21. Feelings Exposed

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First: Holy mother of chicken strips... I still can't believe that last chapter 😂 but hey! They needed to kiss and make ou- I mean up! Kiss and make up!
Glad y'all enjoyed the last chapter! 😏 my notifications were blowing up like mad! I'm glad, bc I didn't really like it, but I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Second: GEESH. The Michael Jackson fandom is hard to please! 😳😂 I've gotten around 70+ reads and only a couple votes and no comments... On this book when I got 50 reads, you were all commenting and voting. I may quit the MJ book bc I'm getting self conscious of my writing since no ones giving feedback...

Okay! Now that that's out of the way, let me try to continue this story bc I have no idea how to get out of that last scene 😂


In a flash I was pinned between the piano and Erik's body. His lips were roughly moving on mine. One of his hands clutched my sweatshirt on my waist, and the other went to my face and he laid it on my cheek.

Pulling back, our foreheads touching, he panted in a whisper, "You."


Faith's POV

I stood there in shock. The Phantom of the Opera just kissed ME. My crystal blue eyes widened and I looked up at him. His last word rang in my ears,


I gulped, bit my lower lip, and pushed him back a tad, by the shoulders, "E-Erik. I don't think you're thinking c-correctly. Maybe you should sit down."

He stared at me, shock in his features, he was silent for a while.

"IcantbelieveIdidthat." He suddenly mumbled. I looked into his bloodshot eyes that were filled with horror, then turned my gaze away.

He kept me pinned, and I awkwardly looked around, not looking him in the eye.

"That was one hell of a first kiss." I muttered to myself, soon regretting it.

His eyes widened, and his hand on my waist fell, "T-that was your f-first? Oh god...Oh god! What have I done?! I've made you impure!" He moaned and put his head in his hands, and turned away from me. "Erik is a monster! He has stolen your purity!"

I blushed, "No you haven't." I said, walking after him, "You just took my first kiss. It isn't the end of the world. I just wasn't expecting all of that." I motioned to the wrinkles in my sweatshirt and the piano top.

He turned his head slightly, and peeked through his fingers, "You are not safe around Erik! Erik lost his control!"

I raised an eyebrow, 'This is not the big hunk o testosterone I experienced a few seconds ago...' I thought.

"Erik, look at me." I said, turning his face with my hands, he looked down at me like a child about to be scolded.

"It's okay. I'm not mad at you, I just was surprised at your actions. It doesn't mean I hate you." I looked down at my feet, "Anditdoesn'tmeanIdidn'tlikeit." I said in one breath.

He gasped slightly, "W-what did you just say?" He said, confusion and disbelief flooding his face.

I blushed and moved my hands to his chest, and played with the ruffles on his silk shirt, "I liked it." I whispered.

He backed away from me, horror filling his deformed features again, "NO! No you couldn't have!" He bumped into a chair, and he fell into it. Sliding down into it, his chin met the collarbone area of his chest, and his hair became a mess.

Sprawled out in the chair, he stared off into space, not looking at me. His hand was in covering his mouth.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed, "I'm sick of all this fighting and stubbornness. I'm just gonna come out and say it." I folded my arms and walked up to him, my figure in front of his large feet. I took a deep breath,

"Erik Destler. I like you. I like you a lot. More than a friend even, and that's why I came back to this time period all those months ago and left my family.

The moment I heard your story I couldn't stand the fact that a perfect man like you could be in such horrid situations your whole life. You may not think it but your one of the most handsomest men I've ever met. I don't care what your outer appearance looks like, I care about your inner self."

His yellow eyes traveled up my figure to meet mine, his hand still over his mouth. I took another breath, putting my arms down to play with my fingers and gaze at them.

"Erik, when you want to be, you are the most selfless, sweetest, good natured, brilliant, and most funniest man, and I adore that. You've been so good to me and I feel safe here. I wish you'd understand that your not a monster, and that I don't care that your bipolar or that you have anger issues or that you're not like other guys. That's the 5% that people look down upon and make you seem like an awful person. I'm drawn to the 95% that makes you you, the sweet Erik.

Please understand this. I'll let you have a moment to think this over because I'm out of breath from the previous situation and going to take my leave and go fangirl in my bedroom now. Dinner will be on in an hour."

I turned on my heel and rushed out of the room. I felt his flabbergasted eyes on me as I shut the door. When I was out of view, I sprinted to my room and shut that door as well. I leant up against it and was silent for a few seconds.

Soon, the adrenaline washed off and my hands slapped both sides of my face.

"Holy cheese puffs." I breathed out, frantically shaking.

"Ohhhhh my god. I can't tell if this is good or not but ohhhhh my god."I started jumping up and down and squealed slightly.

I suddenly stopped jumping up and down and the smile dropped from my face and I spoke into the air,

"Wait. Now what do I do."


😂 Aight it's official. I've gone insane from writing this crappy book. Please leave your feedback in the comments and tell me your opinions on what should of happened, I may just use them and edit this chapter. I'm sick at the moment with a high fever so thats why this was strange 😂😁. Please forgive me! And please leave your opinions!


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