Chapter 18: Giving Up!

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      Belle woke up and Rumple wasn't in bed. She yawned and got up. She got dress in her favorite yellow dress. She tied her bangs behind her head and her hair was curly. She went downstairs. "Hey mom!" Balefire greeted. "Hi Bae." Belle greeted. "Do you want food?" Belle asked. "No. I just ate breakfast." Balefire responded. "Where's Rumple?" Belle asked. "Taking a shower." Balefire replied. Belle nodded and went into the twins room. She brought them downstairs. Rumple sat next to her. They smiled and kissed her on the lips. They fed and changed the babies. Then let them play. "Dad?" Balefire asked. "Yeah?" Rumple asked. "Could I go out and play?" Balefire asked. Rumple took a minute to reply. "Sure but be careful." Rumple agreed and Balefire nodded in agreement. Belle and Rumple decided to go with Balefire and took the twins on a walk. Belle looked at her family and smiled to herself. She's really happy.
      Belle put her hair down and straightened it and took a shower. She got out and put a towel around her. She walked into her and Rumples room to look for clothes when she heard one of the twins cry and then the other one. "I've got it!" Rumple called. Belle sighed in relief cause now she can get dressed. Belle got dressed in her silky night dress and her slippers. She walked out and helped Rumple with the twins. They fed and changed their dipers and sat them down in their play pen with their toys. "I have to go to my study and organize." Rumple stated giving Belle a kiss on the forehead. "But first I have to say goodnight to Bae." Rumple stated heading up the stairs.
      Rumple was organizing his study and Belle put the twins down to bed and went to check on Balefire. She smiled as she looked at him from the doorway. "Hi mom!" Balefire greeted. Belle smiled. "Hi Bae. Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Belle asked. "I can't sleep." Balefire responded. Belle smiled and turned on the light. Balefire sat up and she sat on the edge of the bed with him. "You okay?" Belle asked. "Yeah." Balefire replied with a smile.
      Belle went back into the room a few minutes later with a glass of milk for Balefire. "Thank you." Balefire stated. "Anytime." Belle stated. They both smiled and Balefire drank the whole glass and put it on his bedside table. Belle was about to leave but Balefire stopped her. "Mom...." Balefire started. "Yes?" Belle asked. "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Balefire asked and Belle smiled. "Of course." Belle replied and Balefire smiled. Belle turned off the lights and layed down next to Balefire. Rumple walked by looking for Belle and saw them. He smiled and went to his room.
      Rumple woke up with Belle next to him. He smiled at her and she opened her eyes and smiled at him. They got up and started their day. "I have to go a few places and I'm taking Bae with me. Do you want to come and bring the twins?" Rumple asked. "No. I'm going to do a few things here." Belle replied. They kissed passionately on the lips. Then Rumple and Balefire left.
      Belle has cleaned the entire house and she just put the food in. Skyler and Randy are playing with their toys in the main room. Belle smiled but her smile turned into a frown when she heard some thing. She picked the twins up and brought then into the magic room. She found a spell and put a protection spell on them. Then she ran to her room and changed into her warrior outfit, she can't fight in the dress she was wearing. She also put her hair in a side ponytail. She went back into the magic room to grab a sword and started walking around the house.
   She walked past the twins room but then walked back. "What are you doing here!?" Belle asked holding the sword down by her side. "Just looking at my grandkids room. I want to meet them." Belle's father stated turning around and crossing his arms. "I don't think so." Belle stated. He started walking towards her so she put her sword up making him stop. "Leave and never return!" Belle demanded. "Why do you want to be with him?" He asked. "Because I'm in love with him. His heart his pure, he's pure. He's just been through a lot and is misunderstood. I love him and I will be with him no matter what. Taking me and our kids away will destroy his happiness.... But it'll also destroy mine. If you truly love me.... Don't do this." Belle explained. "I want what's best for you." Belle's father stated. "Being with him is what's best for me. He makes me happy, a lot more happy then I ever was at that castle betrothed to stupid Gaston. Now I get to choose.... And I choose Rumple." Belle explained. "Belle...." Belle's father started. "No!" Belle cut him off. "Leave and never return!" Belle demanded holding the sword up high. "Fine. I do care about you and I will stop. Maybe one day you'll forgive me and we can start over." Belle's father stated and left. Belle sighed.
      Belle went back to the magic room and undid the protection spell. She put the twins in their play pen and went to the library to read and relax. She decided not to tell Rumple because he'll get mad and probably will try something.

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