Chapter 18:

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Two days it has been since the exams have started. You weren't bored yet anyways. You had candy, books, 'toys' that you had gotten from Deidara and Sasori when you were younger. Plus you had your 'people' to chill with. Some of the Akatsuki members, Akio, Sho, Minoro, Minoru and Kiyoshi. You could have also be with Temari but she won't go near you at the moment. You had read all your books, didn't want anymore candy, and you were waiting for Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke to get to the tower. "They are probably dead by now" you mumbled as you sat up on the bed that you never sleep in. It was two in the morning of third day. You sighed and went over to your fridge you pulled out a water bottle. The fridge looked pretty much the same as the first day minis the four water bottles, five peaches and two apples. The other fruit were there with a bunch of water bottles. You closed the door to it and walked around outside in the halls. No one was up and you were just wondering. You spotted an Anbu black op. "Hey why are you up... Can't sleep" you teased. He looked over at you. He was tired you can tell. "I don't sleep much... And I should be asking you that young lady" He said turning to face you. "I don't sleep at all... I have to lose a lot of chakra before that happens" you stated bluntly. "Everyone has to sleep eventually" He said. "I have never been able to without nightmares" You said standing beside him. he was near the huge room where everyone ate. "So why are you awake your shift ended two hours ago" you said as you noticed his patterns recently. He leaned against the wall. "You can sleep in my room I don't use the beds" you suggested. "Just go back to your team" He ordered. "I am my own team." You said bluntly. "Stop lying there is only one... Are you Tsukiko Tsukimura?" He asked look at you. "Hn" was your reply. He was suddenly full of energy. "What... Oh yeah forgot." He muttered leaning against the wall again. "What that I don't actually look like a demon" You said coldly. "No just that you only look like the picture when your blood crazy or pissed." He said softly. "Well I can assure you that I won't be blood crazy anymore and I don't get pissed easily anymore" you said bluntly. You started walking again. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To go take out a few more teams, what is my whereabouts to you?" You said bluntly. "You shouldn't go... You have a village to take over so I heard." He said. You laughed softly. "Yes I do... Why do you care?" You chuckled. "Because I can see a hurt, soft and kind young girl under your scars and emotionless act. You have lost things you can never get back and have done things no kid should have to do. You have had happy moments that were crushed and happy moments that will stay with you forever" He spoke softly. A tear slipped down your cheek, but you wiped it away. "Yes I once was that girl... Now I am a heartless killing machine and always have been and will be... Nothing can change for someone with a demon sealed inside them" You spoke coldly. "Yes but there is always hope" He said sternly. "All there is is hate in this world... No peace will become of it" You said starting to walk away again. You felt someone looking at you from a distance. The Anbu walked beside you as you headed for the door you came in. You opened the door and jumped onto the railing. You used chakra to stay balanced then just normally walked around on the thin railing. The Anbu headed away from you. You looked up to see Gaara's sand eye. "Hello Gaara" You said bluntly. The sand eye disappeared and Gaara stood from the roof of the tower and stood on the steps to the upper balcony. "So why are you awake... Shukaku bothering you." You asked bluntly. "How do-" He started. "I know all of my fellow demon holders... Jinchūriki in particular." You said bluntly cutting Gaara off, while jumping off the railing. "What how did you know?" He said. "I can sense your chakra and I am like you, so why wouldn't I?" 'Kill... Kill... Kill...' 'Shut up' You and Otachi yelled at your demon. 'Is that all you think about' Otachi said (in your mind) You grabbed your head. 'I have a name you know and yes it is' Your demon said. 'What would that be?' You asked. 'Akuma... So stop calling me demon' Akuma yelled making your head hurt. (Akuma is a female demon by the way) 'How about you stop trying to make me kill people' You snapped. 'How about if you sleep I will take over' Akuma suggested. 'I sealed you fully in moron' you snapped. 'How about-' 'no I don't want to kill anyone anymore without purpose' you cut off Akuma. "Tsukiko... Tsukiko" A stern yet soft voice said. 'Well when you do kill people can I get to join?' Akuma said. 'Sometimes' You tried to make an agreement. 'What the hell are you doing?" Otachi yelled. You grabbed your head tightly as you leaned against the railing. "Tsukiko" Gaara yelled grabbing your shoulder. 'I will be in control anyways and stop yelling your giving me a headache' you said in pain (in your head). 'Sorry' Otachi and Akuma said simultaneously. 'Thank you very much... Do we all agree on this then' You said. 'Agreed' Otachi and Akuma said. You sighed. "TSUKIKO" Gaara yelled. You snapped out of it but the pain in your head was still there. "Hn" you responded in slight pain. You sent chakra to your hands and massaged your head. You looked at him. "Yes?" You said bluntly, slowly removing your hands from your head. "Are you okay?" He asked sternly. "Yes just arguing at a really bad time, but my health is fine." you said bluntly. Gaara nodded. He had you at arms length both his hands on your shoulders. "Life is unfair isn't it" Gaara said. "Hn" was your reply. He pulled you close to him. Arms wrapped around you. You stood still arms by your sides. You slowly raised them but dropped them quickly not sure what to do. You stood still for about a minute. You finally hugged back. Gaara stiffened a bit but slowly relaxed. You rested your head on his shoulder. "You should sleep Tsukiko" he whispered. "I can't sleep" you said softly. "Hn" he said. He suddenly picked you up bridal style and started walking. You rested your head on his shoulder. "Door 21" you muttered some how knowing that he wasn't going to quit till you were asleep. He walked to your door with you in his arms. He open the door and walked in. He walked up the stairs and opened the door. No one was in there, only your weapons were on the bed to the right. He set you on the bed gently and sat beside you. He stroked your hair softly as he tucked you in. You looked at him blankly as he somehow got you to feel sleepy. You were almost asleep when he stopped. "Don't leave me please... I don't want to be alone" you asked softly. He nodded and took of his shoes and gourd, then laid beside you. You placed some covers over him to keep him warm too. He started to stroke your head again softly. Your eyes soon fell shut. Soft music you started to hear as someone hummed a song. You moved closer to Gaara slightly, and fell asleep.

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now