Chapter 22

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Three years, ten months and twelve days later.

Warning things are off in this chapter... This is Fanfiction so role with me.  Don't judge me.

You rose from your throne as you dismissed a meeting. You tied your Akatsuki cloak around your waist but proudly showing off your kanji on your stomach. You wore your black tights, and a black crop top with your combat boots. You waited as everyone disappeared from the room in clouds of smoke. You exited the room and took off down the hallways. Everyone bowed respectively as you passed. "Tsukiko-sama, you are free this afternoon... What are you going to do?" A pesky girl about the age of 12 asked. "Shouldn't you be in the academy?" You asked. You had made it equal right for both boys and girls at a young age to try, but if they fail they are put into priest and priestess training. "It was a day off my lady" the young girl said. Kiyoshi appeared beside you, you stopped and said "are you ready?" "I am always my lady" Kiyoshi said. All of the assassins wore white full body suits. You nodded and said "I will meet you at the gates" He nodded and disappeared. "My lady... Where are you going another mission?" The girls asked. "Yes... Now go away" You said as you started walking again. The girl left you. You sighed and kept your blank emotionless expression. You opened a door and threw your Akatsuki cloak into the room. You disappeared and appeared in your mansion. You put on the outfit above/to the side. Except for your hair was in a messy bun with three senbon sticking out of it. Aki came up to you in her usual battle kimono a white with bold blue flowers on it, and her blue tights and navy blue ninja sandals. "Mother... Are you going to Konoha?" She asked. "Yes I am..." You said bluntly. "Have fun" she said in her normal heartless tone. She is now twelve years old now her birthday being the 23rd of June. Mika walked in also as Aki left the room as you fastened your katana to your waist holster and grab some of your weapons and slip them into there rightful pouch. "Ane?" She asked. "Yes Mika." You said softer then your normal harsh tone. "Say hello to Naruto for me" she said bluntly and walked out. She is now 13 years old her birthday being the 27th of August. Yours was in April on the 11th. You walked out of the room after strapping on your arm holster that carried senbon and your 'little boy' in it. You are eighteen now and it was two months before Mika's birthday and Aki's was was eight days ago. You disappeared and reappeared at the gates. You looked at the guards and ordered "have more guards patrolling and close the gates for now... I will be gone over night." They nodded. Kiyoshi pasted you, your royal white and blue design cloak. You slipped it on and started walking. He followed. You both disappeared in thin air and appeared 5 Km(s) away from the gates and continued walking.

After half an hour of walking you are less than ten feet from the gates. You could tell Kotetsu and Izumo haven't been killed yet as no one approached you. You made it to the gate and Kiyoshi stood calmly beside you. "Are you supposed to be sleeping on the job" You whispered into their ears. They shot up and said "who goes there" You rolled your eyes. "You with the hood take it off" Kotetsu ordered. You pulled your cloak off and Kiyoshi caught it. "I am the clan leader of the Tsukimura clan... I would like to speak with your Hokage" you said blankly. "Tsukiko is that you?" Izumo asked. "Wrong, that is Tsukiko-sama to you." Kiyoshi said sternly and cold. They nodded and then suddenly three Anbu black ops appear. "Yes what do you want?" You asked calmly glancing at them. "We will escort you to Lady Hokage" the one in the middle said. You nodded and you and Kiyoshi followed. 'This is fishy, keep an eye out' you warned Otachi and Akuma. 'Will do' Otachi said sternly. 'Always am' Akuma said. The Anbu black ops were walking slowly and catching attention. "Tsukiko!!!" A girly

