Chapter 27

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You are looking out your window in a black dress with your hair up in a bun. You are going to pay your respects at Asuma's grave. You are going to be sneaking in. It has been over two and a half weeks since the funeral, you would have gone sooner but you have been busy and throwing up. You turned and slipped on your ninja sandals. You disappear and reappear just a bit off of the K.I.A stone. You see Kakashi there. You did a few hand signs and turned invisible. You pulled out a small box from your waist pouch. "I am so sorry Kakashi" you whisper. He looks behind him and you set the small box on the K.I.A stone. You took off towards the grave yard. Once there you look for Asuma's stone. You turn off the Jutsu seeing that no one was there. You snap and a banquet of red and black roses appear. You set them down on the empty grave. You feel a chakra coming and you look to your right to see a Anbu black op. You look at them and do a slight bow. You disappear and reappear in your room. You take off your ninja gear and slip off the dress and put on a black muscle shirt. You exit your room and head out of the mansion. You walk around and stop to see a girl crying on a nearby swing set. You walk up to her and ask "hey little one, what's wrong?" She looks up at you and sniffles. Her silver eyes sparkled with hope. "My mommy is sick. We don't have enough money for the medical treatment." She sniffles at the end. You wipe away her tears and help her down from the swing. "Can you show me where you live?" You ask. She nods and sniffles again. You grab her hand and she starts to walk.

It took a few minutes but you made it there. It was a fairly nice house with nice things, there are lots of family photos. You finished your basic healing and check up. You frown and say "I won't be able to heal you myself, in my state but I can pay for the treatment myself." You say to the girls mother. "No, no my lady there's no need." The mother argued. "No I insist" you said with a small smile. 'She is going to need surgery. She has liver cancer.' You thought. "Can I know what's wrong with me?" The mother asked. You look at the little girl. "I don't think your daughter should be here, when I explain" You state. "Ok, Sweetie go play with some toys" the mother said the little girl nods and runs off. You take a deep breath and say, "You have... Liver cancer, you need a surgery and antibiotics. They are all really expensive." You pause to see the woman's reaction. "No, no you must be wrong. Am I going to die?" The woman panicked. "Only if you don't get at least the antibiotics, it will slow it down and remove it very slowly. Now if you get the surgery and antibiotics you will live longer then just antibiotics. But you need them right away, or it will just spread and become worse." You explain calmly. The woman nods and takes a deep breath. "I will pay for it" you give a soft smile. The woman nods. "Thank you very much my lady. But I do have a question." She asked. "Yes?" You answer. "How long do I have to live?" She asks. You nod and say "with out anything anywhere from a couple months to a few years years. With antibiotics 5 maybe 6 years. But with the surgery and Antibiotics about 15 maybe 25 years" You answer. "When can I get the surgery?" She asks. "I will tell you when I can, I will send a nurse over to tell you." You state. The woman nods. "Well, I am off now. Come to my office or send your little girl if you need me." You state and take your leave. "Thank you again my lady" the woman says with a bow. You walk to the door and slip on your shoes. "Thank you Lady Tsukiko for trying to fix my mommy" the girls soft voice says. You turn to see her with a small black box with a soft blue and pink striped ribbon. She runs up to you and passes it to you. "What's this for?" You ask. "It's your birthday present. Isn't it tomorrow?" The little girl states. You had forgotten all about your birthday. "Yeah it is... I guess I sorta forgot" you laugh. "Can you open it please, I want to see your re-... Your react...reaction" the little girl says happily after sounding out the word. You smile a ghost of a smile, ever so slightly and pat her head softly. "Okay, I'll open it" you state as you see her smile brightly. You suddenly feel the baby move or kick. You grab your stomach and the girl looks worried. "Lady Tsukiko? Are you alright?" She asks. "Yes, the baby just moved you want to feel?" You state with a closed eye'd smile. She places her small hand on your stomach and you move it slightly further down. The baby moves again moments later. "I felt it... I felt it." The girl says happily. You smile then let her hand go. You look at the box and open it slowly. A small black, white and blue beaded bracelet is in it. You smirk at the clans colours. "Did you make it?" You ask. It was done very well and was very beautiful. "Yes I did, do you like it?" The girl asks. "Very much so." You say with a smile. You lift it out of the box to see a smaller one. "It's for the baby too." The girl says. "That's very sweet of you to do that." You comment. The girls smile gets brighter every second. You set them back in the box and close the lid over them and the ribbon. You smile your ghost smile. (A.K.A a very small smile. The opposite to Naruto's smile.) "Well, I thank you for the present. I will or a nurse will be here shortly within the next few days. I need you to boss her or him around okay?" You say crouching slightly. The girl nods. "I thank you for the presents, I hope to see you soon, but with a smile on your face again okay?" You state happily. The girl nods and hugs you softly. You hug her back then let her go and stand. "Well nice see you young one" you say with a smirk and exit the house. "Bye Lady Tsukiko!!!!!" The girl yells from the door of her house. You wave back at her.

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