Chapter 19: Gone!

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     "I want.... No. I need.... More power!" The mysterious person exclaimed and then followed by an evil laugh.
      Snow knocked on Reds room and heard her mumbling a come in. Snow walked in and saw Red on her bed with tears all of her face. She was facing the opposite way and hugging a pillow and had covers on. "Red...." Snow started. "Don't. Please." Red pleaded. Red moved over to face Snow. "I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, you're an amazing friend." Red stated. "But?" Snow asked and Red sat up a bit. "Pinocchio knows he can't be here.... So he started calling my phone. I stopped answering. He kept trying so I shut my phone off. Then he somehow found the wall phone in here's number. It's getting annoying and everytime I hear it ring I start thinking about what a great time we had together and how much we loved each other. I tend to answer it once in a while and he starts rambling and I feel bad hanging up but I know I have to so I do. But then I break down crying and I'm rolled up in a ball in the coroner. I don't know how much longer I can take this." Red explained. Then the phone rang and Red lied down frustrated. Snow answered the phone. "Red! I'm so glade you answered. You haven't answered my last five calls.... And that's just today!" Pinocchio exclaimed. David walked in. He stood at the doorway and crossed his arms.    "What is she doing?" David mouthed out to Red. "Pinocchio." Red mouthed out. Dec is sighed and shook his head. "It's Snow. Don't call here again." Snow stated and was about to hang up when David took the phone. "If you call here again we'll call Regina, aka The old Evil Queen, and she'll trap you in her dungeon. Not because she's still evil but because she cares about this family and the people this family cares about, which includes Red. So never, ever, call again." David explained and hung up. Red smiled and hugged Snow and David.
    Snow and David finally got Red out of bed and they were handing out and laughing in the living room. The kitchen phone rang and Snow went to answer it. "Hello?" Snow asked. "Hello? Ms. Red?" The guy asked. "I'm sorry this is her best friend." Snow stated. "Oh. Mrs. White?" The guy asked. "Yes." Snow stated. "Could I speak to Re" The guy asked. "Sure. May I ask who's asking for her?" Snow asked. "My name is Gipedo." The guy responded. "Okay. Hold on." Snow stated and sat it down. Snow walked back in the living room. "Red. There's a phone call for you." Snow stated. Red stood up shakingly. "Who.... Who is it?" Red asked shakingly. "Some guy. He said his name is Gipedo. It didn't sound anything like Pinocchio so you don't have to worry." Snow stated and Red relaxed. "Gipedo? Oh. Gipedo is Pinocchio's dad." Red realised. "I'll get it." David stated standing up. "No. It's got to be important or he wouldn't call." Red stated and David sat back down. Red answered the phone. "Hello?" Red asked. "Hi. I saw on my boys phone that he's called you over 100 times." Gipedo stated. "Yeah. We kind of broke up and he's been trying to get back together but he hurt me too bad." Red explained. "So you don't know where he is?" Gipedo asked. "No. I'm sorry." Red replied. Gipedo sighed. "Is everything okay?" Red asked. "I can't find him anywhere. I think he's been kidnapped." Gipedo stated. "What!?" Red asked feeling a lot more hurt then she should since what he did. "I'll help. Come to the Whites castle." Red stated. "Of course. Thank you." Gipedo stated and they hung up. Red walked back in their. "What's going on?" Snow asked. "Is everything okay?')" David asked. "Pinocchio has been kidnapped." Red stated with a tear running down her cheek. They both gasped.
   Belle woke Balefire up and then grabbed the twins. Belle and Rumple fed and changed them and then sat them down. Balefire came in and all of them sat and played and had fun. They were planning on watching a movie as a family in the movie theatre room. "I will go get a movie. I know just the movie. I left it in the library." Belle stated. They kissed and then she went to the library.
    But then Belle felt a hand go on her mouth. She tried to scream but couldn't. She bit him making him let go. She turned around and couldn't see his face because of a black hoodie covering their face. She tried to scream but the mysterious person snapped their fingers and nothing came out of her mouth. Then she ran to the door but he caught her and put a napkin on her mouth. But the napkin had chloroform on and she was knocked out. Then he left with magic and.... Belle.
      Anna walked to her bedroom and then blacked out because someone hit her on the head. They picked her up and jumped out of her window left, leaving no trace. 
      Regina got out of the shower and got dressed. She walked in the kitchen and found Robin making breakfast. They all ate breakfast and then they heard Hope crying. Regina fed and changed her. Then Regina put her in her play pen and Rowland was playing gently with her. Regina and Robin were sitting on the couch. They were holding hands and Regina layed her head on his chest. They both smiled and kissed. "I'm going to go get my truck!" Rowland exclaimed and ran upstairs while Regina and Robin laughed.
     But then Rowland fell to the ground. The mysterious man hit him in the back of head. He picked him up and left a note. Just like he did with Belle, Anna, and Pinocchio. Then he was gone in a flash.

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