Thank you your card was beautifully written. And fangirls calm down you should be paying more attention to learning and training instead of stalking boys... It is just creepy" you said coldly. Lots of guys had hearts in their eyes. "What is your name.?" Iruka asked trying to pick up your dark speech. "Tsukiko from a certain clan that I will not speak of." you answered. "Why is that... Your clan just to great for us" a snobby kid towards the back said "Will you shut your big mouth if I tell you?" No one answered so you took it as a yes. "I look nothing like my clan and the story is personal, so I will tell you this... I am from the Tsukimura clan." Silence filled the room. A hand placed on your shoulder and you moved to the left. You looked at the rest of the room and found only one seat open... It was by the Sasuke kid. "Your likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc" Iruka asked. "My likes there aren't many of, I can not tell you because, never mind... My Dislikes are a lot of things, mostly dealing with my clan.... Hobbies are reading, counting money, and the others are to complicated for kids who have never shed a single drop of blood in their life... That it Iruka" you smirked at the end.. He sweat dropped. "Thank you for your introduction and take a seat by Sasuke" It was your turn to sweat drop. You stood tall and proud. You walked up to the desk and sat down beside him. You were silent till a hand touched your shoulder. You grabbed a kunai and stuck it to the hands owners throat. It happen to be Sasuke's. "I either kill you now or I let you live if you remove your hand" you whispered "and I don't usually let people live". He removed his hand quickly and you removed the kunai from his neck. Most of the fan girls looked at you angrily. You rolled your eyes. You faced the front. Iruka wasn't in the room. You took the opportunity to look around for any windows. There were three of them and one was open. You stood up with the kunai spinning around your finger. You looked from the door to the window. You walked to the front of the room and broke out into a sprint. You ran up the side of the wall and back flipped onto the window. You swung your body onto the window. "He should know not to leave the windows open.". You said bluntly. You had all your stuff including the book you're 'borrowing ' from Kakashi. You looked around outside. No one was in sight. Good. The classroom door opened behind you. "Bye Iruka and hope to never see you again Sasuke". You jumped and landed on the roof. You started to run.. Jumping from roof to roof. You started jumped off the top of a high roof. "Tuck and roll". You said. You jumped up and started running, there was someone following you. It was not Kakashi they are slightly slower. "Not going to get me now". You ran passed the gate and jumped into a tree continuing to run. Branches started to cut your arms and legs. You kept going. Next thing you know someone has you by the waist. You grabbed a kunai and started fighting it was a kunai against a kunai. The metal clashed together. You pushed chakra into the knife and pushed him back you then kicked them in the side making them fly backwards. It was Ibiki. You felt your blood run cold and you felt like going back to help him but he looked pissed and was starting to run after you through the trees. You started jumping again. "I maybe should have stayed." You laughed nervously as you landed on the ground. You stopped and turned around.

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