Chapter 24

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Recap: You snapped and Kiyoshi stood by you. You felt him grab your falling body as you see black. Your eyes squint to see Kiyoshi setting you on a emergency room bed. As your eyes fall shut, not sure whether they will open again. 'Fuck poison' was the last thing you thought.

Warning things in this chapter will be off, at least a bit.

You opened your eyes slowly. You slowly turn your head to a window in the white room. 'All hospitals are the same' you sighed in your mind. It was pitch black outside, as you heard a off beat monitor beside you. You slowly turned your head to face the monitor. The beat wasn't a normal one. You let out a soft groan and sat up. A piercing pain went through your back and arm. There were three IVs in your left arm. One for food, one for blood and the other one for liquid. You looked down at yourself to see yourself in a hospital gown. You looked around the room to see no one. You clicked your help button. No one came for awhile. You pressed it again and waited for a good minute. You were about to press it again when the rice door slowly slide open. A nurse with black hair and green eyes walked in looking upset. Her face instantly brightened and she yelled. "Get a doctor she is awake" You cocked a brow at her and looked at her emotionlessly. "How long have I been out?" You said bluntly "12 hours and a half, you were supposed to be dead." The nurse said in excitement. You sighed. "Why, what was in the poison?" You asked. "Poison, what poison?" The nurse said running over to you. "I don't get knocked out by wound shots. Only poisons or low chakra. So I was either hit with a dose of chakra eater or a poison." You explained placing your leg up on the bed, (like Sasuke, when he try's to look cool). The nurse nodded and said, "I see you are the leader of your village, I wouldn't expect anything less from you. But there is one thing different about you." You looked at her suspiciously and she walked over to you and grabbed your hair. "Your hair is silver." The nurse said. You looked at your hair with wide eyes. "What? Why? How?" You panicked grabbing your hair, but regretting it as your back burns. "Fuck" you snapped at the pain. "Please don't worry, it looks natural on you." The nurse said. You went to open your mouth, but someone else walked in. They looked at you then ran. "Tsukiko!!!!" Kakashi said hugging you. "What where am I?" You asked freaking Kakashi out. "You're in the hidden leaf, Tsukiko. You were sent here since Lady Tsunade is you know." Kakashi sorta explained. You nodded. "So what happened, I know I was knocked out. But I wasn't poisoned, at least that is what this nurse said." You sighed. Kakashi nodded and said "it was a chakra eating poison, that attacks vital organs, but only if it hits a vital organ."

