Chapter 16: Before exams

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You were running late for a meeting with your team. You were three hours late like Kakashi is. You were walking not even bothering to run to be on time. Once at the destination Naruto told you guys to meet at you heard "YOU'RE LATE" From Sakura and Naruto. "Sorry I am late I got lot on the path of life" You and Kakashi said Simultaneously. You looked at Kakashi he was deadpanning at you, Sasuke looked peeved and Naruto and Sakura looked angry. Naruto calmed down a little. "So how are the girls doing" he said "They're fine... They're train at the moment" You said confusing everyone but Naruto. "What I thought you only had Mika" Sasuke asked. "Hn" was your Reply. He sweat dropped. "So who are the girls... I know Mika is one of them." Kakashi said. You crossed your arms and leaned your weight on your right leg. "Mika and Aki, Aki is a girl I took in because well that's none of your concern." Kakashi started handing out papers. "I have nominated you four for the Chunin exams" He said as he handed out the papers. He stopped at you. "I am already signed up for them" You said calmly. "What why" Naruto shouted. "Because they have 3 man squads as a team limit... So do the math." You stated "That would be four if you were in the group so who's team are you in?" Naruto asked. "I am not in a team" you bluntly said. "what why... You can actually die in part two and three." Kakashi spoke worriedly. "It's a obsticle for me to complete to achieve my goal" you said. "To rebuild my other clan and to take the head chair from The Tsukimura clan leader that I called my father" you said turning to walk away. "What other clan" Sasuke said. "Uchiha" was your last response as Aki and Mika ran up to you. "Ane, she hurt me" They said simultaneously. "No duh you were supposed to be training" you said slyly. They started giggling and running around you as you walked. "Come on girls" You shouted back. They ran up to you. Aki wanted up so you picked her up. Mika started to sing some festival songs. You smiled at her. You headed towards the training grounds again. Your black battle kimono and tights were a bit dirty from helping Aki train but it was worth it, you were also wearing your knee high combat boots, so you had more movement. Once at the training grounds you set Aki down. "Aki lets see if you are better with Chakra control" You said. She nodded and ran for a tree. She ran up half way and stopped, slowly skidding down little by little. "Great progress Aki now you Mika" You shouted. She nodded and ran up the tree Aki was sliding down. She ran up it then landed on her back. "Stop trying to compete and just try your best... Hard word first then fun and games" You ordered. "Hai" they said. They kept going with you pointing out orders to them. Naruto and Sakura were behind you talking for the last thirty minutes. "Hey girls take a break we are going to work on hand to hand combat but with kunai. So take two minutes" You shouted. Mika who was at the top of a tree yelled "hai ane" While Aki was in the middle of a walk up a tree said "hai" She finished walking up and Mika said "grab my hand" Aki did as told. Mika jumped off the tree with Aki holding her hand. You saw this and jumped to Aki and Mika. You grabbed them by the backs of there tops. "Mika" You snapped. "That was scary" Aki said. "I knew you would catch us" Mika gloated. "Sure you did." You said smacking her in the head. "Ow" Mika complained. "Let's go" You ordered. Mika jumped down via tree branches. And Aki walked down the stump. You just jumped down. "How come you can jump down but we can't" Mika complained. "I won't die at the impact, you on the other hand will" You scolded bluntly. "Hey Tsukiko" Sakura called. You waved her and Naruto over. They ran up to you and the girls. Aki behind you. "Hey you... I know you, you little brat" Sakura said pointing at Aki. "What did you just call her Sakura" you asked calmly. "Nothing" she said backing up from you. "That's what I thought" you snarled. "Oh this must be Aki the girl you are adopting" Naruto said sounding smart. You walked up to him and place a hand to his forehead. It was slightly warm. "Sakura we need to get Naruto to the hospital and quick" You said calmly. "What I am perfectly fine" Naruto complained. "Nope you sounded too smart" Mika teased pushing Naruto as he tried to dig him heels into the ground. Sakura was laughing and so was Aki. You smiled. You noticed an Anbu black op watching you and the girls. You grabbed a kunai and nodded. They looked at you and jumped down. "Hold on be back" you said to Aki. You cautiously walked over to the Anbu knife at your side. "I am only here because Lord Third wants to see you" They said. You nodded putting your knife away. "Aki behave and train with Mika. Naruto and Sakura watch them and maybe help them a little" You said. They faced you and smiled. "Don't worry Tsukiko I got this, believe it" Naruto said. You rolled your eyes and faced the Anbu. You nodded and you both disappeared. You reappeared in the Hokage's office. You kneeled as did the Anbu. "I have brought her Lord third" The Anbu said. You stood up. "Good you may leave now." He said. You were surrounded by Joinin and Chunin. "Tsukiko I need you to do a quick mission that only you and two others can do... Can you do this" The Hokage said panicked. "What is Lord Hokage" you said calmly "I need you to escort a lord and his son here from a safe point near the edge of the land of fire" He said. "Yes I can... What time you need them here at" You said bluntly. "Tomorrow morning will be latest they arrive... Now who am I going with" You stated bluntly. Two Chunin stepped towards you. "These two will... You are dismissed." The Hokage said. Everyone else exited the room with a frown or bored look on their face. "Let's go you two" You said. "What why in a rush" The one wearing round black glasses and a greyish tan trench coat said. "Because I have to feed two children in three hours" you said. "How old are you?" They asked. "13 ones a sibling the other on is non of your business... No stand near me" You said. They did and you grabbed their arms. "Be back soon Lord Hokage" you said giving a closed eye'd smile. You disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

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