Chapter seven: Lemons and Bells.....

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"Kakashi... I have been having this weird feeling but I don't know how to explain it." You said as you looked up at him. He rose a brow. "I have been having a weird feeling too." You both looked at each other and blushed. You sat up and looked him in the eyes. You were kneeling in front of him. You sat on his lap, straddling him. Your arms on his shoulders. Your faces were getting closer and closer. Till.....

(Lemon... Time to have some better memories Tsukiko-chan/ reader-chan) This chapter will be 'hot', funny and interesting. *wiggling eyebrows*

Your lips brushed lightly against each others. You gasped slightly at the feeling, butterflies were in your stomach and you were blushing. You did it again but this time your lips connected and stayed together for a few seconds. Kakashi's hands went around your waist. Pulling you closer to him. Your arms went around his neck. Your lips connected again but this time stayed together. They started to massage each other. You started to get that tingling feeling, again. You have never felt anything like this before. You felt Kakashi's hands slowly slide back and forth, along your hips and thighs. You gave a soft ever so soft moan. Your eyes were closed and so were his. You pushed up against his chest with yours. Your right hand found its way to Kakashi's hair. And your left one trailed it's way down his chest. You broke the kiss panting. So was Kakashi. Kakashi moved you so that you were laying on your back. Your hands were pinned above your head. He started to kiss you again. But this time it was full of passion. He was straddling you this time. You could feel something pushing into your lower area. It moved back and forth electing a breathy moan from you. His right hand found its way to your hips. So did his left. He started to trail kisses along your jaw and down your neck. He nipped and sucked every once and awhile. He found a spot that made your breathing hitch in your throat. He smirked against your skin, and gave you a love mark. You tilted your head to the side, so he could have access to your neck more. You felt his tongue slip out of his mouth and run from the base of your neck to your jaw. Then he trailed open mouth kisses along the collar of your shirt. The tingling feeling was getting worse, it was begging for someone to touch it. Your hand went to touch it but your hand was lifted above your head. You looked up into the one open eye of Kakashi. "No that is why, I'm here" he said with lust. You blushed at being caught and the words from make out paradise. 'I bet that's where he... What why am I doing this he's my best friend.... But I have never felt this good before... Like Hidan says fuck it..' You thought. You were brought out of your thoughts with a loud moan. You leaned into the kiss as Kakashi licked your bottom lip asking for entrance. You excepted his offer and your tongues danced in side each other's mouth together. He won the dance as he searched every single place his tongue could reach. One of his hands went to your face and cupped your cheek. The two of you separated, and looked delicately into each other's eyes. His was begging for permission as your granted it. He slowly lifted your shirt over your head leaving you in a sports bra, and shorts. He threw your shirt to the side. His right hand came back to cup your face. His left traveled down your chest, resting just under your left breast. He kissed you again you kissing back. He grinned his hips into yours, and retrieved a moan and pant out of you. His left hand groped your left breast. You gasped at the sensation. His thumb pressed against your nipple. You moaned at the touch. You opened your eyes to see him smirking. Your left hand followed a scar and you saw his. You pinched it and he groaned, and he did it back to you but this time rolling it between his merciless fingers. You let out loud moan and felt the tingling begging to be touched. Kakashi grinned his groin against yours. The sensation was overwhelming, there was a ball of pleasure building in your stomach, getting ready to explode. You knew the feeling well but you don't know what happens if it does explode. It kept growing as he switched breasts and did the same to the other. He was getting ready to take off your bra when he stopped and asked "is it alright if we go further and will you be okay with it?" You looked him in the eyes and said "please Kakashi don't stop, I'm fine with it as long as it's with you... You make me feel different. It's a good different like I can trust you to gentle with me" He smiled at you. "Of course I'll be gentle with you, Tsukiko... Your precious to me" He continued to lift you up by your back with his arm and pull the bra over your head. He gazed at your chest with care. You blushed and covered it with your arms. Kakashi laid you back down and grabbed your hand. You looked him in the eyes. "I told you I would be gentle with you, right?" He asked. You moved your arms out of the way. His lips brushed against yours. He let go of your hand and caressed your cheek. He started to move down to your legs. He pulled off your shorts and threw them to the side. It revealed your soaked underwear. His eyes widened and looked at you curiously. His hand traveled down your chests valley, down your stomach to the hem of your underwear. He paused and looked up at you. You were blushing madly. He gave you a closed eye'd smile. You smiled back with the blush on your face growing a deeper shade of red. His hand ran over your womanhood. You felt a rush of pleasure go threw you. You bit your lip as your hips rolled forward. You gasped as he did it again. You gripped the sheets of the bed. His hand pinched your clit and rolled it between his fingers. You moaned loudly. "Ka.... Aaahhh... Shi" You moaned softly. Kakashi straddled you again You felt something hard against your womanhood. It pushed in and out slightly. You gasped as Kakashi's hand played with your clit. Your hips rolled forward again. His left hand came up and massaged your left breast, as one of his finger tips rolled over your left nipple. Your back arched slightly as another moan escaped your lips. Kakashi kissed you again, but very briefly. You felt the ball in your stomach, was on the very verge of