Chapter 29: The End

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You starred as your father and black Zetsu are fighting.   Naruto and Sasuke have either died or almost died.   Kakashi tired and drained of chakra.   Your cover blown.  But you were still technically winning, unless you counted that Madara had betrayed you and your beloved chichi.  You go into your chichi's mind.  "I am doing it now, I am coming for you chichi, I will save you."   You state.  "No don't, please you need to live.  I need you to live"   He retorts.   "I don't care, because I can't live if your not alive"  you state and cut the connection.  You look forwards and down at the war from your high perch.

(Start music video... Dirty angel. Nightcore version)

You fall forward off the cliff.     'Here we go' Akuma says.   You curl up in a slight ball as black feathered wings shoot out of your back.   You spin and let your wings glid you down.   Your hair shoots out black and could reach your feet.   Your eyes also black as the blackest Caribbean night.  You tilt to the right and dive.   You could see the whole war, shinobi and white Zetsu fighting   Kunai colliding with other kunai and weapons. You grab kunai and shoot them, hitting the White Zetsu.    They all scream out in pain and agony, but soon hit the ground lifeless.     You land beside Kakashi.   A huge gust of wind knocking some ninja over.    You see Gaara and the fourth Hokage off to the right.   You nod and pull out two kunai and getting into a fighting stance.    Chichi looks sad and horrified.    "Tsukiko... Get... Out... Of... Here"  he struggles as he keeps Black Zetsu at bay.   You shake your head 'no' staying silent knowing you would only  creep them out.     Kakashi looks over at you worriedly.    You give him a glance.   He notices your throat was fine, but you had wings and black hair, instead of your silver.    (Yeah yeah your hair keeps changing deal with it, it my story)   You drop your stance as a White Zetsu appears behind you.  You slash its throat and kick it over.    You smirk and your wings close behind you as you do a set of back hand springs. Shooting some kunai in the process.   They land in their Targets marks.    You push off your arms and shoot up into the air.    Your wings open and you glide around the air.   'I have to help everyone else first, Kakashi can handle him self for now'   You think confidently.     "Tsukiko, where are you going?"   Gaara yells.    "Kill... Kill... Kill, killing bad guys and winning wars is where I am going."  You say in a high pitch creepy voice.  Kakashi looks terrified.  You give him a ghost smile and dive down past him and up the slight caverns wall.    Otachi appears and slashes at the white Zetsu clones.    You dive down into an open area.   A huge gust of wind takes down some ninja and some turn to attack you.   You attack only white Zetsu clones and anything with a dark aura.   You see a regular ninja, from the village Hidden in the Leaves, he starts to attack you.   You dodge and still aim kunai at the Clones.     You jump into the air your wings wrap around you and you open them as wind blades hit the clones.    The Ninja stops and starts working with you.  You start up a bunch of hand signs.     You are going at the speed of light, doing hand signs.   Your wings flapping keeping you in the air as you glide in the air over the war like a circling crow or raven.   You stop and raise your arm as lighting shoots only at the white Zetsu within 10 meters of you.   You activate your Seika you also activate your Rinnegan in your right eye.   But it seems different as you can see everything and everyone.   You know what most are thinking too.    You stay up in the air as your right eye burns slightly.   You suddenly drop from the sky and your wings cover you.   You don't hit the ground at all as you feel someone or thing catch you.    You then feel like your being smothered.  "Get away from her!!!" Someone yells.    It sounds like Kakashi, maybe even Naruto.  But Naruto is unconscious and on the verge of dying.   "Sasuke what did I just say!"  They yell again.   It was definitely Naruto.    You look up to see Sasuke.  He gasps as his gaze meets your eyes.   "Why do you have those eyes?"   He asks.    you gaze up at him.    You don't speak as you gaze at him blankly.    You see Naruto by your side.   You grab your head as a painful pain hits it.    Naruto places a hand on your shoulder.    "Don't fight it Tsukiko."  He states.  You look up at him as you black out suddenly.    

You awake in a dark room.   You see an older man sitting on something that is floating.   You recognize him right away.    You bow respectively and you hear him chuckle.   "Tsukiko... My child."   The husky and older voice says.    "My lord"  you say bluntly.    "Rise now, let us speak about this... Predicament."   He says.   "Lord Ōtsutsuki."  You start as you stand but don't move from your spot.   "You know my name the, young Tsukimura leader"   The man says.  You nod and stay silent.    "You're allowed to speak, in my presence child" he chuckles.  You nod slowly and keep your gaze locked on the ground.   You on top of water or sometype of fluid.     "My child come closer"   He says.  You nod and walk towards him slowly.    You stop just a bit more then four feet from him.   "Closer"  he says sternly.  You walk towards him till your exactly one and a half feet from him.    He nods.     "Do you know why you are here?" He says slowly.    "No my lord... I do not."  You answer.     "I have chosen you along with Naruto and Sasuke, to help place this world back on its righteous path.   You and them are to create peace amongst the people and living beings on this planet.   Even some that may visit this planet"  he says.     "How can I do that my Lord"  you ask.    "My child... First let me begin in the past with my sons."   He states.  You nod.    "You are an incarnation of my son Indra's unknown female child."    He began.   You look off to your right.  "Perhaps you have sensed her spirit and, or Chakra?"   He asks.  You give a small nod.  He takes a deep breath.    "You know the whole legend then?"   He asks.   You state, "yes I have heard of it, but I am unsure of its whole legend"  you state.   "I see, I would tell it but we don't have time.  My sons incarnations also known as Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, need you.    Uchiha Sasuke needing his daughters incarnation, as support, to help in this righteous act."  Ōtsutsuki  Hagoromo says.     You nod.   "Now before I send you back, after thing very brief conversation, I need to place this gift upon you."  Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo states as he waves you over.  You come close to him.  He places his hand over your eyes.     "It will hurt a lot, I will warn"  he says.  You nod.   A searing pain goes over your eyes.     You let out a scream and clap your hands on your arms to stop from ripping Lord Ōtsutsuki's hand from your eyes.          You wake up in the arms of someone.   Your Seika activated and your Rinnegan but they are not purple but black with red markings (same as the Infinite Tsukuyomi markings)   "Tsukiko!!"  Someone yells.  You ignore and stand tall.    You look down to see Kakashi.    "I hope we meet again after the war, Kakashi"  you say with a tear rolling down your cheek.    "Tsukiko, where are you going?"  Kakashi chokes out with tears streaming down his face.    "I might not live after what I am about to do... Tell Satoru I love him and tell him all about me when he is older."  You state.  You notice your under Sasuke's Susanoo.     You jump up and your wings glide you through it.          Once you make it to the outside of the Susanoo, you see bright light.    Your eyes get used to the glare.     You see the third Hokage and the Fourth.  You expand your wings creating a shadow.   You look around to see wrapped up shinobi hanging in the air.   You start up a bunch of hand signs.   You dive down to the ground.   You land with a gust of wind.    Black chakra starts to spin and float around you.    You add Yang chakra to the mix making it an even darker black.  "Who are you?"  Someone asks.  You look to your side to see its the fourth Hokage.    "Me?...   I am the New moon Demon,  incarnation of the granddaughter of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo also known as the Sage of Six Paths, Daughter of his son Indra."   You state proudly as blackness erupts and makes everything pitch black. 

The end...

Guys tell me if you want a sequel!!  I would be glad to do it.

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now