36. Truth Be Told

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*humming Mission Impossible theme song* *ninja rolls in* *sits on haunches* *perverted face* *wiggles eyebrows* Hey sexies. Thanks for 28k 😘 *ninja rolls out*
Erik: *ninja rolls in clumsily* *tries to sit on haunches* *falls backwards* (•}-•)....

Faith: *in background* -_-


Faith's POV
A few days have past since I've been back with Erik. Slowly he has gotten back to his original state, with a lot of persuasion to eat from me. I hadn't realized how a home could become so dirty and unkept in almost four weeks time with only one resident. Everything had become dusty and looked abandoned. Erik has never let me into his own personal bedroom, which he really doesn't sleep in it's more of a storage area, but I had a feeling it couldn't have looked a lot worse then the main rooms.

He has been out since morning and it is almost twelve thirty now, most likely being back in time for lunch. Taking it upon myself, I've set up my music from my phone and have been cleaning since he left. The living room, drawing room, and kitchen are all spotless once again, and now the only thing left is the main bedroom.

I sighed, scratching my exposed neck from my messy bun. I slipped my phone out of my lounging shorts and placed it on the nightstand. Walking around, I turned up all five gas lamps in the room. As it slowly became brighter, Ayesha awoke from her slumber on the middle of the disheveled bed. Stretching, she yawned and hopped off, trotting into the next room to continue her slumber. I hit play on my phone and the music began.

Taking off the bedsheets I hummed along to "Past The Point of No Return".

Soon enough I was singing along with Ramin, imaging the scene unfolding on the stage like in the 25th Anniversary production. As I set the sheets in the corner of the room, I walked over to the connected bathroom to a new set in the cabinet.

"Past the point of no return, no backward glances
The games of make believe are at an end
Past all thought of if or when, no use resisting
Abandon thought and let the dream descend"

I began to remake the bed, my back to the door. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't hear a boat come to shore of the lair.

Erik's POV
I proudly smirked to myself as I recalled the last few hours. I had been able to pull another thousand francs from the Populaire's managers for every month. They had been keen on making my stop the sudden haunting streak of the past month, wanting nothing more but peace. "Begrudgingly" I accepted their 'peace treaty' as one would joke, even though I had no desire to continue such a high streak while Faith was here again. I was no longer bored in my lair as I had been before we met.

Skidding to a halt, the boat hit the sand that led to my home. Getting out skillfully, I made my way up to the entrance of the lair. Entering the main hallway, I discarded my cloak and fedora on the coat rack. As I made my way to the living room, I peeled off my left glove.

"Faith, honey?" I yelled as I stood behind the couch, "Are you here?"

I was given no reply, which struck me odd.

'She's probably in the shower.'

I took off my other glove and set them on my desk next to the book shelf. As I made my way to the kitchen to see if she left any sandwiches or fruit out, a sound came from the hallway. I turned my head to the right, towards her bedroom door. It sounded like music.

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