Chapter 46: Shattered Sight!

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      Ingrid walked in a room that's invisible to everyone but her. She looked at her mirror. But then she turned her head because she heard a noise. "Mirror.... Show me that noise." Ingrid demanded and it did. It showed Elsa banging on a wall, which is the secret door. "Crap! She must have saw me come in here!" Ingrid exclaimed. "I know you're in there, Ingrid!" Elsa exclaimed. Ingrid walked out elegantly and looked at Elsa. "What is this room and what are you doing?" Elsa asked. "I'm going to great chaos." Ingrid replied. Ingred made wind and pushed her up against the wall and made a force field so she can't get to her.
      Ingrid walked in the center of the room. She put her right hand up half way and her palm was facing the circular mirror. Then, all of a sudden, the mirror broke into a thousand mirror shards and went outside.
Mirror shards landed on everyone and their eyes turned glass for a second and then went back to normal. Everyone went really violent.
    It didn't happen to Elsa though. "What did you do?" Elsa asked. "Created chaos!" Ingrid exclaimed. Ingrid put down the force field and let Elsa free. Elsa ran out to find everyone.     
     Everyone in her kingdom went crazy. She used her magic and disappeared. She went to all of her friends kingdoms or homes and everyone has went crazy. She doesn't know what to do.
   Elsa went back home and found Ingrid in the room she gave her. "Ingrid!" Elsa exclaimed. "Hey there!" Ingrid greeted. "What the hell did you do?" Elsa asked. "I told you." Ingrid replied. "Put it back!" Elsa exclaimed. "Uh.... I don't think so!" Ingrid exclaimed. Elsa stormed out angrily.
Elsa walked to Anna's room and looked around. "What do I do?" Elsa asked crying. Elsa fell down to her knees crying. "Anna! I need you! Please! I can't loose you! I've lost so much already! I can't loose you too!" Elsa exclaimed. Elsa saw something sticking out under her bed. Elsa grabbed it and saw it was their mothers necklace that Anna owns now, the one Anna wore to her necklace. "Anna.... I will find you!" Elsa exclaimed holding the necklace close to her.
        Elsa was reading a potion book. "That's the potion Ingrid tried to use on Emma!" Elsa exclaimed. Elsa turned the page. "That's the same potion. Except, it's temporary. It last 72 hours and then she'll be a baby again. Then, when she's an adult for real, she won't remember any of this!" Elsa explained.
     Elsa went to the potion room. They have a few potions for everything. She found the potion they need. "I can't believe I'm doing this!" Elsa exclaimed and then she left.
   Elsa appeared at the charmings castle. She heard yelling and fighting in the nursery, so she ran in there. It was Snow and David, but they weren't messing with Emma or Lily. "Lily isn't even ours!" David exclaimed. "It doesn't mean we can't love her the same!" Snow exclaimed. "Her mother is Maleficent!" David exclaimed. "So what?" Snow asked. "Just because we raise her and not Maleficent.... Does not mean she won't be evil. It runs in her family.... Just like Regina and Rumplestiltskin." David explained. "She will be just fine! We will help her and make sure of it!" Snow exclaimed. Elsa walked in and put them on ice cages. She walked over to Emma and opened the vile. "Don't touch my baby!" Snow exclaimed. "I thought you weren't going to do anything like this to our baby?" David asked. "It's temporary. 72 hours.... I need her. It's us Ingrid wants, I need Emma to help me." Elsa explained. Elsa picked Emma up and layed her nicely on the floor. She put the potion in Emma's mouth and stood back. Then, Emma was full grown. She sat up and looked around. She stood up and looked around again. "What's going on?" Emma asked. Emna turned around to see her parents. "Mom? Dad?" Emma asked but they didn't say anything. Emma turned back to Elsa and Elsa sighed. Elsa explained everything to her. "Why didn't it work on you?" Emma asked. "Because.... She needs me, us." Elsa replied and they both sighed.
        Elsa and Emma walked to Ingrid. "Elsa! Who is this?" Ingrid asked. "I am Emma Charming." Emma replied and Ingrid looked at her shocked.

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