42. Travel In Time

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I was planning on updating in January, but I got sick for two weeks then my 16th birthday was on the 30th then I had work and just ugghhh *insert stressed eye roll*






LETS BEGIN! *aggressively twerks out of view to EXO and BTS blasting in the background* (yes I'm a K-Pop fan pls don't kill meh)

{Btw I'm trying a different POV this time}


Erik's hands shook nervously as he pulled the last cover over the newly made bed. The sound of rushing water was heard in the connected bathroom. His overly sensitive ears heard the zipping of the small makeup bag Faith always had behind the mirror. The satisfying sound of a brush being combed through long, thick hair filled his senses and a twitch of a smile caught the side of his mouth. It left just as soon as it came when his love calmly strolled out of the bathroom, toiletry bags in her hands. That's when it hit him.


He was going to meet Faith's parents.

He was going to the future.

He was going to ask for her hand.

A small hand placed itself over his long, bony one on the bed. At this moment, Erik realized he was shaking. Taking in a slow, shaky breath, he guided himself down onto the bed. Faith followed him, worry quickly creasing in between her brows.

"Erik?" She called softly, rubbing her thumb over his hand.

He gave a small, fake smile, "I'm fine." He squeezed her hand, "Just got a bit dizzy for a second. I haven't eaten in awhile."

Hesitation filled Faith's beautiful blue eyes, causing his heart to break. He didn't like making her any sort of emotion that didn't bring a smile to her face. He was a terrible suitor. He shouldn't ask to marry her. He was going to be laughed at. He-

"Erik stop that." Faith demanded, patting his chest a bit, "You're doing it again."

He looked up at her, brows furrowed, "What am I doing again?"

She sighed, brushing a strand of black hair out of his eyes, "You're spacing out and mumbling to yourself. It's not your composing spacing out, it's your worried spacing out."

He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her observations. Erik had no idea she paid so much attention to him.

"How can you tell the difference?" He pried, playing with her delicate fingers on his leg.

Faith bit her lip, trying to get him to look at her. Erik refused to make eye contact, given that she always was able to read him like a book since last year.

"Because there's no light in your eyes like when you're composing. Your composing look is full of excitement. You just look worried right now. Tell me what's wrong."

He sighed, shaking his head, "It's nothing. Erik is just nervous about meeting Faith's parents. That's all."

Faith's scowl deepened, "You haven't spoken third person in months...", she mumbled.

"Wait..."She said, realization crossing her delicate features, "Are you scared of traveling to the future?" She asked softly, taking both of his hands this time, "Because don't be. I promise everything will be fine. Nothing bad will happen to you. The world is so much more accepting from where I'm from. No one will give you a second glance."

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