31. Lost

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I finally got Wattpad on my laptop *throws fist into air triumphantly* That means you could possibly be getting longer chapters~

NOW. *claps hands* *sips my herbal tea* *shoves a handful of chex mix into my mouth* *cracks knuckles* *deep breath*

Let us begin.


Erik's POV

I walked into the living room, scratching my chin and yawning silently. The grandfather clock in the corner of the room read "8:03 am". I reached the entryway of the kitchen and saw the tea kettle was already on the stove and heating up. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion...Faith was still asleep. I didn't have my Punjab on me, considering I was supposedly in the safety of my own home.

Scanning the room, nothing else was out of place accept for the tea kettle. Taking a mental note, I slowly grabbed for a knife in the drawer next to me, and stalked to the drawing room. The lair was deathly quiet, even my footsteps couldn't be heard. As I reached the drawing room, the closed mahogany door met my sight. My long, boney fingers enveloped the glass-cut knob as I set my ear up to the wood. I heard an almost silent rustle and I clenched my jaw. I quickly turned the knob and entered the room, knife raised for attack.

"Good morning, Erik." A feminine voice met my ears.

I blinked in confusion and my eyes adjusted to see Antoinette sitting on a chair and reading.

She didn't look up, "Can you please put that knife down? It's quite intimidating," Giry said in a monotone voice, turning the page of her book.

I rolled my eyes and set the knife down on a nearby table. I turned my gaze back to her black clothed form, "How'd you get in here? I thought all passageways were closed."

Antoinette shrugged a little, "Your female companion must have left one open when exploring the opera house," she said as she continued to read, "Careless little thing isn't she?"

I bit my lower lip at her last comment, trying to keep my composure, "Why are you here." My voice rang throughout the room.

A silence followed for a few seconds until she flipped to the next page, "To warn you."

I sighed, tired of her hating Faith for no obvious reason. I knew she was going to say something about her, "Warn me of whom?" I sat on a chair in front of her.

Madame Giry looked over the top of her book at me, "About Faith."

I slapped the arm rests of the seat, exasperated, "Giry I don't have time for your useless mind games! They are not going to work!"

She raised an eyebrow as her eyes scanned the page, "These are not games. They are the truth." Flipping the next page she said, "Faith is planning to leave you to go back home. She feels as if she's being used by you. This whole time she has been trying to help you to rewrite your future, yet you turn away the moment she opens her mouth to say something."

I went to yell at her but she held up a hand and set down her book, "Think of all the times Faith has sat down next to you and opened her mouth just to close it again. All the times you had to rush out of the lair just as she came up behind you. Do you recall these times?"

I furrowed my brows and looked at Antoinette, recalling these happening multiple times the past two years, "H-How-?"

"Erik she has tried and tried to help you, but now is giving up." Giry huffed a little, "I do not blame her."

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