bursting. "Kakashi... I.." You felt the ball burst and a wave of intense pleasure flow over you. Your back arched and you closed your eyes tightly. A long moan slipped from your mouth. Kakashi moved back and lifted your legs so that your knees were in the air. His hands moved to your hips, they pulled off your underwear, they were soaked. He threw them aside and backed up further. His head went between your knees. You felt him licking you. "What are you doing?" You asked moaning at the end. "Having a taste" he said cockily. You felt him slip a finger into your womanhood, electing a soft but audible moan from you. He slowly moved it in and out of you. You bit your lip, stopping your self from yelling out. He added another finger and started to go faster. You gripped the sheets of the bed tighter. He spread his fingers sissoring you. You started to pant at the sensation. He added another finger and started pumping them into you at a in-human rate. "Aaaahhhh.... Kakaaaahhhh...Shi" you moaned. "I'll have you screaming my name soon enough..." Kakashi said. You felt the ball in your stomach building again. He slowed his pace and started to twist his hand slightly. You moaned again. He came to a stop and pulled his soaked fingers out. He looked at them then put one in his mouth. You watched him and your blush grew darker. He licked his fingers clean. He then took off his sweats. He was wearing black boxers a huge bulge in his boxers. He threw them to the side. You sat up and watched him take his boxers off. Your blush grew darker. His penis is huge... Gigantic. "It's not going to fit" you mumbled. Kakashi threw his boxers to the side. He walked over to the bed and looked you in the eye, cupping your face in his hands. "I promised I would be gentle the best I can" He said. You nodded and kissed him on the lips. He pushed you back gently, your lips never left his as your back met the mattress. Kakashi's hands wandered your body not that you cared because you were wrestling with Kakashi's tongue. You felt something twitch against your thigh. Kakashi won yet again. He broke the kiss and a string of siliva connected your lips. You licked your lips and broke the string. Kakashi was asking permission again with his eyes and you nodded. He leaned back. You leaned forward before he could do anything. You were on your hands and knees. You looked up at him, and blushed. "I don't really know how but I'll try" You whispered. You saw Kakashi's eyes widen and he blushed. He leaded back slightly. You got off the bed and stood in front of Kakashi as he turned his body and faced you. You were both blushing as you kneeled down in front of him. You grabbed his penis slightly and moved your hand up and down the shaft. You heared him groan and moan. You speed up slightly. You felt him buck into your hand. You leaned forward and licked the tip of the shaft. You heard him gasp slightly. Your hand was still moving up and down at a fast but still considered slow pace. You licked it again. You saw some white fluid known as sperm or cum, slowly come out of the tip. You licked it and it tasted salty. You heard him moan again. You started to pump it and pump it fast. You took the head in. You sucked on it while pumping it. You heard Kakashi groaning and gasping. You could feel his penis twitch. You went even faster, and you licked the head again. "Tsukiko... I'm going... To... Cum... Soon" he said in between gasps and pants of air. You licked from the bottom of his shaft to the head then sucked on the whole head. You continued to do it, till cum squirted out. It landed on your face and chest. You looked up to see Kakashi's face flushed and looking at you with need. You licked around your mouth, as the rest was slowly dripping off of your face and landing on your chest. You blushed then smiled. You stood up then sat beside Kakashi. Kakashi looked at you then pushed you further into the bed the started to kiss you again. He attacked your neck leaving more love marks. His right hand was between your legs. You moaned loudly, and felt your self getting really wet again. Kakashi looked at you and smiled. He leaned back and asked "are you ready?" You nodded. He positioned him self at your entrance. You looked Kakashi in the eyes as you relaxed slightly. You felt the tip of his shaft rub against your nether lips. He pushed into you slightly and you gasped at how big he was. He pushed in further and you had tears stinging your eyes. You felt like you were being torn apart even though you had done this a thousand times before. Kakashi looked at you surprised. He snapped out of his trance and pushed into you all the way. You gasped and rolled your hips forward. Kakashi grunted as he pulled out of you then pushed him self back into you. This went at a slow pace like he was trying to tease you. "Kakashi... Faster please" You yelled rolling your hips forward. Kakashi obeyed and went faster. He started to hit your spot every time he started to go at an inhuman speed. You moaned loudly continuously. The ball in your stomach was growing bigger and bigger. Kakashi stopped suddenly making you groan in annoyance. Kakashi turned you over so that you were on your hands and knees. He grabbed your hips then pushed into you again and you gasped as he started up his speed again. You let out a loud groan then a series of smaller moans. You felt the ball was about to burst. You heared Kakashi groan behind you and you felt his shaft twitch. "Kakashi... *moan* I'm .... Going ... To burst." You moaned out. You suddenly felt your ball burst and you yelled "KAKASHI" as pleasure flowed threw you. You heard Kakashi groan and he pulled out of you, he sprayed his cum on your back. He collapsed on your back shortly after you collapsed onto the mattress. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You looked over to the alarm clock it was almost three in the morning. And you were tired beyond belief. You could tell Kakashi was falling asleep. He pulled the covers over your bodies and clapped. The lights went off. 'Well I'm surprised they didn't go off during me and Kakashi's little section' you mused to your self. "Goodnight Tsukiko" you heard Kakashi mumble. "Goodnight Kakashi and thank you" You fell asleep in his arms hoping that you wouldn't regret anything later on.

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