14. The Intruder

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AHHH OH MY GOD! 1K READS? WHAT? Im famous! (Lol not really) THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!

Erik's POV

I grabbed my cloak from the rack, muttering to myself all the way. 'You stupid fool! You almost kissed her! You idiot! Do you have any idea how bad that could've been!?' I rubbed the left side of my face, in annoyance. 'You would have liked it.'

"Shut up!" I muttered to my conscious.
I put on my fedora and stalked to the boat. I grabbed the pole and rowed my way to the passageways. The boat met the shoreline, and I hopped out.
I silently walked to the passageway where the alarm went off. I heard struggling and I smirked with satisfaction that I had a catch that would put up a fight. My fingers latched onto my lasso, which was in my cloak, and I came up behind the person. I threw the lasso around their neck.

"ALLAH!" They screamed.

I blinked with shock, knowing that accent anywhere.

"Really Daroga? It's twelve in the morning!" I sighed with annoyance, taking the lasso off of him.
He panted and rubbed his neck, while trying to get away from the spikes in the wall next to him, that I stopped.

"REALLY? Is that all you can say to me? You could've killed me!" He yelled, his accent thickening with every word. "I come down, for the first time in a year. To say happy new year and check in on you. AND YOU TRY TO STRANGLE ME!"

I slapped my hand against his mouth. I put a finger to my lips in in a mocking manner. He glared at me and yanked my hand off of him.

"Same old Erik." He mumbled, "Are we done here? I just want some coffee." He said tiredly, probably from trying to get away from the spikes for so long.

"Sure think Daroga." I said, pressing a button to put the spikes back into place.

"You have a lot of time on your hands to be able to make that, Erik." He said while walking towards where the boat was.

"Why yes I do, don't all hideous creatures?" I said, walking fast to be in front of him.

Nadir rolled his eyes and went to jump into the boat. I held the front of it so he wouldn't fall into the water. Like the last time he visited. I hopped in after him and started to paddle. The ride was surprisingly silent. I say this because he never shuts up. We were just about to get out when I remembered Faith.

"Nadir. Before we get to the lair, I must tell you something. You see, I have a gues-"

"Erik! Is that you!?" I heard Faith yell from the lair.

"A guest already." I finished, clearing my throat uncomfortably.

Nadir looked up at me, shock and horror on his tan face.

"A girl? You have a girl in your lair! An American no less! Erik! What are you doing? Are you insane? Wait, scratch that last thought. You are insane! That breaks so many laws! And-"

I shot him a deadly glare and hopped onto the bank and turned back to the boat to help him off.

"Yes Faith it's me!" I yelled over my shoulder in English.

"Oh good. What was in the trap?" She said, I heard her getting closer, my excellent hearing picking up her shuffling feet.

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