Chapter 25: Forgiveness Part 2!

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     Red woke up with a jolt. She calmed down and breathed. Snow knocked on her door and walked in. "Are you okay?" Snow asked. "Yeah." Red replied. "Are you sure?" Snow asked. "Yeah." Red reassured and Snow nodded not believing her. Snow left and Red layed back down and took a deep breath.
    Red snuck out of the castle and went for a walk. On her walk she saw Pinocchio, and he saw her. They just starred at each other for a moment and then he walked off. She stood there shocked and then she walked off.    An hour later she went back to the castle. "Red!" Snow exclaimed and they hugged. "I was so worried about you!" Snow exclaimed. "I'm sorry." Red apologized. "Don't worry about it." Snow stated giving Red another hug.
      Red dialled a number in her phone. "Hello?" A man asked on the other line. "Rumplestiltskin?" Red asked. Who is this?" Rumple asked. "Red." Red replied. "The wolf girl?" Rumple asked. "Yeah." Red responded. "What do you want?" Rumple asked. "May I speak to Belle?" Red asked. "Uh.... Yeah, sure." Rumple replied. There was a moment of silence before Belle got the phone. "Red?" Belle asked. "Belle!" Red exclaimed flopping on her bed. "What's wrong?" Belle asked. "I heard you got back together with Rumple." Red stated. "That's true." Belle agreed. "How were you able to forgive him?" Red asked. "I realized that he loved me and I followed my heart." Belle replied. "Why?" Belle asked. "I saw Pinocchio today when I was out on a walk. We starred at each other and he was the first one to walk away. He's leaving me alone like he said he would. But.... I'm tired of walking away and I don't know if I want to anymore." Red explained. "Is your heart telling you to walk away or be with him?" Belle asked. "To be with him." Red replied with a smile. "I think you just found your answer." Belle stated and hung up. Red smiled to herself and layed down thinking.
     The next day Gipedo heard a knock on his door and opened it. "Red?" Gipedo asked. "Is Pinocchio here?" Red asked. "Yeah, yeah. Come in." Gipdo replied and Red entered. Red looked around the house as Gipedo went to get Pinocchio. Pinocchio walked down the steps and starred at Red who starred at him too. "When my papa said you were here I honestly didn't believe him." Pinocchio admitted. "I realized something. I'm partly not with you because everyone around me is saying that you're not a good guy. But I want to listen to me and my heart. Whether I like it or not my heart leads to you, always. I may have overreacted, I mean no one will be okay with me being a wolf at first. But you're right, most guys would break up with me but you didn't, and I love you for that. I love you and I want to be with you because of me, not you. No matter how much I care about everyone else, I want to make my own choices and be with whom I choose, and I choose to be with you. I love you." Red explained and Pinocchio smiled. They kissed passionately on the lips. "Will you marry me?" Pinocchio asked. "Yes!" Red replied and they kissed passionately on the lips again.
    Red and Pinocchio got a house that's in the exact same distance from Granny's house and Gipedo's house. They love each other and wanted to get married as soon as possible. So they had a small wedding. Granny, Gipedo, Snow, David, Emma, Belle, Rumple, Balefire, Skyler, Randy, Regina, Robin, Rowland, and Hope were the only ones invited to the wedding. Plus Jiminy who was the priest who married them.
      A week later Red exited the restroom and Pinocchio went into the bedroom. "I made you breakfast." Pinocchio stated. "Are you okay?" Pinocchio asked. "I'm.... Pregnant!" Red exclaimed. They both hugged and kissed passionately.

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