Chapter 23: It Hurts Too Much!

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    Red woke up and yawned. She walked to her vanity and brushed her hair and then got dressed. She walked out and headed for the front door. "Where are you going?" Snow asked. "For a walk. I'm going to visit Granny." Red replied. "Do you want me or David to come with you?" Snow asked. "No. I'm good, thank you." Red responded and then she left the kingdom.
    Red knocked on the cabin door and waited. "Go away!" Granny yelled. "Granny?" Red asked. "Red?" Granny asked. Granny opened the door and Red walked in. "You know you don't have to knock." Granny stated closing and locking the door. "Why'd you yell to go away?" Red asked. "I thought you were Pinocchio." Granny replied. "He's come here?" Red asked. "Yes. He hopes he'll catch you visiting me." Granny replied.
    Red was at the cabin for a few hours. There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Red stated standing up. "Don't." Granny stated pulling her back down. "It might be Snow checking on me." Red stated. "Fine. But use the window, not the door." Granny stated and Red nodded in agreement.
    Red opened the window and looked who's at the door. "Pinocchio?" Red asked. Pinocchio gasped and walked to the window. "Leave my grandma alone!" Red demanded. "I will. I just needed to tell you one more thing and then I'll leave you both alone." Pinocchio stated and Red sighed. "Fine." Red agreed. "Could you come out here, please?" Pinocchio asked and Red sighed. "Okay." Red agreed. Red closed the window and walked outside.
     "Yeah?" Red asked. "I never meant to hurt you...." Pinocchio started and Red rolled her eyes. "Just listen. You mean so much to me and I miss you so much. If I could go back and change it, I would, but I can't. It's something I have to live with. I just want to be with you. You being a wolf hasn't changed how I feel about you, a lot of people would of broken up with you because of it, but I didn't." Red explained. "No, what you did is worst." Red stated and she was about to go inside but Pinocchio stopped her. She shivered and Pinocchio took off his jacket and put it around her. They looked deep into each others eyes. "I will never hurt you again. I just want you to know how much I love you and how much I'm sorry." Pinocchio stated and walked away. "Wait." Red called and he turned away. "You forgot your jacket." Red stated. "Keep it." Pinocchio stated with a half smile and then he left. Red walked back in and couldn't stop thinking about him.
      Red was in her room thinking allowed. "I want to be with him but he hurt me. It hurts too much to be away from him though. But what he did and said hurt me more then anyone ever has. They do say the ones you love the most hurts you the most. I do love him." Red thought to herself.

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