Chapter 14: A Drink and Training

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Recap: "It because she can fucking drink most of us under the fucking table and then some, with out even getting buzzed, what a bitch to think she is a fucking better drinker then me" Hidan yelled. You walked over to the door and said "that's because I can and will tonight if you challenge me and you know I can bet you because I have done it twice" You mocked closing the door. You went to sit back down on the bed, as you heard shouting and fighting. You laid back down on the bed and closed your eyes.

A few seconds after laying down your chichi appeared. He had a few small presents in hand with a few bigger ones behind him. You sat up. He started walking towards you. "Happy birthday, sweetie" Chichi said. You smirked. He stopped in front of you, as your smirk faded. He placed the smaller boxes beside you. He passed you a small green one. You slowly opened it. A Uchiha crest pendent on a silver chain is what you pulled out of the box. You smirked. You felt another box being given to you. It was black with a white ribbon. You opened it. There was a black chained choker. After opening all the small boxes, you had four necklaces, three sets of earrings and six bracelets, a few of them matched your necklaces. You had a pair of silver studs, being locked threw your newly pierced ears. Your other ones were black roses and crosses. Your other necklaces were a dream catcher choker and a loose hanging gold chain. Your bracelets were a black chained bracelet, a charm bracelet with Uchiha and Tsukimura clan based things, as charms. A couple gold chained bracelets, silver ones too.

Next were the three medium presents and the two that were the same size as you. You stood up and went to open the bigger ones. A huge black teddy bear appeared. You sweat dropped at how big it was. "A bit too big isn't it." Chichi said. "Just a little" You said facing him. "I was going to give it to you for your seventh birthday but I couldn't so I just kept it here for you." Chichi said standing up and walking up to you. "Tsukiko, I want you to be careful during the exams in Konoha, don't show your emotions and try to be hated a little more. That way you can become stronger. Through hate and fear is your only way to be stronger" Chichi said seriously. You nodded. "It must be the reason why when a Anbu black op finds out who I am and start to cower before me, it is such a wonderful feeling" You sighed in satisfaction. Your chichi chuckled. It is isn't it. "Now open your next one" He said. It was clothes. And I mean a lot of clothes, shirts, skirts, pants, shorts, belly shirts, socks, undergarments, a couple of sweaters and even a few shoes. "I hope you like them, me and Konan picked them out." Chichi said.

The first thing you pulled out was a black battle kimono. It was really pretty. You set it down to the side. After a half hour of looking through clothes you finally looked at your millions of out fits. You had three black belly shirts, two red ones, a green one, a blue one, and a white one. You had two battle kimonos, the first one black the other one white. You had 7 mini skirts that just covered your butt, the first one being purple, then three black ones, a pink one (oh hell no), and three red ones. You also had five pairs of shorts. Two of them being black tight ninja shorts, the others loose and casual looking. You had a few tank tops. Two being black, one being white, one brown and the other orange. You had ten pairs of socks. Two of them going to the top of your legs, (black with navy blue stripes and purple with blue stripes) Six were over the knee socks. (Two pure black, two pure green, one purple and black, being purple based with black stars, the last one being camouflage.) And the others were ankle socks. (Camouflage) There were two pairs of ninja sandals, one being black the other navy blue. Even a new pair of combat boots. You smirked when you saw those. Then there was the undergarments. There were tweleve sets. You were blushing madly. Chichi told you that "Konan picked them out and that you would wonder why the good boy Tobi was getting something so girly" with a chuckle. The first and last three were lace. (Two are black. One is red. One is hot pink [kill me now] and the last two were [what ever you want other than pink] ) The others had padded cups and were all black some with hearts and stars on them in purple or blue. They were matching sets of bras and underwear. You had a black sweater, and a red one. So that was all your clothes.

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