Chapter 44

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I'll make this short and sweet. I'm so very terribly sorry for the ungodly wait. In the beginning of the summer my Grandpa had a brain bleed, speeding up his dementia. Almost every week, and on days I don't have trips or work, I've been over at his house helping him. His wife just had a severe surgery as well so that's increased my stress of helping out. No one else in my family really helps besides me and my mother. It's been tough and I haven't stopped worrying about this story since April. Again, I severely apologize and I hope you forgive me.

You don't have to worry about a hiatus or an unfinished story though, I hate those. I'm stubborn so I'll go to the very end with this book :). It just may take a bit longer since I'll be caring for my Grandpa until his last breath.... Sad I know, but I'll be okay! Love you guys and hope you enjoy!!


"Haydn!" Faith squealed, jumping up from the bench and sprinting towards the young man.

The brunettes eyes snapped up, identical to his sisters, and a large smile spread across his face.

"Faith! Where's your Victorian clothes?" He teased as she jumped into his arms, almost knocking them over. At this, Erik was too nervous at the sight of the boy to listen in any further. He shakily stood up and adjusted his clothes. The two continued to talk to each other as Faith led her brother over to the masked man.

Faded laughter met his ears as the two came up. The boy was taller then Faith, but still didn't surpass over Erik's chin. Faith moved from next to her brother and stood by him, putting a hand on his back comfortingly.

"Haydn, this is Erik Destler. Phantom of the Opera and sexy masked man." Erik's lips turned upwards slightly at the end, looking down towards his girl.

Haydn chuckled, sticking out a hand for him to take, "Pleasure to meet you, sir. Glad to finally meet you in person. You mean a lot to her, I hope you know that."

Erik's face blushed a bit, but he nodded, "Pleasure to meet you as well, I'm glad she has had nothing but good things to say about me. I, as well, only have good things to say about her too."

Haydn smirked, retrieving his hand, "I'm very pleased to hear that." He turned his head towards Faith, "Are you ready to go home?"

She smiled widely, "Yes!"

Jumping, she ran to the bags and picked up one, giving the other two to the men. Erik and Faith walked together as Haydn led them to the truck. He threw his bag in the bed of the vehicle, the others following. Faith lead Erik to the other side, opening the door.

"It's going to be a tight fit but I'll sit in the middle. It only takes about ten minutes to get home." She said, hopping in after grabbing the handle. She situated herself and looked to a nervous Erik who just stared at the interior.

"It's okay! It's not going to hurt or be scary I promise." Faith insisted as Haydn started up the truck.

Erik jumped a bit at the diesel engine but grabbed her hand and pulled himself into the cab. He let her buckle him in as well since he was shaking too much. Even though he was inwardly terrified, he had a stone face and did not let Haydn see that this was affecting him terribly. He had to show he was a man and that he could take care of Faith.

Haydn shifted into drive, causing the old farm truck to jerk a bit. A bony hand clasped onto Faith's smaller one, and a sad smile made its way to her face. She looked up at Erik, but he was watching the wheels turn with such fascination that she couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Incredible..." He muttered, his grip on her hand loosening a bit.

Erik began to relax, his back hitting the seat gently as he looked at the inside of the cab. His eyes landed on the radio.

"What's that?" He asked the siblings, his gaze transfixed on the small box.

"That's a radio." Haydn explained, taking his right hand off the wheel to turn it up a few notches so music could be heard.


Faith's hand slammed the next station button, "Hell nah." She grumbled, and classical music started to play.

The two men couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, "Can you imagine Erik doing that challenge?" Haydn whispered to her, a laugh stuck in the back of his throat.

"Again. Hell nah. I'd get PTSD for the rest of my life." Faith said and mimicked an arm movement that the challengers would usually do.

Erik stared at the two completely confused. He of course could hear them, and Faith knew that.

"Challenge? Like a duel?" He asked, watching Haydn turn the wheel and the vehicle followed his movements.

"No, a dancing challenge. It's not really a challenge, no one wins, but people dance to a song next to a moving vehicle and it's filmed. It's what we call a trend." Haydn explained, Faith nodding in agreement at his explanation.

"It'll pass over soon." She added, her head moving to rest on Erik's shoulder.

Automatically his head rested on hers as he continued to watch the blurred outdoors through his window. He was proud of himself for once, for not being too afraid of the new technology and being able to adjust quite nicely so far. At this point though, he was mentally exhausted and wanted a piano or another sort of instrument to relax with.

"Faith?" He asked, pulling her from her own thoughts.


"Do you have instruments in your house?" He questioned, brushing back loose hairs on his forehead.

"Yes, only a violin and a piano. I'm the only one who plays. I'm not good at violin, but the piano is my great grandmother's. No one really uses it. You're welcome too though, it'll be nice to hear it since you play beautifully." Faith said as Haydn pulled onto their country road.

A blush made its way onto his face. He didn't like it when she complimented him since he didn't know how to react. "O-okay. It'll be my pleasure, love."

It was quiet while the three made their way to the house. Corn fields and forests passed the truck in blurs as Haydn went harder on the gas.

"You're gonna freak him out." Faith said, nudging Haydns side.

"He'll be fine, Im only going 60." Haydn reasoned, braking to turn a corner gently.

"Still, he's probably never gone over 15 since all they have is horses and crap." She said, seeing their house come into view.

"There's our house!" Faith squealed, sitting up and pulling Erik's shirt to get his attention.

His head turned to see a beautiful log cabin hugging the woods. It's wooden exterior was a light brown and had a rustic look too it. Multiple flower beds circled the front along with a small wooden fence. (A/N: Lol hey it's my house what a coincidence) Haydn turned into the driveway, going between two large oak trees. He slowed into a stop in front of a smaller building.

"It's a garage." Faith explained, seeing his confused look.

He just nodded, swallowing a bit. His nerves were starting to act up again.

"You ready?" Faith asked as Haydn got out of the truck. She squeezed his hand as her eyes met his golden ones.

The fear dissipated almost instantly as he met her tender gaze. A smile of comfort was etched into her face, causing him to breathe a bit better. He took in another breath, nodding.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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