Chapter 47

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     A week and a half had passed by quickly for the couple, Erik constantly finding things to look at and freak out on. He had gotten along very well for having been sheltered in his lair for over fifteen years.

    Faith's parents had a soft spot for him and had taken him under their wings. Erik was usually found in Chuck's garage with the older gentleman, and watched intently as he wood carved. Fascinated, Erik took up the skill with flying colors, as expected from the prodigy. In less than three days he had already surpassed Faith's father in carving intricate details into small dolls. Chuck was absolutely thrilled, since he knew his arthritis wouldn't allow him much longer at that task, and greatly praised Erik.

    With Jill, she was absolutely infatuated with him. Erik had immediately asked her if there was anything he could help with in the house and became a handyman, cook, baker, and laundry folder. He of course didn't work with electrical stuff, that would end in a catastrophe, but he fixed certain appliances that had quirks to them, or were thought to be of no use. Baking and cooking wasn't his speciality at home with Faith, but apparently Jill sparked something in him and he became the next Betty Crocker.

    Erik whipped up some recipes that Faith absolutely hated, and they became her favorites with one bite. When the laundry machine would go off, no matter where he was in the house, Erik immediately heard it and zipped to it and began to try to fold. The fitted sheets of the mattresses were exceptionally funny to see him try. But no matter how much he messed up with them, Destler would go at it until finished.

    The Phantom was also a hit with Faith's little brother, Brody. He constantly was badgered by the soon-to-be teenager to play video games. This of course was absolutely hysterical to watch since Erik had no idea what the hell he was doing. Finding joy in being wanted to be around, the young man just went along with Brody, taking the controller in his hands, and pressing buttons with his built in grace.

    The grace didn't catch up to his scores, though.

    That's probably why Brody wanted Erik to play, anyways.

    Destler never got angry though, for always losing, but just smiled and patted Brody delicately on the head, like a porcelain doll.

    Haydn's one-on-one's, on the other hand, were a lot more disastrous. Being a full blown country boy, he got Erik into multiple dirty situations. The first day out with the young man, Erik came home to surprise Faith with the beautiful scent of pig manure and mud covering his new clothes.

    Haydn wasn't let off lightly...

    She told Haydn that Erik was a little more...delicate...than a full fledged country man, and that he needed to find something else for them to do.

    That starts us out with this lovely scene.




    "JESUS CHRIST, HAYDN, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" Faith's scream was heard throughout the countryside from the Mathes porch.

    Haydn turned his dirt ridden face, filled with absolute mischief and glee, to her, "What? He's having fun!"

    The one and only Phantom of The Opera was clinging onto the boy with dear life...

    On the back of a four-wheeler.

    Slapping her hand to her forehead, Faith about threw up her stomach contents as Erik's panicked, cat-like, eyes met her own. Biting back her loudest laugh, she sighed, "Haydn, get him over here right now, he's going to help with dinner!"

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