3. Paris 1800's

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Faith's POV

All I felt was air whipping around me. Everything was black and staticky. And best of all. I was falling.

After God knows how long of this experience, it all stopped as fast as how it came.

I screeched and my back came into contact with cold, hard cement. Then I heard a clank next to me. I turned my head and saw the time machine. 'Good! I have a way to get back!' I thought. After letting my nerves settle a bit, I sat up.

I groaned and rubbed the back of my head. I blinked and let my eyes adjust. I was cold and the ground was damp.

I had landed in a dark tunnel.

Gulping, I stood up. 'Maybe I'm in the catacombs of the Opera Populaire?' I thought worriedly. 'If so, I won't have to worry about people seeing me in this clothing.' I looked down at my ripped jeans, t-shirt, and converse.

"Yeaaahhh. Definitely not a 19th Century Parisian." I muttered.

I wiped my jeans of dirt, and picked up my iPhone and the machine. Luckily both were unharmed. I put both of the small items into my pockets.

'Now. How am I going to get out of here... Or find Erik.' Remembering Erik, I quickly put my hand to my eye level. I giggled, 'Safety first. All thanks to Aunt Sandra.'

It was still to dark for my eyes and comfort so I took my iPhone out and turned the flashlight on. Luckily, the iPhone still works here on airplane mode. I set off in the tunnel, looking out for traps as I go.


Erik's POV

My heart is light, and there's a rare smile on my monstrous face. I just finished one of my lessons with my angel, Christine.

I sighed, 'Christine.'

She is my reason for living. Even though she's only eight, her voice is angelic and can make any singer turn away in shame. I'm never letting her go, she's just to pure and naive to the world. An opposite of my dark, lonely, and monstrous soul.

That is. If I even had one.

I reached up to touch my cold, lifeless mask. I don't understand why I was cursed with such a hideous face...If you could call it a face. My life has been hell since I was an infant. Beatings, curses, and shunning. I have never been excepted into this world. And I never will be.

Turning the corner, I soundlessly made my way down another eerie tunnel. I've held residence beneath this Opera House for about nine years now. Ever since Madame Antoinette Giry found me when I was in the freak show at the age of eleven. I have lived down here in the catacombs, hidden from the world's cruel ways. The way a beast is supposed to live.

I have made a home for myself on the other side of the lake down here. Antoinette comes and brings me food, my payment, and the latest important gossip that has to do with my Opera House. She's been doing this since I was sixteen, when I named myself the Opera Ghost, and the official manager of the Opera House.

Antoinette is a widow and has a little girl named Meg, who is very curious. She has wandered into my tunnels a handful of times, and almost into my deadly traps. I've spoken to Antoinette about it, hopefully she'll make sure Meg stays out.

As I turned another corner, I spotted a figure with a very bright light, not like a lantern at all. What struck me odd was their choice of clothing. For God's sakes! What were they wearing!? Their trousers are blue and very tight with tears, and their shirt is quite revealing on the shoulders, and those shoes! Those shoes are revolting, what is 'Converse'? Is it some type of slang?

I made a look of pure disgust and stalked towards the intruder, my lasso at hand. I came up behind them, and got a whiff of a strong scent. It smelt like lavender and peaches. Delicio- wait. It's perfume. This is a woman! A woman in trousers!? How inappropriate and scandalous!

I stalked closer and decided to scare her, for I do not kill women. I put the lasso around her neck quickly. Or what I thought was her neck. Her hand was in the way.

"Ah. An intelligent rat I see." I said in a 'impressed' voice, smirking.

Then she spoke. The voice of an angel.

"Good evening Monsieur Opera Ghost. What a surprise."





Me: "..... sure?"

Erik: "(•}_•) fascinating...."

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