Chapter 8: Chaos!

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    All the kingdoms and the enchanted forest plus the woods and the villages are in chaos. But why? The only people that aren't included in the chaos are the ones having a bad feeing, which are the ones that this mysterious guy wants for some unknown reason.
         "Regina!" Robin yelled. "What?" Regina asked. "Where's Roland?" Robin asked. "I thought he was with you!" Regina replied. "I thought he was with you!" Robin exclaimed. "This isn't good. I'll control the castle while you find him." Regina told him. "Okay." Robin agreed as he nodded. "Where's Hope?" Regina asked. "In her crib." Robin replied and Regina sighed in relief. "Take her with you." Regina told him. "She hasn't stopped crying." Robin told her. "Take her anyways, to keep her safe." Regina told him and Robin nodded then they went their separate ways.
       Emma hasn't stopped crying either. Snow was trying to stop it. David ran in. "The kingdom is in chaos!" David exclaimed. "I know. Deal with that while I deal with Emma." Snow told him. "Okay." David agreed. David nodded and then left. "Please stop!" Snow pleaded. David was trying to get everyone to stop when a knife hit a tree stomp right next to him. His eyes got wide and grabbed the knife and examined it. "This has gotten way out of hand." David commented with a sigh. 
       Skyler and Randy both won't stop crying as well. "Where's Balefire?" Rumple asked. "I haven't seen him." Belle replied. "No." Rumple muttered. Belle got a call and answered it. "Hello?" Belle asked. "It's your father. Your son decided to come to my kingdom and make chaos with the rest of the people. He's in the dungeon right now. Good luck trying to get him. I told you this wasn't over." Maurice replied as he hung up. Belle sighed and told Rumple what happened and he appeared there there. "Great." Belle commented sarcastically. Belle ran there as fast as she could.
      Red just got home from her date. Pinocchio and her are talking outside of her cabin. "That was fun." Red commented. "It really was." Pinocchio agreed. Then Granny walked out with a crossbow and pointed it at Red but Pinocchio got in her way. "Get out of the way lover boy!" Granny demanded. "Never!" Pinocchio exclaimed. "Why are you doing this, Granny?" Red asked. Granny shot an arrow at Pinocchio but Red got him out of the way and the arrow scratched Red's arm. Then it hit the cabin. Red and Pinocchio layed there dumbfounded. Pinocchio helped Red up and they ran off.
      "Anna!" Elsa called. She walked outside and saw Anna and Kristoff fist fighting. Elsa pulled them away and they went after her. She went inside her castle and locked the door and blocked it. "What is going on here?" Elsa asked. Finally Anna and Kristoff gave up and left to cause chaos somewhere else. Elsa took a few heavy breaths and calmed down. She went outside and froze the ground making everyone falling and the chaos has decreased, but didn't stop. Elsa didn't know what to do. She went back inside and saw a picture of Anna, Kristoff, David, and Snow from Anna and Kristoff's wedding. She knew who she can turn to.

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