Chapter 32: Family Photos!

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      Jack moved in with Elsa and they're becoming as close as ever. Elsa was babysitting Hunter while Anna and Kristoff were out. Jack floated in. "Hey. Sorry I'm late." Jack apologized. "It's okay." Elsa reassured trying to calm down Hunter. Hunter finally stopped crying and just looked at Elsa who was singing to him. She stopped singing and just rocked him. She looked up still smiling and saw Jack smiling at her. "What?" Elsa asked looking at Hunter and at him again. "You're a natural!" Jack exclaimed. Elsa smiled even more. Then Anna and Kristoff walked in. "Hey Hunter!" Anna exclaimed letting go of Kristoff's hand and ran over to her baby. She took him from Elsa and rocked her.
   Elsa and Jack went back in their room. "You seemed sad to give him back." Jack noticed. "Maybe a little. I mean, someday.... I would love a daughter or son. They'll probably have ice power and I can teach her or him all about how to use it and control it." Elsa explained. "Or we." Jack stated. "Really? You see me in your future?" Elsa asked. "Of course! Do you see me in your future?" Jack asked. "Yes. I just didn't want to say it and you not feel the same way." Elsa explained and Jack nodded. They kissed passionately on the lips. "I have a question for you." Jack stated. "Okay." Elsa agreed. Jack got off of the bed and got on one knee. He pulled out a tiny black box and opened it. "Will you marry me?" Jack asked and Elsa gasped. "I know this is soon...." Jack started. "We've been dating for a month." Elsa stated. "I know. I'll give you all of the time you need, and until you give me your answer.... I'll sleep in a spar bedroom." Jack stated and flew off.
     "What!?" Anna asked and Elsa smiled. "When was this?" Anna asked. "Last night." Elsa replied and Anna smiled. "What did you say?" Anna asked. "I'm thinking about it." Elsa replied. "What!? Why!?" Anna asked. "Because we've only been together for a month now." Elsa stated. "So?" Anna asked. "I don't know." Elsa stated. "You're just scared!" Anna exclaimed. "Am not!" Elsa exclaimed and Anna gave her a weird look. "Why would I be scared?" Elsa asked. "I don't know. You're whole life you were locked in your room scared about hurting someone and sad because you couldn't control your powers. But this is scary. It was easier to be locked away and you didn't have to worry about getting hurt. You didn't have to worry about your feelings. But now, you're in the real world, and you don't know what you're doing. You've never felt this way, it's understandable to be scared." Anna explained and Elsa took a deep breath. "You're wrong." Elsa insisted. "Am I?" Anna asked. Elsa sighed. "No." Elsa replied and Anna walked away giving Elsa sometime to think.
     "Hey Elsa." Jack greeted. "Hey." Elsa greeted. "I was bored so I was cleaning the attack and found a photo album locked away in a secret safe." Jack stated. "Really," Elsa asked and Jack nodded in agreement. Jack handed Elsa the photo album and she accepted.
   Elsa was in her room looking at the photo album. It was photos of her mom as a kid. Most of the pictures had her with two other women. She appears to be the youngest. They seem close. "Who are they and why have I never meet them?" Elsa asked herself. She took one of the pictures out and looked at the back. It said: Ingrid (19), Helga (17), and Gerda (15). She put the picture back and closed the photo album. She opened only the cover and read the first page. "Ingrid, Helga, and Gerda; Sisters Forever!" Elsa read out loud. Her eyes went wide and she just kept re-reading it. How is this possible?

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