Chapter 45

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Erik gently let himself down from the high cab of the truck. His feet hit hard, smooth rock. Turning around, he went to help Faith out, his hands ready to grab her waist, but she was jumping out already. She landed ungracefully next to him, and he automatically, without looking, steadied her by the small of her back. Being constantly clumsy, it just became a reflex to him now.

Erik suddenly remembered the first time she did so.

He hit shore and stepped out of the boat. Erik spun around, too on edge to keep his back towards the strange girl. Still being polite, he offered her his hand. The girl grabbed it gently, looking at his glove with slight suspicion, causing him to feel self-conscious. His nerves got the best of him, and he roughly yanked her up by accident. Faith let out a yelp and tripped over the rope at the end of the boat. She fell into his chest, and Erik's reflexes had his arms around her waist to keep her balanced.

Realizing what just happened, Erik felt his cheeks burn like mad, but a nervous laugh into his shirt made him snap out of it. Her small hands clutched the front of his silk top, causing it to crinkle. He coughed uncomfortably. How the hell was this happening? Why didn't he just kill her already?

After a moment, she pushed away, standing up. Faith looked up at him at arms length.

"Ah. Sorry, Erik. I have two left feet..." She murmured.

At this moment, he realized she was blushing intensely. Confusion filled his head. Why? Why was she embarrassed instead of screaming and flailing away from him? What was wrong with this strange girl? Was she sick? Broken?

"It's alright, it was my fault anyways." He said softly, still in the position he was before. Erik's brows were knitted together tightly, "I apologize."

It got quiet, causing more tension. He shook his head and snapped out of his thoughts. The Phantom's face turned cold and hard again, removing all emotions he just had. Backing away, he gave the girl enough space to come away from the sand bar.

"This is my home." He started professionally, waving a hand towards the entrance, "Please follow me into the living room to explain why you are here...Faith."

Erik started chuckling to himself, causing Faith to look up at him weirdly.

"Have your nerves gotten the best of you, now?" She asked, pinching his elbow lightly.

A smirk still on his lips, he shook his head. Taking her hand from his elbow and intertwining their fingers, "Nothing is wrong, mon amour. I was just thinking."

Her brows furrowed, "Thinking about what? You don't usually laugh when you're nervous."

The smirk deepened, "Don't worry about it, let's just start the introductions." He said, biting his lower lip lightly, trying to not let his voice waver at his anxiousness.

Feeling his aura change to more serious and worried, Faith tightened her grip on his clammy hand and led him over to Haydn, who was getting the bags from the truck bed.

"They're not heavy, I'll take them." He insisted as the two began to reach for them, "Keep your hands open for Dad's bone crushing hugs." Haydn laughed as he turned and walked up the sidewalk to the front door.

Erik's puzzlement became more intense and he leant down to Faith's ear, "Isn't usually the mom who is all affectionate and hugs guests?"

Faith laughed, "You clearly haven't heard me talk about Dad enough. You'll see what he meant."

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