1. Ordinary Da- Yeah No.

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QUICK NOTE: I've always been cautious of writing because I don't want to be reported with plagiarism accidentally. I've read so many fanfics and I can't tell if I used someone's ideas or just my imagination. It could be an accident. Also, human minds are a lot alike, so it could be your idea, but I've never read your story. If you see something in here that looks similar to yours, notify my respectively. Don't DM me all mad or I won't reply, it could be just a coincidence.

NOW THEN! PLEASE ENJOY, "Lost In Time"! *UNIVERSAL theme song plays in background*

Faith's POV

"Hey, Faith?" I hear my mom yell from the living room, and I set down my book.

"Yeah Ma!?" I shout back from my bedroom.

"Brody and I are going grocery shopping! Haydn and Dad are at the pig farm helping Mark!"

I hear the front door open, "Mkay! See ya tonight!" I say, getting up from my bed and adjusting my black tank top and Doctor Who sweatpants.

"Bye!" I hear Brody yell and the door shuts.

This ritual happens almost everyday on summer or holiday breaks for me. I wake up late, read, and do my own thing as my family does errands. I'm used to it really, and they don't seem to mind as long as I do my part of the chores.

The name? Faith Mathes. I'm a 15 year old spitfire who loves Broadway and chocolate, living in the country of the good ol' Land of Corn.

I have wavy waist length brown hair and bright blue eyes. I have an older brother Haydn, and a younger brother, Brody. I live comfortably with those two dorks, my mom, and my dad in a log cabin. I have two pets as well, a cat and a dog.

I stretched and walked out of my room, too the kitchen. I grabbed a banana and walked to the front door, to go get the mail, my dog Jack running out in front of me.

I stumbled a little, "You butt, I could've dropped my banana!" I laugh and throw a bit of it at him. He wagged his  tail and pranced out to the field next to us to do his business.

I walk at a decent pace till I get to the end of the blacktop and to the mailbox. I open it and reach in, my hand grasping a small package and a few letters. Pulling them out, I gather them in my arms and shut the lid. Scratching the back of my head, under my sloppy bun, I quickly filed through the letters as I walked back. When my eyes reach the postal information of the package, I squeal and run back into the house, Jack quickly following. The package was addressed to me! I never get packages! Well. Except for my birthday, but everyone gets them on their birthdays.

I quickly set the letters on the kitchen counter and open the brown box. Inside was another small box and a note. I read the scrap of paper.

"Dear Faith,

     I decided to give you one of my inventions I recently just completed in my work. I have built a time machine! Can you believe it? I feel like you are responsible enough to have it, and should have the honors of trying it out first. I know it's sudden, but I do not trust anyone else with this masterpiece. I have sent the directions and the machine itself to you. Be safe, and I love you!
                          Aunt Sandra

P.S. Keep your hand at the level of your eyes! 😉"

I gasped and dropped the note.

My face pales, "You are NOT serious!!?" I say in shock, to the air. I quickly take the smaller box out and open it.

The little machine was gray and 6x6 inches. There was a red button to activate it, and a keypad where you type the year and location.

I whistled slowly, turning it in my hands. "I have to keep this a secret..." I mumbled to myself.

'Wait. What should I do with it?' I thought, picking up the note again. I laughed as I reread the last bit.

"Well. I guess I'm going to Paris!" I said, "Tomorrow..."

I walked to my bedroom, and set the box under my bed. With hesitation, I got dressed and went to my grandmas house, which was next door. I usually spend a couple hours with her every other day. Today was movie day, and we would watch old movies that she grew up with.

The whole time I was up at her house, I couldn't keep my mind off of the little box under my bed. That held the world's first time machine.




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