You nodded and snapped. Kiyoshi appeared and hugged you. "My lady your alive thank Jashin." Kiyoshi whispered. "Kiyoshi, I have a mission for you and Sho." You said suddenly. Kiyoshi stopped hugging you and stood at ready. You stood and whispered "I need you to kill the elders, it was their last life line, and make it public. I will be there shortly." In Kiyoshi's ear. You backed up and he nodded. "Hai ma'am, it will be done." Kiyoshi bowed in respect then disappeared. You chuckled darkly, then sighed. You looked at the questioning nurse and Kakashi who just deadpanned at you. "What?" You asked coldly. "Nothing!!!" The nurse said running out of the room. "I got to get going" you sighed. "No your staying here in the hospital." Kakashi said pushing you back towards the bed. "No, I need to go met a leader. Thank you for your concern but I am fine." You lied. 'No I have to go and extract a tailed beast after capturing them.' You thought evilly. "I don't care, they should worry more about your safety then anything else." Kakashi said worriedly. "Kakashi, I have to g-" You were cut off by a familiar pair of lips crashing into yours. You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck bring him closer. He wrapped his arms around your stomach, just slightly above your waist, where your wound was. He pulled you closer also. Kakashi licked your bottom lip, asking you for enterence. You resisted then he bit your lip, you gasped and his tongue entered your mouth. Your tongues fought for dominance. You trailed one of your hands down Kakashi's chest. He copied but trailed his right hand up your back, to the back of your head and took ahold of your hair. He pulled your hair back slightly and his left hand moved to your butt and he groped you. You smirked into the kiss and trailed your hand to his prize. You squeezed him lightly and rolled your hand over his growing prize. (^///////^) He moaned into the kiss and he pushed your lips together harshly. You wrapped your arm around his neck and pulled him even closer. (If that's possible). He broke the kiss with a smirk. You gave a closed eye'd smile. He softly kissed your lips. You broke it and smirked. "I am still going" You teased kissing his nose, going on your tippy toes. 'Akuma you going to heal me anytime soon?' You asked Akuma. 'Almost just don't move to much, I am healing your skin as we speak.' Akuma said as a stinging pain lingered there. You winced and bit your lip. "Are you okay Tsukiko?" Kakashi said panicking. "Yeah... Akuma is just healing me." You sighed. "Who's Akuma, again?" Kakashi asked. "My demon." You deadpanned. He nodded. The pain stopped and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 'Finished your good to go' Akuma said. 'Thanks, Akuma' You thanked Akuma. You stretched slightly but you went back, because of the strain on your back. "See perfectly fine" you teased. Kakashi turned you around and pulled up your gown, and looked at your back, to find it clear and you in black lace panties. He dropped your gown and turned you around. "Just don't do anything stupid, while your here." Kakashi teased. You sweat dropped. He chuckled and pulled up his mask. "Kakashi..." You trailed off with a huge smirk. "Hm?" He answered back. "Where are my things?" You asked sweetly. He stayed silent. "If you don't answer me I will be forced to use drastic measures" You chuckled darkly. He sweat dropped and pointed at a nearby closet. You gave him a closed eye'd smile and walked over to it. He grabbed your right wrist and held you still. "You didn't think I would tell you that easily did you." Kakashi huskily whispered in your ear. You smirked and said "figured you play a game. But can you win against my rules?" You said pushing him backwards. You felt Tsunade's chakra at the door along with another one. They had slid the door closed very quietly. "You know how I like to play Kakashi~" You sang. He blushed very brightly. You could feel Tsunade smirking. "Kakashi~" You sang. His back hit the bed. "Y-yeah?" He answered. "Be good we have guests." You chuckled and kissed his masked nose. He blushed even darker. "Hello Tsunade-san." You chuckled with a huge smirk. Tsunade burst into a fit of laughter. "Ha I thought you two didn't know we were here." She laughed. "I knew, why did you think I stopped, it from going further." You chuckled. Tsunade took a few deep breaths to calm down. You gained your composure back, also. "Well I am going to be late, what time is it?" You asked the woman you saw before. "6 something in the morning, my lady" She said quickly. You nodded. "Yep I am late, hopefully they won't get there till tomorrow." You sighed. "Who?" Tsunade asked. "A fake set of me and my guards, they set out a day before me." You lied. She nodded. "But you were attacked?" She asked in a questioning tone. You nodded. "In my own village, the elders there have tried to kill me over ten times now. But don't worry, I am having that taken care of." You stated bluntly. "How?" The woman asked. "Well from your punishment in your village is much different then mine." You explained. "Why don't you send them to jail?" The woman asked. Tsunade already knew what you were going to say. "The villages members has never been put into a jail, since they can easily get out. Most guards wouldn't be able to keep them there. So the problems are exterminated, not jailed." You nodded at Tsunade's words. The woman still looked confused, you sighed and looked over at Kakashi then back at the woman. "They are killed, and depending on the problem, as you put it. They can be killed privately, or killed in front of the villagers to show them not to do the same. They have not been my rules, but they are village law. I cannot change the rules, or I could be considered as a traitor of the village." You half lied. (You don't want to change the rules that's why) The woman and Kakashi looked horrified and Tsunade looked upset. "I have already extended their life line twice. So they placed it on their own plate. And I must deal with what their decision is." You sighed. "Why were you laughing earlier then?" Kakashi asked. "Just laughing about Kiyoshi hugging me, like I was about to fade away." You chuckled. They all nodded. "Well I really have to get going now. Nice to see you again, plus can I get my things back?" You sighed again. "Well we now know why your hair is silver now" Kakashi teased. You smirked. "So you have had grey hair since birth olddy" you teased back poking his chest hard, so he fell back on the bed. "Hey no fair." He whined. "All is fair in love and war." You said cockily. He huffed childishly. You smirked again. Tsunade was smirking and said "your not going anywhere till your wound is healed." "It is fully healed, I can assure you of that." You said bluntly. She walked over to you and poked your once wounded spot, to get you slightly annoyed, at the annoying feeling of being poked in the side. "Well that is annoying" You sighed. She looked surprised and poked you again. You deadpanned at her and lifted your gown up to show her. The look on her face was priceless. "Told you." You said blankly with an irk mark. Kakashi was as far away from you in the room, as soon as he saw your irk mark. Tsunade looked at him with a raised brow, then poked you again a couple times. A see through, black chakra field surrounded you. "Tsunade stop poking me, it's annoying" you said bluntly. Kakashi then looked terrified. Tsunade went to smack the back of your head, but you caught her hand. A loud *smack* of your hand covering hers, was heard. It echoed through the room and you took a few deep breaths. The chakra subsided slowly. You let out a sigh. "I hate and I mean HATE, being poked and annoyed. You don't want to see me at my worst." You sighed, but said hate with venom. She nodded. Kakashi was behind the woman trembling. "Lady Tsunade, please don't poke her again. I don't want to die, I still need to finish the Icha Icha series." Kakashi begged. You smirked and let go of her hand. Her hand was red, from chakra burn. "Sorry here pass me your hand." You sighed and grabbed her wrist lightly. You gathered chakra into your hand and healed her, with the same chakra that hurt her. (What a coincidence.)

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now