Chapter Three: Six and a Half Years Later

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It's been over five years since you left the Akatsuki's hideout. Ever since Hidan put your hair up in a bun you have been doing it too. Every once in awhile you meet up with your old friends randomly. So far you have been able to pull your self out of situations so you haven't used your bracelet yet.
Well let us go to the present now.

You are eleven and a half years old about, and you are really tired. You are walking through a forest coming from the land of waves. You jumped up into a tree and sat down. You were to big for your smaller cloak and you use your bigger one now. You mostly tied it around your waist. You opened your night scroll and sommoned your pillow. You put your scroll back in your pocket. You laid back against the tree. You winced at the pain in your stomach and left leg. You had a fight with some heavily armed mugger. You kicked his ass in the end. You fell asleep against the tree as usual.

You woke up when you felt a lot of peoples energy near you. You grabbed your pillow and put it in your scroll. You dropped down from the tree landing without a sound, on your feet, with your left leg out and right leg in a crouching position. You listened very carefully. You felt the chakras near. You were preparing to grab your knife. They were surrounding you. You slowly waited. You closed your eyes briefly. They were in front of you, behind you and beside you. Four energy's. You opened your eyes, and held your emotionless face on. "Guys be careful she is know as the New Moon Demon and from the looks of it she is Akatsuki.". You scowled. They were wearing animal masks, and the same outfits. "Don't fucking call me that" you said with all the venom you could muster up. You grabbed your knife. They jumped into fighting stances. You stood up, but winced and grabbed your stomach. You put your weapon back in your holster. "She is mocking up". "No I am injured moron... And I am not in the Akatsuki... They're friends persay". "We need you to come with us.". "What if I refuse?". They looked at each other. "We will take you by force". "Thought so" You gripped your fists and clenched them tightly. One attacked you with hand to hand combat. You punched him in the face an broke his mask and sent him flying though three trees knocking him out. Two of them were charging at you with funny looking knifes in their hands. You punched the ground hard. You made the ground shake. They fell over and you kicked them in their faces knocking them out. The last one was doing really fast hand signs. "Why do you want me to go with you." "Because your trespassing and you are wearing an Akatsuki cloak" "I see well that could have been arranged if you told me... I am a child after all." He stopped his hand signs. And walked over to you, you quickly grabbed a scroll he stopped and got into a defensive stance. You took off your cloak and you sealed it in the scroll and put it away. You rolled up your scroll and put it away. You stood back up and noticed One of the funny looking knife coming at you. You caught it before it hit your head. There were nine more energies. You reached for your bracelet and clicked the button. Itachi, Kiseme, and Zetsu were behind you. "Oniisan's" You yelled running up to them. They were in fighting stances. "Anbu black ops... We are near Konoha." Itachi said. You ran hid behind Kiseme. Itachi, Kiseme, and Zetsu both laughed. "Can we, eat them?" Zetsu asked "Yep" you answered. "Thought you said you would come with me" said the Masked man that you talked with. "Yeah that was before this weird looking knife almost went through my fucking head!" you yelled at him holding up the kunai and threw it at the energies in the trees. You got a closer look at his mask. It was a bird mask. You didn't notice anyone sneaking up on you, as you watched Kiseme, Itachi , and Zetsu start fighting. Next thing you knew everything went black. Last thing you saw is Itachi trying to get to you.

You wake up with very slight pain in your head but you didn't mind it. You were chained to the ground, by your wrists and sitting in a metal chair. Someone was in the room with you. "Hello, how may I help you?" you spoke in a sing song tone, keeping your head down. "Hello, my name is Morino, Ibiki what is yours?" "Why should I tell you and where are we?" you asked. "This is an interigotion room now answer my question." "Ah I see said the blind man.... *chuckle* you can beat me if you wish I won't tell you." You looked up slowly. Your eyes were emotionless. You hide all your emotions deep inside you. Your eyes met his. He had a dark blue bandana covering his head with a metal plate head protector with a symbol on it, it was a swirl or a leaf. His face had two scars on it. He has from what you can tell very dark brown eyes or black eyes. You put your arms on your lap. You stood up and kicked the chair out from beneath you. You heard it break and sat on the floor. Ibiki was either scowling or looking at you with interest. "If you don't tell me I will have to use drastic measures." He threatened "Just for a name... Ha your funny." You mocked. He snarled and knocked on a metal door to his right. A man with long bleach blond hair walked out. "Your not going to like what you find in my mind." You started to border up some useless stuff like your name and age, etc. you deleted the location of the Akatsuki hide out. Going.... going.... gone. "Why doesn't she have a chair Ibiki" "Don't need a chair." you answered for the man. There was a girl about a year older than you. She walked in and closed the door behind her. She had bleach blond hair like the man it was tied up in a high ponytail like his but her bangs covered her right eye. She had a purple sleeveless shirt and purple skirt. She had bandages around her stomach. All in all she was very pretty. "Who's the girl" You asked nonchalantly. "My daughter " The bleach blond man said. "She looks a lot like you... Some times I wish I had my parents looks" you sighed. "I am going to tell you again you won't like what you see" You looked at the girl again, and let the smallest of smile on your lips for only she could see. It soon faded, and you returned back to showing no emotions. She was smiling at you. "Father, why is she here?" "Because she was intruding on the borders of Konoha" "Oh okay father" Your face scrunched in every time she said father. You kept your back straight, and sat tall. You looked at the girl again. You felt a hand on your head. "Don't mess up my hair now" you joked. You heard the girl giggle, her laugh sounded innocent. "Your daughter has a pure heart... And will have problems in the future, good thing she has you to stand by her side" You closed your eyes. You watched as the man searched your brain and went threw your memories. It took a few hours and even you had started to cry, on the inside. You dropped your barriers except one. It held all you secrets and Priestess knowledge. He skimmed over anything. You opened your eyes. You felt the man slowly lift up his hand off your head. You stood up. "I told you, you wouldn't like what you see.... Especially since you had a Daughter, I didn't want you to see it" You looked up at his face to see him crying. He hugged you. Your arms laid loosely at your sides. "How could any father do that to his own flesh and blood?" He said holding back more tears. He had slowly placed hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "You are the only one that knows most of my story... Don't tell anyone anything unless it's my first name and age or you have too." He nodded and said "you are very strong... You would be a great ninja for this village." "Ninja... What's a ninja?" you asked raising a brow. You looked over at Ibiki and saw him looking at the two of you confused. You looked back into his eyes and nodded. "You're in for a surprise Ibiki..... Don't let your daughter hear." The blonde man exited the room with Ibiki. The closed the door and left you with his Daughter. You looked up at her. "What's your name" you asked. "Ino" She answered smiling. "If you step closer to the wall behind you... I can show you something cool." She nodded and stepped back to the wall. You gripped your chains tighter and cleanly ripped them out of the floor. Then you did the same to the other side.

The New Moon Demon.  A  Haku X OC X Kakashi book.Where stories live. Discover now