scream yelled. You turned towards the scream. A blob of pink and Yellow hair appeared in your vision. Kiyoshi stood in front of you protectively. You coldly turn your shoulder from them and started walking again behind the Anbu black ops. Kiyoshi followed quickly. "Tsukiko-sama" A boy yelled. You turned to see a young boy, Kiyoshi let him pass him cautiously. "Yes child?" You asked. "Can you come visit the academy to show off your amazing ninja skills" The boy asked he was about 12 years old. You sighed. "I will take a visit but nothing more" you said blankly and turned to walk again. "Yay!! Thank you so much ma'am." He yelled then ran off. After being bothered many times you finally make it to the Hokage's office Building. You went up the three flights of stairs and knocked on the door of the office. "Come in" a tired female voice said. You and Kiyoshi entered. "Lady fifth" You said with a nod, as you see a blonde lady tiredly leaning on her desk with a Sakē bottle in hand and cup, her head resting on her arms. "And you are" the Hokage asked. "I am Tsukiko Tsukimura, clan leader of the Tsukimura clan" you introduced bluntly. The Hokage's eyes widened. "I am here peacefully" You said calmly with a nod as Kiyoshi closed the door. "I am Tsunade Senju the Hokage of the Hidden leaf... I am glad to finally glad to meet you" She said half heartedly. "If you are wondering why I am here is... I want to send six teams here for the Chunin exams" you said. You gazed into her soft brown eyes with a hardened and emotionless look in your eyes. Tsunade nodded and said "that would be lovely to have another fire village join us next month." You nodded and said "I thank you for your time... And I would like to visit two old friends of mine while I am here if you don't mind" you said calmly. "I don't see why not Tsukiko-san" Tsunade smirked. "Thank you Tsunade-san" you smirked back. You turned to take your leave. "Oh and Hiruzen told me when you came back eventually to give you this" Tsunade said reach into a drawer having Kiyoshi on edge. You stuck your hand out signalling that it was fine. He nodded and relaxed. You lowered your arm and noticed a woman about 21-25 years of age looking at you with a pig in her arms. She had shoulder length brown hair and wore a blue kimono. You really didn't care about her really. Tsunade pulled out a jonin vest and set it on her desk. Kiyoshi passed you your cloak and you slipped it on with the hood down. He then picked up the vest and walked back over to you and disappeared. "Why did he just leave" Tsunade asked. "He has to make she nothing is wrong with it and then he will set it in my room." You said bluntly. "Why does he do that?" The woman asked. You looked at her and said "nothing goes to me or around me without being checked" Tsunade nodded but the girl asked "why is that?" "I am wanted dead by hundreds of people... My head on the black market and can or will make a person rich." You said bluntly. Tsunade smirked and said "how much is that?" "Over 93 Billion yen" you said bluntly. Her eyes had money signs in them and you sighed. You were about to say something else when someone knocked on the door. "Come in" You and Tsunade said simultaneously. The woman glared and Tsunade smirked. "Habit?" She asked and you nodded. A familiar head of silver hair popped in through the door. "Hello Kakashi" Tsunade said as you went to lean on the wall. You closed your eyes and he didn't notice you. "I am here to report on two mysterious figures found walking towards the hidden leaf." Kakashi said proudly. You pulled your hood up figuring he wouldn't notice you. Kiyoshi appeared beside you without making a sound. The woman yelped in surprised. Kakashi just blankly looked at her then back to Tsunade. "I have seen the two also, they are here in my office as we speak" Tsunade chuckled. Kakashi started to look around and his eye landed on you and Kiyoshi. "Miss me Kakashi?" You said in a colder tone then you intended for. "Who are you?" He asked. Kiyoshi was about to yell at him and you raised your hand to silence him, he nodded and you let your hand slowly fall back to your side. "Well I haven't been here for three maybe four years so I didn't expect you would remember" you sighed and took your cloak off. You passed it to Kiyoshi and he made it disappear. "Tsukiko?" He asked. "Yes it's me long time no see" you said bluntly. You looked at Tsunade and nodded. You headed for the doors with Kiyoshi. "Hope to see you again lady Tsukiko-sama" the woman said brightly. "Maybe... But the next time you see me, I hope we are on the same team." You said leaving everyone confused, as you exited with Kiyoshi.

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