20. What Do You Want

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*rocks on heels with hands clasped behind back* *singsong voice* This may or not be my 20th chapterrr!!


I couldn't stay away! I couldn't leave Faith and Erik all mad at eachother! Now. Let the 20th chapter celebration begin. 😈😈

Erik's POV

I slammed the organ keys again and again till my palms were sore. I threw my mask into the wall, and a shatter was heard.

"How could she!" I breathlessly whisper-yelled, And covered my mask less face with one hand. "How could she look upon this face and not scream in terror!"

I looked up at the painting I had created of little Christine. "Even you wouldn't look upon this face without fear." I brokenly croaked.

My eyes trailed down to my hands. The hands that caressed Faith. Held Faith. They covered my face and I cried out,

"WHY ME! WHY! WHY DO HAVE TO LIVE WITH THIS!" I scratched my deformity till there were trickles of blood.

I kicked my bench away from me and fell to the ground on my knees, pulling my face into my lap with my hands on my ears. I cried like that for hours. I didn't even hear the door open.

Faith's POV
*After Erik left the kitchen*

I heard all the crashing and sobbing coming from the music room and I refrained from going to him. Erik was at a dangerous state and I knew he could hurt me. He needed to cope with the thought of someone loving his deformity.

I stood up and walked into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed, curling up and cuddling a pillow in the middle. Ayesha hopped onto the bed and meowed. She trotted up to me and laid next to my stomach and slept. I smiled slightly and petted her.

I was in deep thought, 'Why does his face have to cause so many emotions and problems inside of him and to others. Why can't he except that some people don't care about his face?'A tear slipped down my cheek. "This is going to be harder than I expected, Ayesha. I don't know if I can save him if this topic hurts him so much..." I whispered through tears.

I cried into the pillow for what seemed like forever, and then slowly drifted away from consciousness.

----- *Present Time*

I later woke up, and looked at the clock. It has been a couple of hours. 'I should check on Erik.'

I sat up, Ayesha jumping off the bed and leaving the room as I did so. I got off the bed and slowly made my way to the music room.

My face was soon met with the big wooden door of the room. I put my ear to the door, and listened. I hear faint sobs and my heart broke.

"Erik?" I quietly said.

I got no reply and I cautiously put my hand on the brass knob and opened the door slightly. I slipped in and closed the door. Turning around my eyes were met with a horrid mess.

Papers and furniture were sprawled out everywhere in the dark room. Only a few candles lit the area. A reflection of light caught my eye and I turned my head. A shattered porcelain mask in the corner of the room. The millions of pieces glistened from the candlelight. My breath caught in my throat and tears sprung to my eyes. 'I did all of this.' I thought to myself.

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