22. Forgive and Forget

1.8K 82 103

Guys I'm literally tearing up a bit. Oh my god, thank you a million times for 11k reads! You have no idea how much that means to me!! I've never thought that my writing would get so much attention! I love you all, you're all so sweet, funny, and caring! You've made me smile and laugh God knows how many times. I never thought I'd get somewhere on Wattpad. I wrote this story as an experiment and now I'm the most popular time traveling Phantom book! I can't thank you guys enough!

Also, one of my friends who knows about this book asked when I was gonna finish it and I was like.... "Uh. NEVER." I don't know if I want it to end! 😂

Sorry about the bad quality in the picture :/



Erik's POV

I blinked at the recently shut door of my music room.

'Faith likes me. She actually.... likes me.'

I took in a deep breath and ran a hand through my tussled hair, sitting up in my seat.

I looked around the dark room, my golden eyes adjusting. They were met with the mess I had created. Soon they locked onto the broken shards of my mask. My brows furrowed, I didn't think I broke it that badly. Luckily I think I may have a spare.

My mind was going haywire, I couldn't think straight. This new situation between Faith and I will change everything. Us being friends is now in the past.

I like her. God do I like her. I adore her. She is beautiful, funny...blunt, and adventurous. Nothing really like my Christine I guess. Should I even call her "mine" anymore? Christine is not Faith.

Faith is mine now, I suppose.

No one can have her now. No one but Erik.

I shook my head, "Stop it! Don't be so idiotic! You have to act like a gentleman! No girl wants a clingy, obsessive, greedy man who lives under an opera house!? You need to treat her kindly, with respect. Don't blow this Erik." I whispered to myself, clutching my hair in my hands, propping my arms on my knees.

I looked up at a wall, "I need to treat her like a goddess. I need to show Faith how much she means to me." I stood up and straightened my attire. I then cleaned my face in the wash bin on the side of the room, and pondered what I should do for her.

Faith's POV

I took in a deep breath as I pushed off my bedroom door. I turned around and grabbed the handle.

"Cmon Faith! Grow a pair and go out there and make dinner!" I whisper-yelled at myself.

Nodding in agreement to me, I quickly opened the door, then hid behind the bedroom wall, peeking out to make sure Erik wasn't there. Sighing in relief to see only an empty hallway, I stood up and tiptoed to the kitchen.

Ayesha looked up at me as I soundlessly sprinted into the kitchen. I pressed myself up against the wall, panting, and peeked out the doorway again to make sure he wasn't in the living room.

"Alrighty, coast clear. Mission 1: Make dinner. Mission 2: Don't burn food. Mission 3: Don't think about the kiss." I looked back at Ayesha who was sitting on the floor, looking up at me.

"Mission 3. Failed."

She meowed and trotted off. I groaned and shook my head, walking over to the cabinets. I pulled out the ingredients for spaghetti and grabbed a pot, and boiled the tap water. Trying to think of other things.

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