Chapter 49: Messed Up Life!

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      "Zelena.... Talk to me!" Cora insisted. "No! You gave me up and took care of Regina!" Zelena exclaimed. "Just sit.... I'll tell you everything." Cora stated. Zelena sighed and nodded in agreement. They both sat down.
      Regina went to Zelena's and found the crystal ball. It immediately turned to Cora and Zelena. She heard everything Cora was explaining to Zelena. She couldn't believe believe what she was hearing, and by the looks of it, neither does Zelena. Regina decided to take a video of it on her phone.
     Cora took a deep breath and began. "I was a waitress and I met this guy. He said he was a king and then told me to meet up with him so we can go away and get married. I waited and waited and waited, but he never showed. A few years later I met an actual, or a soon to be king. He seemed to actually like me. He was supposed to marry some girl that he never met. But.... He decided to marry me instead. We were engaged and I saw that one guy, cleaning up. He said he did it all unpurpose unmask who I really am. He threatened to tell the king the truth unless I get him some money, a lot of money. So, I reluctantly agreed. But I didn't know, that his ex fiancé was listening to us. That girl, is Snow Whites mother. She tried to convince him but he didn't believe her. But then, he caught me and made me leave, and he married her. I found out I was pregnant and I was prepared to take care of you all by myself. But.... She forced me to give you up. I talked to you before I sat you in the woods. I said how much I love you, and how much I hate doing what I did. After Regina was an adult I decided to act on my revenge. I poisoned Snows mother Then I made Snows horse go wild and Regina saved her as I knew she would. Then Snow told me about Daniel and I crushed his heart and made her marry your and Snows father." Cora explained.
     Zelena was speechless. "Snow white is my half sister too?" Zelena asked and Cora nodded in agreement. "Am I supposed to believe you?" Zelena asked. "Come on, Zelena!" Cora exclaimed. Zelena stood up and Cora stood up after her. "Don't follow me! I can't forgive you!" Zelena exclaimed and walked off angrily.
   Regina showed Snow the video. "That can't be right!" Snow exclaimed. "I caught it all on tape! I wouldn't know how to make it. Even if I could I wouldn't! I care about you!" Regina exclaimed and Snow started crying. Regina comforted her. "My mom lied to me about everything! I thought she was this great role model, but she's not!" Snow exclaimed. "No ones perfect. If anyone knows how it feels to have a mom like that, it's me. My mom is 100 times worst." Regina explained wiping Snows tears. They both smiled and hugged. "This is messed up!" Snow exclaimed pulling away. "What is?" Regina asked. "You and Zelena have the same mom then me and Zelena have the same dad. Then your mom made you marry the person she was supposed to marry who is also the father of her first child, aka your half sister." Snow explained. "That is messed up!" Regina agreed. There was a moment of silence and they both laughed uncontrollably.

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