12. A Christmas Phantom: Part 2

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Paris France, 1861
- Christmas Day -

Erik's POV

I sat at my piano, it is 6:30 a.m. and I'm a nervous wreck. I finally found something to get Faith for Christmas. No, I didn't go out of the Opera House. I would be spit and laughed upon if I were to go out in public and buy a gift...I literally found her something.

Her present jumped out of my grasp again.

"SH- oot!" I whispered yelled, "Come back here! I've had enough of this nonsense!" I scrambled off the bench, toward the couch where it was laying.

"I got you now you little fur ball!" I leaped onto the couch, grabbing the feline by the skin on the back of its neck.

It mewed in mock, and 'apologized' by curling up on my chest. I looked down at it, a little surprised by it's mood change.

"Don't be like that, you know what you did. You're not getting out of trouble this time, missy." I walked over to the little basket I made a while back, and set the kitten down into the red cloth and put a bow around its neck. I set the  other gift I made a long time ago under the blanket the kitten sat on. This other gift was suppose to be Christine's when she grew older, but Faith would enjoy it much more.

I put another thin piece of cloth over the basket, so she couldn't peek under and see the tiny creature. I smiled at my work, and I marched off to the tree to put it down next to the gift she supposedly got for me. It's been there for a few days, and curiosity is eating at me. It's my first gift, and I'm very excited!

I looked back at the clock, and it says 7 a.m. 'Can't wait any longer!!'

I quietly made my way to Faith's room, and knocked on the door. My hand met paper on the door. I read it.

Wake me up at 7am please, I don't want you to have to wait for too long :)

I chuckled at the note, and I peeked in the door. She was still asleep. I walked over to her bed side and touched her shoulder.

"Faith, you left a note to tell me to wake you up at this time. So...here I am." I said awkwardly. I'm not good at this type of thing...

She didn't even stir, so I tried again.

"Faith, come on time to wa- AHHHH!"

Something pounced on my back, and I fell onto the bed. Pillows were thrown out of where Faith would've been. It was a decoy.

I heard giggling from on top of me, and two slender arms wrapped around my waist.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS, ERIK!!!!" Faith yelled into my back.

I laughed, and rolled over. "What is it with you and falling into me ALL the time?" I asked, while she moved to lay on my stomach.

"You're just so fall-onto-able!" She said, pulling off a five year old's voice.

"Is that even a word?" I inquired.

"Mm. Nooo." She said. "Are you excited!?" She smiled.

"Very." I smiled back and groaned a bit, "Can you get off please? I think my insides have moved."

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