16. Shop N' Drop

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April 9, 1852

Faith's POV

After our "tea party", I got dressed in a multicolored dark plaid dress. I put my hair up in a half up and down hair do, and put on dark navy blue flats.

I walked out to the sitting room to where Nadir and Erik were talking, French and laughter met my ears. I walked to the little desk in the corner, next to the mantle. I opened the drawer and grabbed a small bag of francs.

"Faith, where are you going?" I heard Erik's thick French accent through his perfect English. I heard him get up, and walk towards me. I turned to meet eyes with him.

"I'm going out to get a few things. That a problem?" I said jokingly.

Erik's face turned worrisome. "Faith. I don't want you to get hurt... Like last time...Please don't go out."

I smiled slightly at his concern. I patted his shoulder. "I'll be fine E, I promise to keep away from alleys, and stay in sight of others. Also, I have my switchblade still." I took out my blade from my small purse I was carrying.

Erik chuckled and shook his head. "Okay. Promise me you'll be back in an hour." He started to walk to the music room.

"Promise!" I started towards the boat. "Bye Erik, Nadir!" The two men mumbled bye, and I left the room.

I grabbed my cloak from a chair and set off. I jumped into the boat, carefully bent down and grabbed the oar, and rowed off. The murky water lapped at the sides of the boat as I kept my balance.

I hopped off when the boat touched shore. I walked through the catacombs, into a certain tunnel, where Erik showed me. I ended up at the door, and I opened it and quietly closed it from the other side. I was in an alley way, and I hurriedly scurried to the sidewalk.

I would've gone through the Opera House, but I haven't been able to go up yet, and they'd most likely wonder how the heck I got in, because I don't work there.

I ran past the chaotic crowds of Paris and carriages. Children played ball in the streets, causing them to get yelled at by passing folks, about safety.

I smiled, and hurriedly walked to my first stop. The bell chimed when I walked in, and an elderly man looked up from the register counter. He smiled at me.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle!" He chirped.

"Bonjour Monsieur! Can you help me?" I said, praying he knew English.

"Ah, American I see. Well yes, I think I can help you. What do you need?" He said in his French accent, walking around the counter, towards me.

I smiled at him, "Can you lead me to the aisle for toiletries?"

He smiled, "Why yes! I work here don't I!" He winked at me.

I laughed and followed him to the back of the shop. We walked in silence, until we got there. I closed my eyes and took in the aroma of the homemade soaps.

"Here we are! I hope you find what you need!" He smiled and walked off.

I thanked him, and looked through the soaps. We ran out at Erik's and we needed more. I picked up one which smelt like wood and pine cones. I set that in the basket I had picked up at the end of the aisle. I also picked up a rose petal smelling one for me, and also rags. I grabbed a shampoo for him, also Nadir, and one for me as well.

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